
What Are Special Effects Of Moxibustion Therapy In Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a condition in which kidneys have been damaged badly and dialysis in this case is often recommended by the doctor. However, due to its side effects like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, low blood pressure and so on, many patients reject dialysis. Maybe conservative treatments are beneficial for your disease conditions. Moxibustion is one of these conservative treatments. Patients can get special effects from it. Well, what are the special effects of moxibustion therapy for kidney failure patients?
Moxibustion Therapy is not the same as Acupuncture Therapy,but they are really similar. It is a natural therapy that can protect patients’ health. So is it useful for CKD patients ? What are the effects of it on CKD patients?
Mugwort is a common name for several species of aromatic plants in the genus Artemisia. Mugworts are used medicinally, especially in Chinese, Japanese and Korean traditional medicine, and are used as an herb to flavor food.
In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),it is also used as a medicine to prevent the disease and prolong their life. This therapy can stimulate patients’ skin improve the burden of skin metabolism and reduce the excitability of nervous system. At the same time,its thermal effect will also promote the drug absorption.
For most of CKD patients,Moxibustion Therapy can adjust and increase their immunity effectively. In clinic,it can also promote the the qi and blood,relieving and controlling their disease condition. To some extent,it can promote the elimination of blood stasis.
The more important is that it offers a safer and less side affects to improve and increase patients’ disease condition. As a kind of adjuvant treatment,it can cooperate with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to remedy patients’ renal lesions fundamentally.

We also have other natural remedies for kidney failure like medicated bath, foot bath, Mai kang mixture, acupuncture, tai chi, and gua sha. They are all beneficial for kidney failure patients.

Natural Remedy For Hypertensive Nephropathy

Compared with western medicines, natural remedies are most favored by kidney disease patients. So does hypertensive nephropathy. Well, what is the natural remedy for hypertensive nephropathy?
Treatments of Hypertensive Nephropathy
Western medicine helps in a significant way to control and reduce the proteinuria.Some anti-hypertensive drugs,such as diuretic,calcium antagonists,ACEI and so on,can control the blood pressure to normal or near normal and prevent,stable or delay the renal damage efficiently.However,the use of a large amount of hormone may causes some or light or heavy side effects to patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy.In order to remedy the disease fundamentally,TCM(traditional Chinese medicine) is necessary to be used. Especially Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapypy is a more efficient way to remedy the Hypertensive Nephropathy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapypy uses the traditional Chinese medicine therapy and Natural Herbs,which avoid drug side effects largely.It mainly contains 4 efficacy(efficacies):
1.Make the blood vessel extend
To control the blood pressure,improve the microcirculation and increase the supply of oxygen and blood.What’s more,it can prevent the vascular endothelial cells in kidney from damage by HBP and promote the blood circulation of whole body.
To control the inflammatory reaction,reduce the invasion of inflammation and stop the patients condition from continuing.which blocks progression of renal fibrosis and protects the renal inherent cells.
To dissolve intravascular thrombus,improve the blood flow,increase the effective hemoperfusion to kidney and provide a better surroundings to the damaged kidney.
To degrade the extracellular matrix and offer a lager space for nephrocyte to repair.In addition,it can promote the Renal inherent cells’repair and repair the renal damage caused by high blood pressure.

If you want to learn more information about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you reply as soon as possible.


What Is The Best Food For High Creatinine Level

Kidney disease patients are very concerned about elevated creatinine level. To reduce it, some medications are required. Besides, diet is also helpful. Well, what foods can lower high creatinine level?
What kinds of foods are helpful for elevated creatinine level?
Since creatinine has a close link with kidney function, the useful foods should be able to protect kidney functioning cells and increase urine output. Then, kidneys can eliminate more creatinine from the blood, thus lowering creatinine level. After knowing the theory, we will introduce several specific foods that can help reduce elevated creatinine level.
Good foods for elevated creatinine
According to the above requirements, the following foods are helpful. However, not all people can consume them without limitation. If you want to know whether you can reduce your creatinine level via the following foods, you had better tell us more about your illness condition.
1. Cucumber: It is one common vegetable in our daily life, and it has a diuretic property that can stimulate kidneys to produce more urine and take away more creatinine from the blood.
2. Lemon: Because it contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a potential effect of protecting kidneys.
3. Berry: Various berries such as blackberry and cranberry have the same effect of lemon, so it is good to reduce creatinine level.

Although the above foods are good for elevated creatinine level, it does not mean all kidney disease patients can eat them. What you can eat and how much you can eat depends on your specific conditions.

Will Transplant Help Prevent PKD From Relapsing

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disease and nowadays there is no effective treatment for it. When it prevents into severe stage, doctors offer kidney transplant and tell patients transplant is the last option. Is this true? Will transplant help prevent PKD from relapsing?
Organ Transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another or from a donor site to another location on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. Kidney Transplant is a widely used treatment to relive Kidney Failure patients’ disease condition. Compared with dialysis,it is used less but the effects of it is better than dialysis in theory.
When PKD worsens,patients’ kidneys will be effected and damaged badly. If possible or necessary,kidney Transplant will be used to maintain their disease condition and prolong their life. In this case,many patients are worried about their disease condition and don’t know if it will relapse.
Actually,if you have received Kidney Transplant,PKD will not relapse on your new kidneys. But there are also some serious problems that need your notice. Acute rejection reaction will effect the new kidneys even cause some life-threatening complications. So it is necessary for patients to take immunosuppressant to inhibit the transplant reaction and protect patients.
Besides,the life expectancy is not optimistic for kidney-transplant recipients. If permissible,conservative therapy may be more suitable to improve your disease condition and protect your remaining health.

In summary, kidney transplant is not the last option for PKD and after transplant, patients also have a higher risk for relapse. if you want to avoid relapse of PKD, you can have a try of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicated bath, foot bath, acupuncture and some other Chinese herbal therapies.


Can PKD Patients With 25% Kidney Function Eat Seafood

Seafood has a large of advantages that can improve our body condition.Various seafood has different effect to our health. However, can Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) patients eat seafood?
What seafood are available for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease?
If you have PKD, you must be always reminded to take high-quality protein, in order to reduce the burden on kidneys. Fish, along with lean meat, milk and egg while is considered as good protein supplement. In addition, most fish also contains rich omega-3, which is proven to be effective on slowing down the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Here, we would like to suggest black carp and trout for PKD patients.
What seafood are not suitable for these patients?
Polycystic Kidney Disease progresses chronically. As PKD cysts grow, they will replace more and more kidney functioning tissues, causing excess waste products and toxins building up in the blood. For people with Polycystic Kidney Disease, uric acid level raises easily. In view of this, PKD patients are recommended to limit the intake of purine, a great source of uric acid.
Seafood, such as sea cucumber, sea-fish, sea-tangle and seaweed, all contains rich purine. If you have PKD, these foods must be something that you need to avoid. Additionally, when polycystic kidneys are damaged severely, they are unable to remove phosphorus completely, leading to high phosphorus level. However, shrimp and crab are both high in phosphorus, so patients with high phosphorus level should steer clear of these seafood.
In a word, patients should decide whether they can eat seafood according to their own medical condition.

What Are Symptoms Of High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a product of human muscle metabolism. In the human muscle creatine and creatinine mainly formed slowly by an irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction, and then released into the blood, the excretion with the urine. So why would high serum creatinine and total body muscle closely, less susceptible to diet affected. Creatinine is a small molecule substances ball through glomerular filtration, few will be absorbed in the renal tubules again, creatinine body produces daily, almost all with the urine, urine is generally not affected.
The main symptoms of high creatinine values are the following:
1 eyelid edema often start (start with lower limb edema in some patients start), serious systemic spread even pleural effusion and ascites.
2 Hypertension is one of the high-performance creatinine values.
3 frequent urination (more often), urgency (wait any longer urine), dysuria (painful urination lower abdomen and urinary tract).
4 Most of dull back pain, surgical disorders can be severe cramps.
5 hematuria that urine contains blood cells, or occult blood test shows positive (plus sign).
6 more urine over 2500 ml of urine every day and night called multiple.
7 little or no urine is less than 400 ml per day and night called oliguria, called no less than 100 milliliters of urine.

8 of foam in urine may be increased urinary protein expression, protein positive urine tests are reliable evidence of increased urinary protein.


Will Dialysis Restore Kidney Function In Lupus Nephritis

Dialysis is a common therapy for Lupus Nephritis. Will dialysis help improve kidney function? Follow us to find the answer.
What is the function of dialysis?
Dialysis is a replaced treatment of kidney, so it can replace renal to excreted the toxins and wasts accumulate in the body and help patient to liver better and longer, but it can not restore kidney function nor protect the remaining kidney.
What can restore renal function?
So for patient with Lupus Nephritis, if they want to restore kidney function, dialysis is not the right choice. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an unique therapy in curing Kidney Disease, including Lupus Nephritis is the better choice. It is highly recommended for patients who still have urine output, as it has been proven to be able to improve kidney function. It is a combination of Chinese herbs and advanced medical device-osmocope. In this herbal treatment, different herbs are used and this is closely based on patients’s illness condition. There are totally 9 types of prescription and each of them includes different herbs. The usage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is divided into different steps. For further information, welcome to visit our page or leave your mail id here. I will send you detailed information.

Dialysis can not help to restore kidney function in Lupus Nephritis. To restore kidney function, you should have a try of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other Chinese Medicine treatments.

What Is The Best Therapy For Renal Flank Pain Due To Cyst

Cysts in kidney disease can be divided into two categories, which are Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Renal Cyst. Renal flank pain is the common complication of both of these cysts. The pain is very torturous and they want to looking for some effective therapies to ease it.
What causes renal flank pain due to cysts?
1. Enlarge kidney pull renal capsule, which can cause pain feeling in kidney.
In renal capsule, there are nerves. Cysts in PKD become larger and larger with the increase of cystic fluid and when they enlarge, there is drawing force on renal capsule and the nerves, which can cause pain feeling in kidney location.
2. Rupture of kidney cyst
Without effective control, cysts in PKD will become very big. In that case, these cysts rupture easily and they may burst due to a small knock on lower back. Polycystic Kidney Disease patients may experience side pain when cysts in kidney rupture and in this case, side pain is always accompanied with blood urine.
3. Kidney infection
Kidney infection also can cause side pain. In cases of Polycystic Kidney Disease, both rupture of kidney cyst and urinary tract infection, one of the most common complications of PKD, can cause kidney infection and thus cause side pain.
4. Kidney stone
PKD patients run a high risk for kidney stone which may cause pain feeling in two sides of the lower back when stones get stock in kidney.
How to alleviate renal flank pain?
After years of research and clinic experience, experts in our hospital invented a new therapy known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy , which bring new hope to people who are suffering from it. With the help of it, the cysts can be shrink and inhibited naturally, the renal flank pain will be eased with the cysts shrink and symptoms like high blood pressure will be lowered gradually.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese herb medicine and combined with western medicine and modern high technology. It can help to prevent the further damage to kidney and improve the renal function by repairing the damaged renal tissue.


Can Hormonotherapy Treat IgA Nephropathy

Most of kidney disease patients are familiar with glucocorticoids for it can help them inhibit their disease and relieve their pain. But can Hormonotherapy treat IgA Nephropathy? Is it good for IgA Nephropathy?
In clinic,owing to the renal damage,proteinuria and hematuria are common symptoms that will lead to many serious problems. In order to control and delay the exacerbation of renal disease,,some medicines are necessary for patients to be used to ease their condition. Like ACEI,ARB,CTX,glucocorticoids and so on.
Hormonotherapy can help kidney disease patients relieve their disease and take control of their disease. Glucocorticoids are common to be used to inhibit patients’ inflammatory response and reduce infections,controlling their disease condition. In fact,it may be more useful to ease CKD patients’ disease condition. If patents have received Kidney Transplant,it can also relieve the rejection reaction and prolong the Kidney life. Besides,it can also ease patients’ rash or organ damage.
But glucocorticoids is not always good for patients’ disease condition,especially for sick children. Long-term medications will also reduce patients’ immunity and aggravate their renal lesions. If you are looking for some other therapies,we are glad to recommend you to take some innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your disease condition. The key is that it offers a chance for all of kidney disease patients a chance to live a better life.

Hormonotherpy does do some help for patients with IgA Nephropathy. However, long time use of it will cause some side effects. Chinese Medicine is a better therapy and it is much favored by IgA Nephropathy patients.


Renal Pain And Hematuria In PKD: TCM Treatment

Renal pain and hematuria or blood in urine is commonly to be seen in polycystic kidney disease (PKD) patients. Here the article may help you learn to choose the better therapy for you or your beloved one.
PKD,the abbreviation of Polycystic Kidney Disease,is a kind of genetic systemic diseases. It will firstly damage patients’ kidneys,but it will also effect other organs,like liver,pancreas,brain and blood vessels,etc. Half of PKD patients will develop ESRD and need to do Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplant. So it is necessary for patients to take timely and effective treatments to delay and relieve their disease condition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)recommends patients to take conservative treatments to control the disease condition and protect the patients’ remaining health. As a kind of innovative TCM,Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy offers a systemic therapy to remedy their disease condition. Characterized by external Chinese medicine,it has less side affects to remedy their disease condition fundamentally. Micronized Chinese medicine can infiltrate the lesions,control the inflammatory response and relieve their inflammatory response. The key is that it create a better internal environment and promote the renal recovery.
When damaged kidneys are restored and renal function is elevated, renal pain and blood in urine can be alleviated effectively and naturally. TCM therapy is natural and radical therapy for PKD. It is favored by many patients at home and abroad.

How To Inhibit The Enlarging Cyst In PKD

Nowadays, for most of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) patients, there is no specific and effective treatment for inhibiting cyst grow. The cysts will become larger and larger. Then many serious condition will happen. Well, is there any effective therapy in our hospital to inhibit kidney cyst grow?
More and more patients take Kidney Dialysis to delay the exacerbation of their renal damage. In the whole world,dialysis may be the most widely used measure to control patients’ disease condition. As a kind of replacement therapy,it can replace the impaired kidneys to eliminate the excess water,toxin,waste and metabolite in patients. Thus patients’ disease condition may be relieved.
But the problems is that this measure can just relieve patients’ symptoms,but cannot solve patients’ renal lesions. In addition,long-term dialysis may accelerate Kidney Failure.
Conservative treatment offers a better chance for all of PKD patients to life a normal life. As a kind of innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is mainly characterized by external Chinese medicine and has less side affects to solve patients’ disease condition. The key is that it creates a better environment and promotes the renal repair.

More questions about the treatment for kidney cyst, you can give me a comment below.


How Long Can You Live With 15% Renal Function Without Dialysis

When kidney function declines to 15%, dialysis is often offered by the doctor. However, many patients reject dialysis because dialysis will generate some side effects like low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle cramps and so on. Well, how long can you live with 15% renal function without dialysis?
There is no an accurate estimation of the life span for a person with 15% renal function. This is because it is affected by a variety of factors. Some patients may live as long as the general population. However, some patients may experience acute kidney failure and sudden death if there is an accelerating factor.
What factors will shorten the life span of kidney failure patients without dialysis?
Complications can affect the life span significantly. In advanced stage of kidney disease, multiple body organs and systems will be involved like heart, lung, brain, blood system and so forth. These conditions are significant death cause for the patients.
Treatments play a decisive role in affecting the life span of persons with 15% renal function. Without dialysis, high levels of fluid and waste products will build up in body. If no other treatment intervention, some patients may die in several weeks and even days.
How to prolong the life time without dialysis?
To prolong the life span of people with 15% renal function without dialysis, the patients should have a treatment to restore the impaired kidney structure and enhance renal function. If the native kidneys can function more efficiently, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.
The combination of Blood Purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to people with 15% renal function.
Blood purification can purify blood thoroughly by eliminating all kinds of waste products and toxins from blood.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate the self-regeneration and self-repairing of the impaired kidney tissues and cells. If the kidney structure can be reversed, the kidney function will be improved fundamentally. Thereby, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.

As long as damaged kidneys are repaired and kidney function is improved, dialysis will be eliminated. Without dialysis, kidney failure patients with Chinese medicine treatment can live longer.

Can Chinese Enema Therapy Lower High BUN In Kidney Failure

Chinese Enema Therapy is a typical TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that can help people to eliminate toxins and relieve their condition. Here we will introduce to you how does Chinese enema therapy lower high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in kidney failure.
Chinese Enema Therapy can help you more to solve your some secret sorrow. For most of Kidney Failure patients,owing to the renal damage,constipation,weakness,nausea and emesis are common in their daily life,which have effected their health severely.
Proper Chinese Enema Therapy can reduce patients’ renal function and eliminate the toxin in body,easing the developing of renal lesions. By this,it reduce the accumulation of toxin in body and patients skin itch will be relieved. Besides,it can also inhibit the proteolysis to decrease the level of BUN and Scr. And it is also beneficial to urine and ease patients disease condition. The more important is that Chinese Enema Therapy plays an important role in improve Kidney Failure patients’ renal function. In clinic,the level of BUN and Scr have been controlled effectively. At the same time,patients’ proteinuria and Ccr (Creatinine Clearance Rate) also show the improvement of renal function.
Chinese Enema Therapy is just one of our characteristic Chinese medicine treatments. We also have Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath,Foot Bath, Mai Kang Composition and so on. Usually Chinese enema therapy is combined with the above Chinese medicine treatment to relieve kidney failure. The combined Chinese medicine treatments can achieve a better therapeutic effects.


Is Whiskey Good For Patients With Polycystic Kidney Disease

Whiskey is popular in the whole world due to its full-bodied taste and its high brow taste. Whiskey lovers spread all over the world, including people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Well, can people with PKD drink whiskey?
here are no special treatments that can cure the PKD. In clinic,doctors can just take some specific measures to relieve their symptoms and maintain their life. Use some painkiller to alleviate pain,take ACEI or ARB to control and relieve the higher level of blood pressure and do Kidney Dialysis or even take Kidney Transplant to slove the renal problems if necessary.
In addition,healthy diet plays an important role in delaying and easing the disease advancing. So can they drink whiskey in their daily life?
the answer is NO. Although proper intake of whiskey can invigorate the circulation of blood,increase appetite and remove fatigue,it is not beneficial for patients with kidney damage. The intake of liquor will stimulate the cyst increase,accelerate the renal damage. Moreover,frequent intake of liquor will increase their blood pressure and the creatinine level. What’s worse,it may worsen patients disease condition or cause death directly.

In addition, PKD patients should follow a diet with limited water intake, and high quality protein. This helps relieve PKD symptoms and even delay its progression.

Can PKD Patients Eat Banana

Fruit is beneficial for people’s health benefits. Banana tastes good and many people like to eat this banana. However, as for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, can they eat eat banana? Here will give you the answer.
Polycystic Kidney Disease,commonly called PKD,is a kind of intractable kidney damage. Owing to inborn gene defect,there will be a number of cysts appearing on both of kidneys. In its early stage,there are no obvious symptoms and complications that can remind patients of the renal damage. Along with the growth of the age,patients’ renal damage will be worse and worse. And then,patients ma feel something wrong on their body.
For PKD patients,laparoscopic or open surgical cyst deroofing,take analgesic medication, dialysis,kidney transplant may can also help them relieve their disease condition. Besides,a healthy diet also plays an important role in controlling and relieving their condition.
Banana belongs to high calories fruit. It is an excellent source of vitamin B6, soluble fiber, and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, manganese and potassium. It is beneficial for patients to prevent the renal hypertension and eliminate fatigue. It is the first choice for patients who have high blood pressure. Above all,it is good for both old and young.
But it is not good for patients with PKD. High sugar in banana means that patients with diabetes and arthritis are not suitable to eat bananas. Renal hypertension and arthritis caused by PKD warn patients that they are unfit for eating bananas.

In summary, whether you can eat banana should be on the basis of your own medical condition. If you do not know whether you can eat it or not, you can leave me a message here.


Is Headache A Symptom Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Knowing the symptoms of kidney disease can help you get the treatment you need to feel your best. Well, is headache a symptom of chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
Yes, headache is a symptom of CKD. And many causes can lead to headache in CKD.
1. Declined kidney function
Headache is commonly seen complication therein, which puts down to severely damaged renal function that blood stasis such as wastes, toxins and other metabolite are unable to be removed our of body, thus leading to involved nervous system gradually.
2. Anemia
After kidneys are damaged, less EPO will be produced which can stimulate the production of red blood cells. Additionally, dangerous levels of uremic toxins build up in body, which can shorten the life span of platelet and red blood cells significantly. Therefore, anemia is very likely to occur in kidney disease, thus leading to anemic headache.
3. Hypoproteinemia
After kidneys are damaged seriously, a large amount of proteins will leak into urine through the filtering units in kidneys, resulting in hypoproteinemia. As proteins are antibodies in body, protein loss can lead to weak immunity. In addition, less urine output can lead to retention of metabolic toxins and metabolic disorder as well as acidosis.These conditions can attribute to headache in kidney disease.

The above are the major causes of headache in kidney disease. If the above conditions can be controlled, the headache will be relieved. If you want to relieve headache from the root, you should repair your damaged kidneys and improve kidney function.

Health Benefits Of Pineapple For Kidney Failure Patients

Pineapples are some of the most popular tropical fruits in the world. More importantly, they are very healthy and nutritious. Kidney failure patients can get benefits from pineapple.To know more about them, here are some of the many health benefits of eating pineapples.
1. Packed with Vitamins and Minerals
Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also rich in fiber and calories. On top of it all, this fruit is low in fat and cholesterol. All the nutrients it contains promote good health.
2. Pineapple and digestive health
Traditionally, fresh pineapple fruit and juice has been consumed to heal any digestive concerns a person may have. The consumption of pineapple has been used to relieve heartburn and indigestion, treats nausea, bloating, and constipation.
3. Antioxidant protection and immune support
Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, a very powerful anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants protect the body from the damage caused by free radicals, and thereby protecting against heart disease, atherosclerosis, cancers, and inflammation. Furthermore, vitamin C is essential for proper immune function.
4. Pineapple and energy production and bone health
Pineapple is an excellent source of manganese, a trace mineral that is essential for energy production and bone health in the body. Thiamine, vitamin B1, is also found in pineapple and is also important for energy production.

Although pineapple are nutritious and beneficial for kidney failure patients, it does not mean all patients can eat it. They should eat pineapple according to their own medical conditions.


How To Reduce Creatinine Level In Uremia

How to reduce high creatinine level in uremia patients? All the time, how to reduce serum creatinine, is an issue of great concern to uremic patients, serum creatinine is an important indicator of high uremic patients in laboratory tests. Experts in Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital tell you how to decrease creatinine level in uremia.
But Western medicine is different, most of the patients with elevated serum creatinine, renal insufficiency even if the first two phases, only accompanied by increased serum creatinine, no other complications, doctors often sentenced to death, to open some detox drugs, so go home and wait dialysis. Some uremic patients taking some drugs or dialysis, serum creatinine temporary decline, but drugs or kidney dialysis approach is only with the help of detoxification, it can not be repaired you restore kidney function, can not help you cut the disease process, and certainly not by activation of residual renal units increased their detoxification ability.
How to reduce the problem of high creatinine uremic patients? Abandon western medicine, steering Integrative Medicine. Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital stressed that everyone knows Western medicine is a headache medicine head gap measures, and now can not simply measure serum creatinine, while the cause must be starting from the onset of a step by step treatment. First directed to ischemia, hypoxia, were sources of corruption, vasodilator therapy, increased local metabolism, promote blood circulation flow.
Of course, it is not enough merely to eliminate toxins, consider why we have to generate immune complexes? Cause that renal ischemia, hypoxia caused by kidney inflammation. Various causes ischemia and hypoxia, kidney damage vascular endothelial cells, thereby attracting inflammatory mediators, inflammatory response, then change will occur glomerular basement membrane, filtration pore size increases, the permeability enhancement, which appears urine protein, occult blood, the last occurrence of renal fibrosis, sclerosis, renal dysfunction persistent and eventually develop into scar tissue, renal failure.

In a word, lowering high creatinine should aim to repair the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function. Only when kidney function is elevated can high creatinine level be reduced naturally and radically.


Key Point For Consolidating Hypertensive Nephropathy

What is the key point for consolidating hypertensive nephropathy? Nurses need to help doctor to detect hypertensive nephropathy, also they need to slow down the progression through proper nursing. In the following, our expert will explain the treatment for diabetic nephropathy in a detailed way.
What is the key point for consolidating hypertensive nephropathy and how to nurse it?
① careful observation, early diagnosis, it was only as fatigue or back pain, and some nocturia or turbid urine, should be carefully observed, send instant urine test to confirm the diagnosis.
② emotional conditioning, diet appropriate care from the overall concept. Yue Chi spiritual cheer on with the treatment, to improve the efficacy plays a significant role. The deployment of a reasonable diet, beneficial to slow disease progression. With the Chinese diet, more a multiplier effect.

③ to identify the severity classification care (such as blood biochemistry, urine, kidney map, etc.) determine the severity of kidney damage, is subject to different nursing programs, namely mildly impaired, can be supplemented qigong therapy, regular physical exercise, such as Tai Chi boxing; severe damage, with varying degrees of renal failure, the need to convalesce, ambulatory or semi-ambulatory, instruct patients and their families can massage waist 50 times each night, in order to promote blood circulation. Enema, note patient position, liquid concentration and temperature, intubation depth and pressure.

What Is The Common Therapy For Uremia

What is the common therapy for uremia? Uremia is caused by common kidney lesions. It is very dangerous for patients’ life and body health. Therefore, a good therapy is urgent. Otherwise, it will threaten patients’ life. A good therapy is very important. Well what is the common therapy for uremia?
1. dialysis treatment
Uremia patients would choose dialysis, dialysis and in fact not a good control of the disease, but from the mitigation of the disease, and kidney dialysis treatments only work a kind of substitute, toxins by dialysis patients can be discharged in vivo part, but did not get damaged kidneys repaired, or does not solve the fundamental problem, and long-term dialysis patients will become dependent, not only can not control the disease, but will spend a lot of money.
2. kidney transplant

Kidney transplant is the treatment of choice in patients with uremia often, but kidney transplantation therapy is very complicated, not only need to find the right into the abyss, and blood type, tissue type must match, and kidney transplant takes a lot of money, and generally have the economic strength the patient would choose this method of treatment, and the presence of certain risk kidney transplant survival rates are particularly low, so I do not recommend that patients choose this treatment.


How Long Can Lupus Nephritis Patients Live

Many people mistakenly believe that suffering from lupus nephritis can not be healed, it is not true, then how long can lupus nephritis can live? This disease actually will do harms on your human body and the treatment is difficult. Patients often have a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. However, there is no exact answer for the life span of lupus nephritis. Many factors affect the life span and the therapeutic effects.
About Lupus nephritis can be much longer is unable to answer specifically, the patient should have a concrete analysis of specific situations. Because the prognosis of lupus nephritis is difficult to make approximately 20% of patients with lupus nephritis will develop uremia 10 years, becoming one of the main reasons of death in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Some other scholars to statistics, 50% of patients with lupus nephritis died of lupus activity itself, while another 50 percent will die from adverse reactions and hormone therapy.
Recent years, with early diagnosis of lupus nephritis, glucocorticoids and develop joint cytotoxic drugs, such as strict regimen, making the prognosis of lupus nephritis has been greatly improved. Because of this, many patients with lupus nephritis prognosis of lupus nephritis difficult concept completely broken, and actively cooperate with medical treatment, making better prognosis of lupus nephritis.
In fact, the factors that can affect lupus nephritis can be much longer involves many aspects. In addition, the clinical sample survey showed that other factors associated with lupus nephritis prognosis is closely linked to the infection. Infection has been tied with lupus nephritis uremia become the first cause of death (33% each). Infection in patients with lupus nephritis, mainly involving the lungs (80%), followed by the brain (14%). Therefore, to further improve the prevention and treatment of infections has become a survival of lupus nephritis important goal and a breakthrough, but also an important way to improve the prognosis of lupus nephritis.

Patients who do not see themselves sick to give up on themselves, to understand lupus nephritis can be much longer after, it will not easily lose confidence in themselves and hope, in fact, any kind of disease as long as early detection and early treatment, not only the treatment of small difficulty, treatment effect will be very good, of course, the premise is necessary to choose a regular hospital for treatment options.

Is Dialysis A Must For PKD Treatment

Polycystic kidney disease is a very high probability of the onset of kidney disease that is there will be hereditary, caused physical harm to the people is great, a lot of people like to use dialysis therapies to treat diseases and polycystic kidney dialysis must do, a lot of patients want to know, experts pointed out that the initial time on dialysis, or have a certain effect, then, polycystic kidney dialysis must do, let's look at the experts do description:
Polycystic kidney dialysis must do, we must focus on patients, dialysis therapy we can only play a supporting role in the treatment of polycystic kidney dialysis must do, can be used in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease uremia by polycystic kidney disease peripheral vascular dilation, accelerate blood circulation wall, another cyst wall inhibiting the distribution of skin treatment to prevent cysts continue to increase. Also in the course of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine also added organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to repair the kidneys, eventually preventing further deterioration of kidney disease. This is the best treatment for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
Increasing the lead to two renal cysts were increased, especially in the left kidney, which led to serious damage to the left kidney function, excretion of toxic function to reduce and eventually had to be removed. Now charged with two kidneys kidney function, because the same damage, and thus cause a lot of toxins accumulate in the body of uremic patients with polycystic kidney, causing elevated creatinine, metabolic waste retention, water and electrolyte imbalance, severe systemic damage. At this point in correcting optic nerve damage, based on the application of anti-infective blood transfusion together with symptomatic treatment, so that the patient's condition stabilized.
Advanced Micro Devices, multi-target therapy not only can effectively inhibit the source of cystic fluid, but also be able to gradually soften the cyst, and thus to reduce the cyst has a very important role. Treat the disease must be treated, not blind to the effect, so as not to delay treatment, disease progression, to patients with more severe injuries.
These are the experts on polycystic kidney dialysis it must be related to introduction, I believe that many of the patients have a certain understanding of this therapy is not the best treatment approach can only play a supporting role temporarily, in order to completely of treatment, or to choose according to their own illness therapy.


How Is Pregnancy Affected By Lupus Nephritis

Can I get pregnant with Lupus Nephritis (LN)? It is known that lupus affects a lot of young women, and for a long time, it was thought that if these women remain pregnant, they must have therapeutic abortions. Is it true? Can women with LN get pregnant?
Despite the older texts that said lupus flares are common in pregnancy, studies discovered that is not true, and eventually can happen very rare. It is known that lupus nephritis before conception increases the chance of experiencing a lupus flare during pregnancy.
During pregnancy fluid may accumulate in the joints, especially in the knees, and that will cause swelling. This may suggest an increase in inflammation due to lupus, but it also can be a normal thing during pregnancy. Many patients can experience new hair growth during pregnancy, and after delivery dramatic hair loss appears. This can be a symptom of lupus, but it can also happen to occur during a normal pregnancy.An important thing that must be done is to distinguish the symptoms of a lupus flare from the normal body changes that occur during pregnancy.
A lot of women wonder when is the best time to get pregnant. It is important that a woman who wants to become pregnant to be in good health, in this way her baby will have less problems, and there will be less concerns. It is important to follow some rules, for example to stop drinking or smoking, to eat well, to take medications as prescribed and to visit your doctor regularly.
During pregnancy, it is important to take only the necessary medications. It is known that most of the medications taken by lupus patients are safe to use during pregnancy.Some medications do not get through the placenta and are safe for the baby, and we can mention here prednisone, prednisolone and probably methylprednisolone.Other medications like dexamethasone and betamethasone reach the baby and they are used only if it is necessary to treat the baby too.It is also known that aspirin is safe, azathioprine and hydroxychloroquine seem to be harmless for the babies, but this is not quite sure, but Cyclophosphamide is surely harmful if taken in the first three months of pregnancy.
There are opinions that pregnant women with lupus should take small doses of prednisone to prevent early abortion, and steroids should be given after the baby is born to prevent post partum flare, but there aren’t proofs that these are necessary.

It is important to remember that as a lupus patient, you will have future periods of illness, and it is important to have plans in advance for alternate child care if it is necessary.

A Healthy Diet For Protecting Kidneys

Developing healthy eating habits isn’t as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. The essential steps are to eat mostly foods derived from plants—vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes (beans, peas, lentils)—and limit highly processed foods. Here are our guidelines for building a healthy diet.
Get More Whole Grains
At least half your grains should be whole grains, such as whole wheat, barley and oats. Whole grains retain the bran and germ and thus all (or nearly all) of the nutrients and fiber of the grain. Look for a product labeled “100% whole wheat” or “100% whole grain.” If it doesn’t say that, look for a whole grain listed as the first ingredient, though there still may be lots of refined wheat (also called “white” or “enriched” flour) and/or sugar. Another option is to look for the voluntary “Whole Grain Stamp” from the Whole Grains Council.
Limit Refined Grains, Added Sugar
The refined carbohydrates in white bread, regular pasta and most snack foods have little or no dietary fiber and have been stripped of many nutrients. On food labels, watch out for “wheat flour” (also called “white,” “refined” or “enriched” flour) on the ingredients list. Also, limit foods with added sugar, such as soda and candy. These are sources of empty calories that contribute to weight gain. Many sugary foods are also high in fat, so they’re even more calorie-dense.
Enjoy More Fish and Nuts
Nuts, fatty fish, avocados and vegetable oils supply healthy unsaturated fats. Recent research suggests these foods, though high in calories, tend not to promote weight gain because they are satisfying. Still, it’s best to eat them in place of other high-calorie foods. For instance, substitute olive or canola oil for butter. Fatty fish helps reduce heart disease risks and has other benefits, largely because of its omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.

Due to limited space here, we cannot list all the healthy foods. If you want to know whether a certain food is good for you or not. You can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Supplement Protein Loss

Massive proteinuria is one of the most obvious symptoms in patients with Nephrotic Syndrome. In addition, due to increased proteinuria and protein loss from human body, should lost proteinuria be supplemented?
Urinary protein loss is the root cause of nephrotic syndrome in a series of clinical symptoms, which accounted for 75% -90% albumin, losing loss and other ingredients complement proteins can not only cause a lack of trace elements, bone mineral metabolism, but also lead to immunocompromised, susceptible to infection.
A lot of proteinuria and changes in plasma colloid osmotic pressure also led to lipoprotein metabolism disorders, hyperlipidemia, nephrotic syndrome and elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein levels decreased high-density lipoprotein is characterized, can lead to atherosclerosis of hardening and glomerulosclerosis.
Previous view that a high protein diet can help compensate for the loss of protein in urine, and correct body negative nitrogen balance, reduce swelling.
Present study suggests that high-protein diets can reduce urinary protein excretion, but increased protein loss in the urine, and through effects on glomerular hemodynamics, causing renal damage.
Therefore, the low-protein diet, more people more agreeable, recent studies suggest that the type of protein intake to improve, such as low-protein diet supplemented with "open with", not only to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in patients with nephrotic syndrome, but also reduce urinary albumin excretion, increase albumin concentration, improve renal function.
Nephrotic syndrome protein intake of different periods are different.
Under normal circumstances, according to the daily 0.8g-1.0g / kg given normal protein diet, in which 60 percent of animal protein, and the rest of the plant protein;

Nephrotic syndrome in the very period that serum albumin less than 20g / l, proteinuria than 10g / d, dietary protein daily press 1.2-1.5g / kg given high-protein diet.

Dietary Tips For Kidney Cyst Patients

Three big consideration for kidney cyst diet:
[1] eating unclean: the light can cause gastrointestinal disease, severe poisoning can occur if either endanger the patient's life.
[2] partial addicted to diet: If you eat more cold cold. It is easy to damage the spleen and stomach hurt yang, Xin Wen should eat hot, can cause gastrointestinal accumulated heat, flavors partial addicted, can easily damage internal organs after a long time.
[3] diet: If the fed will hurt the stomach and spleen of absorption, digestion, and blood circulation disorders can occur; patients had muscular dystrophy cause; excessive consumption of fatness, Atsumi will easily metaplasia heat.
Second, the main component of the intake of three kinds of restrictions
[1] proteins control: Modern medicine, protein intake is too low or too much, the kidneys are no benefits. Especially after a large intake of protein, can produce excessive metabolites, such as uremic toxins in the urea, creatinine, guanidine, polyamines, and some of the molecules of nitrogen metabolites are essentially qualitative. Reduce the burden on the kidneys for control of protein and reduce the generation of uremic toxins, alleviate the condition both play an important role.
[2] water intake: When simple renal cysts, due to kidney function decreased concentration, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys, so patients with simple renal cysts, without significant edema, heart failure, high when blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions.
[3] limiting salt intake: kidney hospital experts pointed out that the control of salt, according to the patient's condition and the degree of renal impairment adjustments, but not all patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.
Third, the prohibition against eating the food there?

Renal cysts should avoid spicy diet: such as pepper; Jijiu class, smoking (including passive smoking); avoid chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "hair thing"; avoid salty foods, especially pickled class; avoid contaminated food, such as unsanitary food, rotten, leftovers, etc; bogey grilled food.

What Are The Side Effects Of Uremia

Uremia is severe stage of kidney disease. Once it occurs, many symptoms will occur. Well what symptoms of uremia will happen?
First, why kidneys are so important?
The kidneys are important because they keep the composition, or makeup, of the blood stable, which lets the body function. They have the following functions, including:
prevent the buildup of wastes and extra fluid in the body
keep levels of electrolytes stable, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphate
make hormones that help
regulate blood pressure
make red blood cells
bones stay strong
Second, what are the side effects of uremia?
1, digestive side effects: effects of uremia first is the digestive system, there is the end of uremia, high creatinine uremic stomatitis, gastritis, colitis, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and mouth Niaowei so on.
2, cardiovascular system side effects: exhibit high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac recession, pericarditis, some patient may exhibit pericardial effusion.
3, respiratory system side effects: breath ammonia odor, slightly faster and deep breathing, can exhibit severe uremia late, uremia high creatinine pneumonia.
4, hematopoietic system side effects: anemia and bleeding tendency is most prevalent.
5, nervous system side effects: easy fatigue, memory loss, irritability, insomnia; late may show lethargy, delirium, coma and mania, etc., convulsions coma patient if rescue is not seize the moment and will cause death of the patient.

6, skin system side effects: such as pigmentation, skin itching.


What Is The Reason Of Edema In Nephrotic Syndrome

What is the reason of edema in nephrotic syndrome (NS)? The following will explain the reason in a detailed way.
Filling without feet and renal sodium retention and edema is the primary mechanism resulting capacity regulating hormone also plays a certain effect. In different patients, filling not foot the efficacy and renal sodium retention plays can be different. Colloid osmotic pressure gradient across the capillary, (ie, the difference between plasma colloid osmotic pressure in the colloid osmotic pressure of the cell gap) maintain fluid balance in the cells of intravascular fluid clearance.
In recent years, the survey showed that only a portion of patients with nephrotic edema volume is fewer, the vast majority is to increase the normal plasma renin, angiotensin, aldosterone levels are not elevated or the patient, and blood pressure the presence of high, instead of the display to increase the blood volume decreases. Severe renal comprehensive effects section, gradually reduce the patient's serum albumin concentration resulted into the intercellular spaces colloid osmotic pressure. For MCD patient observation showed hypoalbuminemia very big impact for the occurrence of edema relatively small number of patients discharged severe edema.
In short, comprehensive renal renal sodium retention mechanisms remain a lot, but the exact mechanism needs further deep investigation.

For patients with renal comprehensive exhibit edema, what is not clear you can always contact QQ place, nephrotic kidney specialist, or the patient simply click online kidney specialists on the right side, they will be based on your specific condition for your detailed analysis to explain. So you do not worry renal comprehensive rehabilitation!

Hematuria in IgA Nephropathy: Causes And Management

IgA Nephropathy will lead to many complications and hematuria is just one of these. Well, what is cause and management of IgA Nephropathy hematuria?
How does IgA Nephropathy cause hematuria?
In normal case, red blood cells are kept in our body with blood flow. However, in this immune-system mediated disease, the filtering units named glomeruli are injured. As a result, red blood cells can leak into urine easily, resulting in hematuria.
In addition, according to the statistics, about 30%-40% IgA Nephropathy patients have gross hematuria.
How to manage hematuria in IgA Nephropathy?
At our center, experts in this field point out that methods should be taken to repair the injured glomeruli and improve kidney function. Traditional Chinese medicine has more than 5000 years of history and it can be used to treat many conditions, here, a brand new form of TCM is highly recommended. By extending blood vessels, blocking inflammatory reaction, preventing coagulation, degrading extracellular matrixes and providing nutrients for the kidneys, the damaged glomeruli can be repaired and kidney function improved. In this way, red blood cells can be stopped from leaking into urine from the root cause.

For IgA Nephropathy patients, occurrence of hematuria and other symptoms is caused by injured kidney tissues and impaired kidney function. Therefore, only when kidney damages are repaired, can impaired kidney function be restored. Also, can hematuria and other symptoms be relieved effectively.


Why Does Low Blood Pressure Occur After Dialysis

Why does low blood pressure occur after dialysis? Low blood pressure is the most common complication of dialysis and also one of the leading causes of death among people who are on dialysis. What causes this condition? Follow me to find the answer.
1. How does low blood pressure occur with dialysis?
Low body weight
Dialysis is a medical procedure which can help to clear harmful substances away from blood. However, dialysis does not work as well as our kidney, as during this process, not only harmful substances, but also some nutrition are removed as well. Removing too much weight at one time can cause quick decrease of bloodstream in kidney, and thus lead to low blood pressure.
Medications for high blood pressure
Taking antihypertensive pills before dialysis also should be blamed for low blood pressure. As we have mentioned above, to have a tight control of high blood pressure, medications like ACE inhibitors and ARBs are always applied. These medications are helpful; however, for kidney failure patients who are on dialysis, they need to regular the dose of medications before dialysis, otherwise, low blood pressure will be caused.
2. How to prevent low blood pressure with dialysis in stage 4 kidney failure?
Chinese herbs is the natural treatment. It will bring no pain and no side-effects to you. Hot Compress is the innovative form of Chinese herbs. It is used externally. With an osmosis device, the two bags of herbs, which is put under your lower back, will be permeated into your kidneys. The herbs will achieve such effects as dilating blood vessels, providing nutritions to kidneys, discharging the toxins in blood, anti-inflammation and coagulation. Through these effects, the damaged kidney cells will be repaired and thus kidney function will be improved. With an improved kidney function, you can avoid dialysis gradually, and so as to low blood pressure.

Of course, a proper diet is also necessary. If you want to get an individualized diet, you can contact me.

How To Alleviate Constipation In Diabetic Nephropathy

For diabetic nephropathy, many patients may be troubled by constipation. Constipation is not a disease but the common complex symptom.It mainly contains several clinic manifestations:The frequency and volume of defecation reduce,excrement is dry and hard and defecation is arduous,etc. Well, how to relieve constipation in diabetic nephropathy?
First, what are causes of constipation?
Actually,the constipation is one of the most painful symptoms of patients with Diabetic Nephropathy. Abdominal distension,stomachache,difficulty with bowel movements and son on appear on many patients after they suffer from the DN,which are the result of nerve dysfunction caused by high sugar.The high sugar with Diabetic Nephropathy will damage the enteric nervous system and cause the disorder of intestinal motility.In this case,constipation and diarrhea may occur.While the curative effect of medication is usually not obvious on treating constipation. Dietotherapy may be more efficient than other way to treat this disease.
Second, how to treat constipation?
1. Change your diet.
As we all know, there is a close connection between defecation and diet. Eating too little or food-too fine can cause constipation. Thus, in your daily life, it is necessary for you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and the foods rich in fiber and vitamins.
2. Chinese Herbal Medicine

But in fact,treating the DN is the most fundamental way to remove constipation.What’s more,the dialysis may not be able to treat the Diabetic Nephropathy.TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) offers several methods to patients with this problem.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and the Immunotherapy are the efficient way to remedy the DN fundamentally.Besides,the Blood Pollution Theory also is the hope to patients to slove the problem.


How Does Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Help Lupus Nephritis

Chinese herbal medicine has a long history in medical and it is getting more and more popular in treating kidney disease. It is studied that by many years of clinical experiments it has good curative effects for lupus nephritis(LN). Well, how does Chinese Herbal Medicine treat LN?
Firstly, we had better make clear the cause
Lupus Nephritis results from SLE, also called Lupus. It is reported that up to 60% of Lupus patients will have Lupus Nephritis. When some foreign antigens like virus or endogenous antigens such as DNA and immunoglobulin attack the body, B cells will have highly active proliferation, thus producing a lot of autoantibodies. These antibodies combined with antigens form immune complexes that build up in the kidneys to cause kidney inflammation, resulting in Lupus Nephritis.
Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help Lupus Nephritis?
Actually, as long as patients still have urine output, they can take this natural treatment to manage the renal disorder well and help patients prevent dialysis or transplant.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a novel traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) remedy. Chinese herb medicine is used externally to help achieve curative effects including expand the blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrade and remove the blood stasis like immune complex deposits. In case of renal failure, herbal medicine can work to inhibit further decline of kidney function, repair the impaired kidneys and promote the overall renal function.

The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of nephritis is not simply taking it orally. In order that you get a better treatment and regain health, we suggest you choose one specialized hospital, so you can take suitable treatment method, according to your own state and physical condition.

What Are The Complications Of Renal Cyst

In recent years, more and more people are suffering from kidney cyst or renal cyst. Its occurrence threatens your body health. Since many people do not know the kidney cysts clearly, it may delay the treatment. Well, what are the complications of kidney cysts?
1. Kidney pain
kidney pain is an important symptom of renal cysts, often manifested as lower back pressure or dull, there are pain, sometimes abdominal pain. Pain may be due to physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary, etc. exacerbated after bed reduce. Renal hemorrhage, infection also causes of stones moved or pain of sudden.
2. High blood pressure
hypertension is one of the main symptoms of renal cysts, not before serum creatinine increased, about half of high blood pressure, which is oppression surrounding tissue cysts, activation of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system-related. These are closely related to cyst growth and high blood pressure. In other words, the emergence of hypertension cysts grow faster, can directly affect the prognosis.
3. Hematuria
The incidence of renal cysts will appear hematuria, about half of the patients showed microscopic hematuria, may have episodes of gross hematuria, the Department of the cyst wall caused by ruptured blood vessels. Bleeding for a long time can cause blood clots through the ureter colic. Hematuria and proteinuria often accompanied by white blood cells in urine, urine protein less, usually no more than 1.0g / d. When kidney infection pyuria obviously aggravated hematuria, back pain accompanied by fever.
4. Kidney changes

If there is a kidney cyst disease, can cause nephropathy progress on both sides of asymmetry, there are differences in size, to the late two kidneys can fill the entire abdominal cavity, the surface of the cloth have a lot of kidney cysts, kidney-shaped so irregular, uneven, hard texture.

Dietary Nursing For Acute Kidney Failure Patients

What are dietary nursing ways for acute kidney failure patients? Apart from adopting formal therapy, diet management is also necessary. Diet is the source of nutrient supply and plays an indispensable condition for the body’s growth and development. However, improper diet is deadly and is one of the pathogenic factors. Patients in different stage of illness condition have different diet suggestion. The following is what kidney failure patients should pay attention to.
1. Low sodium intake
Acute renal failure patients associated with edema and hypertension, should be low salt (<3g / d) diet, severe edema oliguria, should limit the amount of water and potassium foods (longan, white fungus, sesame, etc. ).
2. Proper protein intake
acute renal failure patients before dialysis, should be given a low-protein diet to reduce the sources of metabolites (blood urea nitrogen), reduce the burden on the kidneys, slowing the rate of deterioration of renal function. Protein intake should be adjusted according to a reasonable degree of renal function impairment. When the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) drops 50ml / min or less should be adequate protein restriction (0.6g / kg), to meet the basic needs of the body's physiology, but not malnutrition. GFR <10ml / min, which is uremia, protein should be strictly limited to 20g / d, GFR> 20ml / min, could add 5g / d. And require more than 60 percent for high-quality protein, essential amino acids that contain animal protein, such as eggs, milk, meat and so on. In order to prevent low-protein malnutrition caused, can be added with the required amino acids and mixed preparation α- keto, α- keto itself does not contain nitrogen, and ammonia in the body of essential amino acids to the corresponding binding (EAA), EAA synthesis protein process, you can use part of the urea, it can reduce blood urea nitrogen levels and improve symptoms of uremia.
3. High calorie intake
Adequate intake of carbohydrates, fats supply the body sufficient heat to provide heat to prevent the decomposition of proteins, reducing the consumption of protein. For adequate intake of calories, you can eat more margarine, vegetable oil and sugar. Food should be rich in vitamin B, C, folic acid, may also be given oral tablet.
4. Limited phosphorus intake
Acute renal failure patients often have high phosphorus, hypocalcemia, easily leading to renal osteodystrophy, so they should be take limited phosphorus diet (containing 15mg of protein per gram of phosphorus, so limiting the intake of protein also limits the intake of phosphorus) and the use of intestinal phosphate binders. It should be added calcium, every day should be added to 1000 ~ 1500mg, such as calcium carbonate, calcium can either correct the acidosis, it is phosphorus binders.

For your own health and happiness of the family, kidney failure patients should choose a formal and professional hospital to treat their disease.


What Is The DietTreatment For High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a waste product which is usually excreted by kidneys. Serum creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney function. High creatinine level is usually related with kidney dysfunction. What is the treatment for high creatinine level?
When kidneys fail to work properly, creatinine level increases in the body. Besides medication, food also plays an important role in controlling creatinine. Patients should pay attention to some foods when creatinine level is high. Here is a brief introduction in daily life. Hope you can follow it.
1. Pat attention to protein intake
Meat contains high creatine which can increase the level of creatinine. Patients with high creatinine had better not eat too much meat. Protein-rich food such as fish, eggs, poultry, red meat should be avoided. Because creatine is found mainly in such high protein foods. Creatine can be broken into creatinine. However, protein is an essential substance for our body, so we should take in proper high quality protein, which contains eight kinds of amino acid that can not be compounded by ourselves, like fish, lean meat, milk, egg white, etc. How much protein should take depends on our state of illness. Generally speaking, 0.6g per day is suggested. If you are vegetarian, I suggest you take two egg whites per day.
2. Foods with low sodium
Reduce the intake of sodium. Kidney’s damage results in excessive fluid and sodium building up in the body, and much sodium can cause patient to have high blood pressure and edema, so patient should choose foods that contain less sodium in his diet. Patients need to avoid salty foods, like pickles, bacon, potato soup, cheese sauce, etc.
3. Foods with high potassium and phosphorous
For patients whose creatinine level is high, their kidneys can not filter potassium and phosphorous out of body. If there is much potassium in patients’ body, patients should stay away from high potassium foods, for example: spinach, carrot, banana and orange. If patients with kidney failure suffer from hyperphosphatemia, they can not eat nut, red chili powder, chocolate, cheese, yellow bean, gingili. They need to eat foods contained high calcium, like meaty bone, tofu and dried small shrimps.
4. Foods containing much vitamins--vegetables and fruits
Vitamin is important for body function, for example, vitamin A is very important for our immunity, so it is very important for patient with high creatinine to take foods that contain abundant vitamins, like vegetables and fruits.
5. Foods that contains abundant calcium
Patients with kidney disease often have the shortage of calcium, which can cause severe renal osteopathy, so it is important for patient to take foods that can supply abundant calcium, like broccoli, blackberry, date fruit, etc.
6. Caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated beverages
Many people enjoy caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated beverages. Once your creatinine level elevates, you should avoid them, because they have a diuretic effect and may cause dehydration which in turn leads to elevated high creatinine. Fresh fruit juice and herbal tea are recommended.
7. Water
It is worth mentioning that patient with high creatinine and BUN should take much water if only patient do not have obvious edema, because water is good for patient’s kidney health.
8. Avoid doing strenuous physical activity.
Strenuous exercise can produce more creatinine and increase the level of creatinine.

Hope the information can help you live a healthy life.

Top Six Signals Indicate You Suffer From PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a kind of kidney disease in which multiple cysts cover the kidneys. With the growth of cysts, they will oppress body organs including kidneys so as to affect kidney function. Well then how do you know suffer from PKD? The following six signals will tell you whether you have PKD?
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease. According to genetic characteristics, divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) categories. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney common. ADPKD is autosomal dominant, which is characterized as having familial aggregation, can the incidence of male and female sexes equal opportunities for involvement, successive generations may occur in patients. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, also known as adult polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is common. Due to the deepening understanding of the disease, the prognosis is significantly improved. ARPKD is autosomal recessive. Almost all parents equally no history. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, also known as infantile polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease in for a rare type. Chang died shortly after birth, only a handful of lighter types, can survive to childhood and even adults.
ADPKD symptoms common in adulthood. Cyst has existed at birth, grow up gradually over time, or occur in adulthood and development has not been fully elucidated. However, most patients with lesions in the fetal period may already exist. The vast majority of renal abnormalities. Inconsistent on both sides of severity. Its features are: whole kidney cysts filled with varying sizes, with diameters ranging from just a few centimeters to be able to distinguish. Nipple and cones often illegible. Renal pelvis significant deformation. Capsule with liquid urine, bleeding or infection was different appearance. Cyst was progressively older, related processes may be associated with cell proliferation, cell secretory function of changes in the surrounding tissue and cysts impaired. ARPKD cyst epithelial cells cultured with ADPKD not display the same properties: ADPKD cyst fluid in endotoxin or Gram-negative bacteria, and no ARPKD cyst fluid.
Six signal polycystic kidney appeared to be alert, there are the following:
A family member of someone suffering from polycystic kidney disease, kidney cysts. Because how often accompanied by polycystic liver cyst, liver cyst, splenic cysts, pancreatic cysts, brain aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, so when themselves or family members were found to have the disease than those who should Special attention polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts occur;
Second, people long polluted environment of life, or exposure to toxic chemicals (including administration of nephrotoxic drugs) or radiation person;
Third, the abnormal changes in emotions, especially over the long-term depression or panic people;
Fourth, hematuria or mild proteinuria onset period (to be differentiated with nephritis) persons;
Five, overwork, including excessive physical labor, excessive mental work and lack of physical exercise or training methods, strength improper who were excessive labor room, etc.;
Six, waist, abdominal discomfort and partial unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction, and so on.

If you have the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately to avoid delaying your disease.

How Many Years Can I Live With PKD

How many years can you live with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)? Simply speaking from digital, it may be 5 years, 10 years or 20 years. There is no exact figure for life span of PKD. It mainly depends on the treatment plan and therapies. As for PKD patients, PKD is a genetic kidney disease. The genetic risk of this disease is 50% and this disease is often accompanied by polycystic liver and polycystic spleen.
With long time of cysts, the most common results have:
1 cyst did not rupture, but will increase the presence of cysts renal ischemia and hypoxia, due to compensatory kidney function is very powerful, symptoms may temporarily appear, but once an exception occurs, the progress will be very rapid, abnormal renal function.
2 cysts increases, wall thinning, by external mechanical shock, or other factors that affect very easy to break into the abdominal cavity causing acute abdomen.
Second, polycystic kidney disease prognosis:
Polycystic kidney function in patients with normal rate of 71% at 50 years old, 58 years old was 58%, at the age of 70 to 23 percent. Men with poor prognosis, early onset of poor prognosis. Affect the other can be artificially controlled prognostic factors are high blood pressure, number of pregnancies, urinary tract infection secondary to the frequency of urinary tract infections, etc. After dialysis and kidney transplantation did not enter the age of the onset of symptoms in patients, especially those with renal insufficiency, can only survive for 10 years, about every three years a fold rise in serum creatinine, creatinine clearance rate half that, but if the blood elevated creatinine never before, and no stones, infections and severe hypertension, can survive 30 to 40 years. Polycystic kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant patient, whose life basically similar to other dialysis and kidney transplant patients.

Therefore, if you with PKD want to achieve a good prognosis, not only effective treatment should be adopted they also need early treatment. Early detection of cysts, early treatment of polycystic kidney disease.

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