
How To Nurse Kidney Cyst In Daily Life

Nowadays many people are suffering from kidney cyst. If patients do not take timely treatment, medical conditions will be worsened. At that time, only medical condition is not enough. Patients also need to take nursing measurement in daily life so as to guarantee curative effects and avoid deterioration. Therefore, people should know how to nurse kidney cyst in daily life.
1, in normal life, renal cysts must be based on their physical condition, reasonable exercise, so you can enhance your immune system, you can also make Kidneys strengthen blood circulation, which can prevent glomerular sclerosis occurs. Also note that weatherization and prevent colds; pay attention to weather changes, according to the weather conditions change daily routine; note the indoor air circulation, so we have had renal cysts care.
2, how to care for renal cyst problem, experts pointed out that patients with renal cysts must pay attention to the prevention of colds, attention were warm, cold is caused due to kidney dysfunction is a major factor, especially in the winter, renal cyst patients to prevent colds, Once the cold to timely medical treatment, to prevent the common cold worsens, causing damage to the kidneys function, which is very useful renal cysts care approach.
3, the majority of renal cysts in patients without good habits and eating habits, and the patient in the treatment of recovery, be sure to arrange work schedules, but also to develop good eating habits, but also because of how irrational diet Renal Care An important factor, if the usual life, too intake of protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys, but also lead to elevated blood pressure, edema and other complications, these are signs of kidney disease.

Renal cysts great harm, if it is found necessary to immediately go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment, but renal cysts daily care is also essential, so patients can know more about how to care for renal cysts relevant knowledge and positive good care work, speed up the time her condition improved, so that they can soon restore health.

What Are The Harms And Symptoms Of Right Kidney Cyst

Renal cysts are common urinary disease in our daily life. This disease will bring harms to patients’ body and mind. Right kidney cyst refers to simple kidney cyst. Drinking more water is good for our body health but has no improvement on your medical conditions. Well that, what are symptoms of right kidney cyst?
There are many harms of kidney cyst. Even if cyst is small, its existence can not be ignored, but also regularly check if it is found to increase immediately to the hospital to seek regular treatment. Otherwise, increasing kidney cysts also affect kidney function, accompanied by urinary protein, latent sedan, hypertension, renal insufficiency and other complications, severe cases can cause kidney failure and even uremia occur. He also harm kidney cyst kidney cyst terms for renal cysts in the kidney parenchyma, particularly prevalent in the cortex. Simple renal cyst wall is covered with a layer of squamous epithelium consists of a thin layer of fibrous tissue, serum containing yellow grass. Few cysts containing bloody fluid.
After infection of the posterior wall thickening, containing viscous liquid. Occurred near the renal hilum renal sinus cysts, may grow up into the renal sinus, called the pelvis near the cyst, it may lymphatic cyst or cysts kidney embryonic tissue remnants evolved. Too much of the right renal cyst patients, the cyst may cause sudden rupture, infection and worse, long-term kidney oppression surrounding tissue to affect renal function, Chinese medicine treatment can be used to inhibit epithelial cells continue to secrete If Western medicine, then a very short time after surgery to eliminate cysts, but the cyst will be repeated.
There have been suggestions kidney cyst symptoms closely observed, periodic review, simple renal cysts smaller no major effect on the body, it will not affect fertility. If it is a large renal cysts, renal parenchymal pressure affect renal function, or infection, stones, rupture and other complications, depending on the circumstances require symptomatic treatment, if necessary, partial or kidney nephrectomy.

Renal cyst disease to the patient's health harm is great, we need to better understand the symptoms of kidney cysts and what harm positive preventive measures, if the disease if it is found, the patient should go to regular hospital diagnosis treatment, choose their own method of treatment of the disease, so that they can get rid of the disease problems early, early recovery and good health.


What To Do With Diabetes And Creatinine 2.7

One of our patients sent us a message. It said that she has got diabetes for 25 years. In her test, there shows her creatinine level is 2.7. What does it mean and how to treat it?
In clinic, creatinine 2.7 means the disease now is in stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Usually, doctors will recommend Hormonotherapy to the patient. With the help of this therapy, this disease can be controlled or delayed in a period. But once you stop it or reduce the does of it, this disease is easy to relapse. What’s more, long- terms apply of hormone will decrease the immunity and bring some other side effects.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can lower the high creatinine level without bring any side effect. As an alternative therapy of Hormonotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can lower the high creatinine level by improve the kidney function. As we all know, high creatinine level is induced by disorder kidneys, so with the kidneys back to normal, the high creatinine level and other symptoms caused by disorder kidneys will back to normal gradually. If you are interested in this therapy and want to know more details about it, you can send email to us, all the information we provide is no charge. Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

According to the patient’s condition, the high creatinine level is caused by Diabetes, so the controlling of this original disease is also very important. Except that, remember to make a fit diet plan, that is helpful in treating this disease. If you need any help in lowering high creatinine level or curing kidney disease, do not hesitant to contact our online doctor or leave messages to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will try our best to help you.

Is There Any Solution For Diabetic With Swelling Eyelids And Skin

Is there any solution for diabetic with swelling eyelids and skin? Follow us to find the answer.
Swelling eyelids and itching skin is caused by long-terms of Diabetes, if you ignore them, you may fall into Diabetic Nephropathy, which is a secondary disease of Diabetes. So before that, you should try your best to control your disease. If the disease out of control, do not worry about that too much, there are some other ways to solve this problem well.
How to treat swelling eyelids and itching skin before it fall into Diabetic Nephropathy ?
Diabetic Nephropathy is characterized as high levels of blood glucose; meanwhile, it is high blood sugar that causes damages of renal tiny blood vessels. Therefore, treatments of DN should firstly deal with primary cause of this disease. Controlling stable blood glucose significantly helps. medications, diet and lifestyle modification are good at lowering high levels of blood sugar.
How to treat swelling eyelids and itching skin once you get Diabetic Nephropathy ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better choice for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to reverse the renal damage. It is committed to solve the renal lesions fundamentally and improve the renal function as far as possible. By repairing the kidney damage, rescue them renal damage and change your life with less side affects on patient’s remaining health.
By the way, remember to control your blood pressure level, that is also very important for the treatment of your disease.

If you need to know more information about diabetic or diabetic nephropathy, please feel free to consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


How Long Can I Live With Stage 4 Kidney Failure And IgA Nephropathy

What is the life span for me with stage 4 kidney failure and IgA Nephropathy? The life expectancy of kidney disease are affected by many factors. The following will analyze the life span for you.
Stage 4 kidney failure means that more than 70% kidney functions has been lost, so the patients have to seek help from renal replacement therapies, dialysis and transplant are the two common therapies. Both of them can help people to live longer.
How long can patient live with the help of dialysis ?
Generally speaking, dialysis can enable another 2-5 years for end stage renal failure patients. But for people who are in stage 4 Kidney Failure, they may can stay in this stage for years without progressing into the end stage renal failure.
How long can patient live with the help of transplant ?
In fact, transplant is the most effective ways to solve the kidney problem, if people can get transplant successfully, they may live like a normal person, but not all the people can be the candidate of transplant.
Actually, except these two common ways, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also can prolong the life span of kidney disease patient. In addition, it can solve the kidney problem from its underlying causes, what’s more, it is suitable for all the people.
In one word, if left untreated it may fall into Uremia in a short time, but if you take actions, the prognosis will be different.

From the above we can see that how long can a stage 4 Kidney Failure patient with IgA Nephropathy live mainly depend on the therapies they choose. Therefore, you should choose correct therapy for IgA Nephropathy.

How Much Protein Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Eat

How much protein should Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) patients consume? Proteinuria is a typical symptom of NS. Nephrotic Syndrome patients may be asked to ingest much more protein to replenish the one lost in urine. However, in some cases, Nephrotic Syndrome Patients need to eat less protein. Well, how much protein is needed by nephrotic syndrome patients?
Actually, how much protein is needed by Nephrotic Syndrome patients depends on their specific illness condition. In some cases of Nephrotic Syndrome, due to severe leakage of protein in urine, protein in blood reduce quickly, which can cause low protein level in blood and swelling. This is the reason why Nephrotic Syndrome patients have fluid retention problem and hypoproteinemia. Protein is the basic of life, and long-term low protein level in blood will impair our immune system and make us susceptible to various illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary for Nephrotic Syndrome patients to eat much more protein to replenish the one they lost in urine.
However, this does not mean the more protein that Nephrotic Syndrome patients eat, the better. Kidney is responsible for filtering blood and preserving protein in the body. When kidney tissues are damaged, kidney function decreases. Under such a condition, if we put too much burden on kidney, kidney condition will be worsened and proteinuria becomes more serious. Therefore, in some cases of Nephrotic Syndrome, we need to reduce protein intake, so as to protect residual kidney function.
How much protein is needed depends on Nephrotic Syndrome patients’ specific illness condition. In some cases, 0.6-0.8grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is needed per day. However, in some other cases, 1.2grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is needed every day. Also, some of these should be high quality protien which can be founded in lean meat, fish, egg white and milk.

If you have any other question, please leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


How To Prevent The Relapse Of Nephrotic Syndrome

Why does Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) relapse easily? There are many factors leading to the relapse of NS. The following article will tell you the reason and how to prevent the relapse.
How to prevent recurrent nephrotic syndrome
Cautiously positive response colds, infections. Statistics from the predisposing factors of recurrence, the common cold is the most major predisposing factors. Nephrotic syndrome protein in a huge loss of blood in the urine, loss of material, including the composition of an important component of our immune defense, such as immunoglobulins, complement and so on. At the same time decreased leukocyte function in vivo, zinc and other trace elements are missing. These have seriously weakened the body's ability to resist external pathogenic factors.
Nephrotic syndrome patients should be appropriately strengthen their health, proper exercise, enhance physical fitness. Such patients often get advice from a doctor, family or friends there: Be sure to pay attention to rest! Do not tired! Thus, patients with kidney disease naturally break and resting place, not paused activities. What is more, this bedridden, to hand out food to mouth comfortable life had played clothing.
In this regard, medical experts believe that over-reliance on the rest of the way of life for patients with kidney disease rehabilitation harm than good syndrome. Experts believe that walking is a simple method of exercise. Walking exercise intensity on patients with nephrotic syndrome, experts say to do what. Poor health can be put on hold, some short time; physical strength can Rush, the hours are long. Or stroll in the park, or the Fleet of Foot in the forest and so on. Perseverance, will be able to benefit.

Maintain a good attitude and good eating habits. Mental status and diet for patients with nephrotic syndrome hospitalizations and conservation is a very important prognostic factor. Maintain good mental state, do not give themselves a bad psychological implications, not angry, irritable, relieved to learn to deal with things. The diet should be prescribed with a reasonable diet, must restrain the original is not conducive to disease recovery diet.

What Are Complications Of Nephrotic Syndrome

What are complications of nephrotic syndrome? The following will give you the details:
Massive proteinuria
Proteinuria is a sign of nephrotic syndrome is the main component of albumin also contains other plasma protein components of glomerular basement membrane permeability changes are the underlying causes of proteinuria resulting charge barrier and mechanical barriers (glomerular capillary pore barrier) a direct impact on the extent of changes in proteinuria in renal tubular epithelial cells reabsorption and catabolism ability also affects the formation of proteinuria of glomerular filtration rate in plasma protein concentration and protein intake, such as glomerular filtration rate decreased when the protein urine will be reduced; urinary protein excretion severe hypoproteinemia high protein diet will increase the amount of urinary protein excretion increased; therefore only the daily protein quantification method can not accurately determine the degree of proteinuria may make further urinary protein albumin clearance / creatinine (> 3.5 often nephrotic range proteinuria) urine protein electrophoresis detection in urine IgG components increased selectivity certainly no clinical value of urinary protein selectivity tips low urinary protein has been seldom used.
Nephrotic syndrome is the second essential characteristic of patients with serum albumin less than a day when the liver synthesis 30g / L nephrotic syndrome, liver albumin synthesis when given enough dietary protein and calories than albumin about 22.6g appear normal 15.6g significantly increased when the liver synthesis of albumin compensatory role every day not enough to offset the amount of urinary protein loss hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia between the amount of urinary protein excretion is consistent failure.
The disease, total cholesterol and triglyceride significantly increased low-density lipoprotein (LDH) increased very low density lipoprotein (VLDH) level hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia-related LDL / HLDL only serum albumin less than 10 ~ 20g / L only increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is normal or decreased LDL / HDL ratio increased risk of atherosclerotic complications occur so hyperlipidemia and increased thrombosis and progressive glomerular sclerosis.

Patients with the most notable symptom is gradually increased initial morning eyelid edema visible facial ankle edema; as the disease spread to the whole body and the development of edema, pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion, mediastinal effusion scrotum or labia pulmonary edema can occur in severe cases, can not open my eyes and edema of head and neck showed a thicker skin combined with the presence of pleural effusion of waxy pale so obvious breathing difficulties if not supine sitting position only damage the skin tissue fluid and difficult to stop the spill


Acupuncture To Alleviate Itchy Skin In ESRD

Why choose acupuncture therapy to alleviate itchy skin in end stage renal disease (ESRD)? Acupuncture Therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy, which has been practiced in China for thousands of years. It is to penetrate the skin with thin needles to stimulate certain point on the body. Through this therapy, it can help patients with chronic diseases to control and relieve some stubborn diseases. In this article, you will find the answer.
In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Acupuncture Therapy is explained as a therapy to balance the flow of energy, known as qi through channels or meridians by stimulating these specific acupuncture points. Based on TCM, disease is generally caused by imbalance of yin, yang, qi, blood etc. The meridian system is responsible for transporting these substances. The reason why some people get kidney disease is also because the imbalance of yin, yang, qi, blood etc.
In this case, the use of Acupuncture Therapy can improve the blood circulation and promote the elimination of pathogenic factors. For most of ESRD patients, the removing of excess toxin, waste, metabolite and water can relieve patient’s disease condition, just like the itching. Actually, Acupuncture Therapy can also help increase blood flow to the kidneys, improving the condition of renal ischemia and hypoxia. Meanwhile, the supply of enough blood, oxygen and nutrients for patients will also be improved.
For ESRD patients, this kind of therapy can prevent further kidney damage, repair the damaged renal tissues and recover renal functions. In fact, it is just a adjuvant treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital to assist Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to promote the renal recovery.

If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact us via emailing to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys.

How To Manage Protein In Urine In IgA Nephropathy

Protein in urine is one major complication in IgA Nephropathy. Many people do not know what to do now as they know nothing about this disease. To manage protein in urine or proteinuria, they first need to know the cause of this symptom.
How does IgA Nephropathy cause protein in urine?
A loads of protein leak into urine is an abnormal condition and in clinic, many diseases can cause it. In IgA Nephropathy, protein leak into urine due to the damaged filtering ability of the kidneys. IgA Nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune disease and the onset of it has close relationship with our immune system. If our immunity is low, it will be very likely to cause immune disorder after getting a fever or infection. Also, the immune disorder will cause over reaction of immune system. Under such a condition, immune complexes will be formed easily. When too much IgA immune complexes deposite on the mesangial area, proliferation and swelling of mesangial cells will be caused, which will affect the charge barrier and mechanical barrier of glomerular filtration membrane. Glomerular filtration membrane is responsible for keeping protein in body and when its function is affected, large amounts of protein will leak into urine and form proteinuria.
How to alleviate protein in urine?
1. Tightly control high blood pressure
Some IgA Nephropathy patients may experience high blood pressure symptom which can cause further kidney damages and more protein in urine. Therefore, to decrease protein in urine effectively, having a tight control about blood pressure is also very essential.
2. Try Chinese herbs
Some Chinese herbs like micro-Chinese medicine show obvious treatment effects in helping IgA Nephropathy patients to decrease protein in urine. These medicines cause no side effect and what is more, the treatment effects hold out for long time.
3. Adjust protein intake according to illness condition

With impaired kidney function, IgA Nephropathy patients need to limit protein intake and with different severity of illness condition, different amounts of protein will be needed. Generally speaking, for people with IgA Nephropathy in early stage (1-3), 0.6-0.8grams of protein per pound per body weight will be needed a day and for these with stage 4 or stage 5, 0.2-0.4grams of protein per pound per body weight is suitable. And for dialysis patients, they need to ingest much more protein. Besides, 60% of the protein should be high quality protein which can be found in fish, lean meat, egg white and milk.


What Is The Best Diet For Nephrotic Syndrome

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome (NS). This article will introduce you a best diet for you.
Low protein diet
For nephrotic syndrome patients, they often have a large amount of protein urine, which means the loss of protein in urine, some patients may think they need to take more protein to supply the protein they lost. This is not right, because too much protein intake will increase the kidney burden and cause further damage to kidneys.
Low sodium and fluid intake
Nephrotic syndrome patients should also limit the sodium and fluid intake, which can help relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure and serious swelling. The sodium intake should be limited to 1000-4000 mg/d, and the amount of fluid intake should be based on the daily urine output amount adding 500-7--ml.
Low fat
Low fat can help lower high blood cholesterol, so patients are often recommended to keep a light diet and get rid of the fat foods in their daily diet.
High vitamins
High vitamins intake can help nephrotic syndrome patients to improve their immune system, which can help prevent the infections, which can help slow down the progression of kidney failure.
Besides, patients should also limit their potassium and phosphorus levels if they have high blood potassium and high blood phosphorus levels, they should avoid the foods are rich in potassium and phosphorus.
Above are the best diet plan for nephrotic syndrome patients, which can help them reduce the kidney burden, protect the residual kidney function and slow down the progression of kidney failure. They should also have effective medical treatment, which can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function. Through both diet treatment and medical treatment, the illness condition of nephrotic syndrome patients will be improved effectively.

If you have any question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Immunotherapy Is Good For IgA Nephropathy Treatment

IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune disorder, so if you want to cure this disease, you need to regulate your immune system and enhance your immunity. Immunotherapy is such a therapy which is good for the treatment of IgA Nephropathy.
As we all know, there are no good therapies in curing kidney disease in traditional medicine. So in order to remove the immune complex in the kidneys, we use Chinese herbal medicine. Because the active material of the Chinese herbs can combine with the immune complex, split them and discharge them out of body. Besides, the Chinese medicine can dilate the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase the blood flow in the kidneys, so the immune complex and extra cellular matrix that caused renal fibrosis in the picture can be discharged out. Based on this theory, we invented Immunotherapy which is aims to cure disease induced by immune complex deposit. With the help of this cure method, the immune disorder can get improved and it can help people keep away from infection which may make the disease worse, by enhance the immunity. If you want to know more details about it, you can chat with our online doctor or leave messages to us, we will reply you as soon as possible with the informations you need for free.

From the above we know that Immunotherapy can help to treat IgA Nephropathy by enhance the immunity and regulate the immune disorder. During the treatment, we will use other therapies to achieve a better effect. If you want to know if those therapies are suitable to you, you can email us with your detailed disease condition, we will provide better advices after analyze. You can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will mail you as soon as possible.


Oranges And IgA Nephropathy

Oranges have many health benefits but IgA Nephropathy patients should avoid eating too many. How many you can eat depends on your medical condition. See the following health benefits of oranges:
Oranges decrease high blood pressure
IgA Nephropathy patients often suffer from high blood pressure. The flavonoid hesperidin in oranges helps decrease high blood pressure. And potassium in oranges can reverse the effect of sodium, lowering blood pressure.
Oranges lower cholesterol
The soluble fiber in oranges is helpful in lowering cholesterol. This can protect you from heart disease, a common complication of kidney disease.
Oranges alkalize the body
When your kidney fails to filter the wastes and toxins from your body, you may suffer from acidosis. Oranges contain many alkaline minerals that help balance out the body.
Oranges improve anemia
Anemia is also a common symptom of IgA Nephropathy. The iron and vitamin B6 in oranges help in the production of hemoglobin and improve anemia. They also purify the blood.
Oranges boost immune system
Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which can neutralize free radicals and protect you from aliments, such as fever and infection. They may worsen your kidney disease.
Oranges are good for your bone
Oranges also contain high level of calcium, which helps to keep the bone strong and prevent renal osteopathy.
Oranges can also relieve constipation, protect skin, helps create good vision and so on. However, oranges are a good source of potassium. If the potassium level in your body is below the normal level, you can eat moderate oranges. But if your potassium level is high, you should limit the intake of oranges, in case hyperpotassemia occurs.

If you still have any doubt, please leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Is Pumpkin Pie Good For IgA Nephropathy Patients

Can IgA Nephropathy patients eat pumpkin pie? Pumpkin pie is very popular in the United State, especially on Halloween. Pumpkin pie is mainly made by pumpkin,so it is rich in vitamin and other minerals,which are beneficial to our average people. However,it is not suitable to the IgA Nephropathy patients.
IgA Nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune diseases caused by defect of immune system. Owing to the damage on kidneys,the kidneys can not work regularly and effectively and they can not eliminate overmuch water,waste and metabolite,which may lead to the water,electrolyte and acid-base imbalance. In this case,the level of potassium may be increased.
Why should IgA Nephropathy patients avoid pumpkin pie?
Pumpkin pie is mainly made by pumpkin,so it is rich in vitamin and other minerals,which are beneficial to our average people. However,it is not suitable to the IgA Nephropathy patients. The patients with damaged kidneys usually have a high level of potassium in their blood,called Hyperkalemia, which means that the patients did not need any potassium. However, the pumpkin contains a lot of potassium that may increase the renal burden even worsen the disease condition. So the intake of potassium should be controlled and limited according to patients condition.
There are a special case that the patients may suffer from the hypokalemia due to the use of lots of diuretic. In this case,your doctor may suggest you to take proper potassium.
For IgA Nephropathy patients,taking specific measures for specific symptoms is necessary to control the patients condition. Besides,the healthy diet is beneficial for patients to relieve their symptoms and improve life quality largely.
1.A low sodium and fat intake is necessary. Or it may increase the renal burden and worsen the disease condition.
2.Offering the high quality protein. Because of the leakage od massive proteinuria,patients need the high quality protein to maintain their own physical condition.
3.Besides,stopping drinking and smoking is good for patients to increase their resistance and immunity,reducing the risk of disease progression.

If you have any other question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Can Chinese Medicine Help Relieve Hair Loss In Kidney Failure Patients

Chinese medicine is effective in treating kidney failure. Hair loss is a loss of hair from our head or body. It may be caused by various reasons, affecting patient’s life badly. Is Chinese medicine helpful for relieving hair loss in kidney failure? Here you can find the answer.
For Kidney Failure patients, to take some timely and effective treatments is necessary to solve hair loss. In the whole world, Kidney Dialysis is a more commonly used therapy to maintain the renal damage and prolong their life. But things go contrary to our wishes. Dialysis can not treat this problem fundamentally.
Innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) plays an important role in controlling and relieving CKD patient’s disease condition. We recommend Top Seven TCM Therapies to help you solve your renal damage fundamentally.
By repairing the renal inherent cells, Top Seven TCM Therapies can remedy Kidney Failure fundamentally. Thus it can prevent the kidney disease and relieve serious symptoms and complications. Improving renal function is the fundamental way to solve and ease hair loss. Besides, keeping a scientific, healthy diet is beneficial for patient’s disease condition
The most important for CKD patients is to take the timely and effective treatments to remedy the kidney disease. In this case,maybe we can really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys.

If you have any question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

How To Improve Sleep Quality For Kidney Failure Patients Naturally

Kidney failure is a medical condition in which kidneys have been damaged badly. With impaired kidneys, they will cause many serious symptoms and complications, impacting patient’s remaining health and life. And sleep problem is one of them. How to solve sleep problem is concerned by most kidney failure patients.
Sleeplessness is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. It is most often thought of as both a medical sign and a symptom that can accompany several sleep, medical, and psychiatric disorders characterized by a persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality.
For most of Kidney Failure patients, to have a good sleep is a difficult one to solve. Impaired kidneys lead t many serious symptoms. The accumulation of toxins, damaged nervous system and depressed mood etc will all cause and worsen patient’s sleep in night, leading to insomnia.
So in this case, to help patients promote the elimination of excess toxins are beneficial for them to relieve their itchy skin and ensure a good sleep. Besides, a positive mental attitude is also good for having a nice sleep.
The fundamental way is to choose a better timely effective treatment to solve the renal problems. Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can change your current situation and rescue impaired kidneys.

If you want to learn more information, you can consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.


Suggestion On Fever And Inappetence In Lupus Nephritis Creatinine 4.0

Fever and inappetence are common symptoms in Lupus Nephritis. Patients are eager to know clearly about this condition. Here we will provide some suggestion and hope you can get some help from this article.
Fever is one of the most common medical signs and is characterized by an elevation of body temperature above the normal range of 36.5–37.5 ℃(97.7–99.5 ℉) due to an increase in the temperature regulatory set-point. It be caused by many medical conditions ranging from benign to potentially serious.
Some studies suggest that fever is useful as a defense mechanism as the body's immune response can be strengthened at higher temperatures. For Lupus Nephritis patients,strong immune response makes fever common in illness. This is not a optimistic symptom that may stimulate inflammatory response and aggravate Kidney Failure.
Besides,owing to the renal damage,patients’systemic multiple systems and organs will be effected and damage badly,and many serious symptoms and complications will appear,effecting and damaging their normal life,like digestive system. Patients may feel uncomfortable and sick and do not want to eat. At the same time,emesis is also common in Kidney Failure.
In order to control and delay the exacerbation of renal lesions,it is necessary for patients to take timely and effective treatments. Conservative therapy is recommended to ease your disease condition and protect your remaining health as far as possible. Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your kidney disease. The most important thing is that it creates a better internal environment and promote the renal recovery.

If you want to learn more information on this topic, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Guava For Kidney Failure Patients

Guava has been regarded as one of the superfoods and also one of the most nutritious fruits. Kidney failure patients can get a lot of health benefits and eating guava can alleviate some of the conditions to some extent. Renal failure patients can get the following health benefits from guava:
Reduce risk of diabetes
Grab a delicious guava. It is rich in fiber, one of the most talked about nutrients today as it has found to be beneficial in a wide range of disease prevention including diabetes by slowing down the absorption of sugar in the body and thus very beneficial for diabetic individuals. A high fiber diet has also been linked to a lowered risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Stabilizes blood pressure levels
One cup of guava is packed with almost the same potassium as bananas. Potassium works as an important factor in regulating blood pressure by reversing the role of sodium in unbalancing normal blood pressure.
Helps the body make use of key nutrients
One of the key functions of manganese in the body is being an enzyme activator including the enzymes responsible for the utilization of some key nutrients such as biotin, thiamine and ascorbic acid. Guavas are good sources of manganese.
Relaxes nerves and muscles
Magnesium is one of the essential minerals which needs to be obtained from food as the body cannot make them. Eating guavas can help relax the nerves and muscles through its good amount of magnesium content.

If you have any other question, you had better consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you within 24 hours.


What Is The Relation Between Cholesterol And CKD

Is there any relation between cholesterol and chronic kidney disease (CKD)? This article will provide the information you need. Read through the article to find what you need.
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in your blood. Your body can make cholesterol as well as get it from eating meats and other animal food products.
Too much cholesterol can build up in your blood vessels. This build up can narrow vessels and lead to a blockage, preventing blood from getting to a certain area of your body. When this occurs in your heart vessels, it is called coronary heart disease and can cause a heart attack.
In people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), heart disease is very common. It is suggested that people with CKD have cholesterol labs drawn at least yearly. Your doctor may want to do them more frequently if something has changed with your health.
Aside from high LDL cholesterol levels, the risk for heart disease increases with the following risk factors:
cigarette smoking
high blood glucose
low HDL cholesterol
age (men > 45 years old; women > 55 years old)
high blood pressure or on antihypertensive medications
diabetes mellitus
family history of early heart disease
other forms of vessel narrowing diseases.
People with CKD may have some added risk factors that lead to heart disease:
large calcium intake from diet or medication
high blood phosphorus levels
high parathyroid hormone levels
high homocysteine levels
whole body inflammation.
People who are physically inactive or who eat foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol are also at risk for developing heart disease.

Cholesterol and CKD has close relation. If you are happen to be a CKD patient, it is important for you to lower high cholesterol level. If you want to know how to manage its level, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Will PKD Lead To Heart Disease

For all most of patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD), many serious symptoms and complications threat to their health. PKD is a kind of genetic systemic disease that will mainly affect kidneys. At the same time, it may also affect other organs, such as liver, pancreas, brain and artery blood vessels, etc. Does PKD cause heart disease?
Half about of PKD patients may develop ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) and need to do Kidney Dialysis or Kidney Transplant. For PKD patients,high blood pressure is a common symptom owing to the oppression of cysts and activation of RAAS (Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System). In fact,the occurrence rate of high blood pressure in ESRD can reach 83%.
For almost all of kidney disease patients,high blood pressure is a life-threatening symptom. It will cause many troublesome problems,such as palpitation,cardiac insufficiency and so on. When patients’ disease condition become more serious,ever-increasing blood pressure exacerbates the heart burden,casing heart disease,CHD (coronary heart disease),Heart Failure,cardiac arrhythmia and so on.
Kidney Dialysis may can help patients control and relieve their disease condition. But the key problem is that dialysis can not treat your kidney disease. If you are looking for some conservative treatments,we are responsible to recommend you to try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Heart disease is a serious complication of PKD and it should be controlled timely and effectively. If you want to know more information about PKD’s complication, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or chat with our online doctor directly.


How Can Kidney Function Be Protected And Improved Naturally

Natural remedies are much favored by most kidney failure patients. Well, what is natural therapy for protecting and improving renal function in renal failure? Follow us to find the answer.
In the whole world, more and more Kidney Failure patients choose Kidney Dialysis to maintain their disease condition and want it prolong their life. As a common alternative therapy, Dialysis plays an important role in delaying the exacerbation of renal lesions and prolonging patient’s life. But it is not a prefect way to replace patient’s impaired kidney. Worse, long-term use of dialysis will also lead to many serious side affects, effecting and damaging patient’s remaining health. Free Online Doctor can help you know more about your disease condition and our unique treatments directly and quickly.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the main therapy to help patients control and relieve the problems on their whole system. Dressing gauze will be soaked in boiled micronized Chinese medicine and pot on patient’s renal acupoints, infiltrating the lesions. These medicines can dilate blood vessels, control hypertension and inflammatory response and create a better internal renal environment. Of course, owing to the Chinese medicine's characteristic, in general, it uses more time for patients to solve their renal damage and reverse the CKD compared with dialysis. However, it plays an important role in relieving patient’s renal damage and delay the times of dialysis.
Besides, there are also other adjuvant treatments that can be used to ease patient’s serious symptoms and complications to some extent. Like Foot-Bath-Therapy, Enema-Therapy and so on.

We can really help you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys. Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please Email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.

What Can We Do With 10% Kidney Function

What can we do with 10% kidney function? It indicates kidneys have been damaged badly. We know dialysis or kidney transplant is the most common remedy for kidney disease patients. However, many patients do not want to undergo dialysis and transplant. They want to seek alternative remedy. Is there such an alternative remedy?
Yes, there is. As a kind of imperfect alternative therapy, dialysis can not replace the impaired kidneys to work and correct the compromised endocrine functions of the kidney. Kidney Transplant is just like dialysis. Transplanted kidneys will lead to strong rejection, leading to many serious symptoms and complications. By now, immunosuppressant is required for patients.
As we all know, both of two methods can not help Kidney Failure patents relieve their renal damage fundamentally. In this case, we are commended patients try innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Therapy -- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
As a kind of conservative therapy, it devotes to protect patient’s remaining renal health and improve renal function. Like other diseases, the easier patients receive treatments, the better prognosis is. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offer a better choice for all of CKD patients to improve their living quality and reduce or get rid of dialysis as far as possible.

Our Chinese medicine treatments are natural and effective. More importantly, they can help people avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. If you want to learn more information, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Reduce The Risk Of Dialysis

Dialysis is one way to control their disease and prolong kidney disease patients’ life span. Dialysis can help remove wastes and excessive water from blood, but it cannot treat kidney disease from the root. So what can patients do to get rid of dialysis? How do diabetic nephropathy patients reduce the risk of kidney dialysis?
For most of Diabetic Nephropathy patients, dialysis can help clear away the high sugar in blood, reducing and controlling their blood glucose level. At the same time, some other symptoms can also be relieved, improving patient’s living condition. But during dialysis, there are also some serious symptoms caused by dialysis, leading to worse problems.
In this case, keeping a relatively healthy diet help more to avoid worse damage on kidneys or aggravate lesions. A low intake of water, salt, fat and proper intake of high quality protein are good for patient’s disease condition.
Besides, a more effective treatment is necessary for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to solve their renal problems.Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy offers a better chance for all of CKD patients to live a better life. Compared with dialysis, it is committed to create am better renal internal environment and promote the renal repair.

We use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat diabetic nephropathy naturally and effectively. Many patients come to our hospital to take this treatment. Our hospital has won reputation from foreigners and natives.

How To Treat Depression And Anxiety In Diabetic Nephropathy

Long term of diabetes can cause diabetic nephropathy. It is such an intractable disease that will lead to many serious symptoms and complications as it worsens. Mental injury is one symptom of diabetic nephropathy and it is more serious than the disease itself.
Hypolycemic agents and dialysis can not help more to rescue Diabetic Nephropathy patient’s renal lesions. In fact, the use of dialysis will also cause many serious complications, effecting and damaging patient’s remaining health. Long-term dialysis may even accelerate Kidney Failure.
Long-term ineffective treatments consume patient’s patience, hope and remaining health. Patients will be anxious, worried even hopeless. For most of patients, keeping a good mood plays an important role in adjust patient’s disease condition and increase their immunity.
Actually, choosing a timely and effective treatment is required. Conservative therapy is recommended to be used to control and relieve the renal damage. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the main choice for CKD patients to rescue their impaired kidneys. Characterized by external Chinese medicine, It has less side affects to reverse the renal damage and promote the repair of renal function.

If you have any question, please leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Why Do Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Suffer From Abnormal Blood Pressure At Night

With the increase of people’s life pressure, more and more people are bothered by kidney disease. Since most symptoms of kidney disease are similar to the symptoms of other diseases’, most people take kidney disease as other disease. Thus, people will miss the perfect therapeutic time. This will increase the difficulty of treating this disease.
1. impaired nerve function
Autonomic dysfunction may be aggravated by increased glomerular hand transmembrane hydrostatic renal blood flow abnormalities, on the other hand is also involved in sodium and water balance disorders, thus affecting the circadian rhythm of blood pressure.
2. relatively more urine at night
Patients with diabetic nephropathy increased pressure within the glomeruli at night, accompanied by circadian renal hemodynamic abnormalities and bulb imbalance, manifested as nocturnal polyuria.
3. Water-sodium retention
Diabetic nephropathy patients with decreased renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, proximal tubular reabsorption of sodium and water increased, leading to sodium retention, causing nighttime blood pressure rhythm abnormalities.

If you have any other question, please feel free to consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you reply as soon as possible.

What Induces Nephrotic Syndrome

Among kidney disease, Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is a disease with huge side effects. This disease is characterized by massive proteinuria, severe edema, and so on. If illness condition cannot get controlled, it will induce uremia and high creatinine level. Therefore, here we will introduce factors inducing NS.
1. Infection
A kidney infection caused due to mechanized, and this is more common in one of the main reasons. More common bacterial infection, common in bacterial endocarditis, leprosy, combining the like.
2. Virus infection
viral infections can also cause renal syndrome, common in lupus nephritis hepatitis, cytomegalovirus and other reasons.
3, parasite infections
Parasite infections can also induce renal syndrome, such as the malaria parasite, a worm, schistosomiasis.
4, auto systemic disease
The patient's own induced systemic disease is one of the main reasons renal syndrome, common illness have lupus lupus nephritis, dermatomyositis, mixed connective cell disease. He Ruiqi director suggested purpura, amyloidosis can also cause renal comprehensive exhibit.
5, poison
poisoning can also cause renal syndrome, common drugs penicillamine, probenecid, and some anti-inflammatory drugs, these drugs have a very large toxic to the kidneys, prolonged use will be very big damage to the kidneys .
In addition to the above reasons, bee stings, snake venom, pollen and other reasons, will cause renal comprehensive exhibit. Therefore, we must pay more attention to in life, conditioning these details of life induced renal comprehensive exhibit and, after suffering from the disease, we must heal as soon as possible, conditioning deteriorated, causing uremia high creatinine.


Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Take Aspirin When They Catch A Cold

Aspirin is a salicylate drug, often used as an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an anti-inflammatory medication. It is very common to be used to relieve and control some disease,like facer,rheumatoid arthritis,migraine,and so on. Many of us take it to cure our cold,fever and other symptoms in our daily.
But it will cause many other side affects for IgA Nephropathy patients to take aspirin to solve their clod. The intake of aspirin will induce renal damage or accelerate Kidney Failure.
IgA Nephropathy is a common primary glomerular disease,belonging to immune system disease. In clinic,it is characterized by blood in urine. Besides,it is easier to be effected by URI (upper respiratory infection). But in our daily life,catching a cold seems to be very common.
So if you are infected by URI with IgA Nephropathy,it is necessary for you take some professional guidance from your doctor. Do not take medicine presumingly.

Immunotherapy is invented based on the theory of immune disorder, so it has remarkable effect in regulating it. By the six steps-immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection, it not only can make clear the amount, type and location of immune complexes in the kidney, but also can remove immune complexes in the blood. What’s more it can prevent further damage to the kidney and improve kidney functions.

Health Benefits Of Tender Coconut Water

Packed with nutrients, the tender coconut water has become popular as a healthy and recuperative diet for medically ill patients. Some of these nutrients and benefits of coconut water have been listed below.
Natural Diuretic:
Increases the output of urine, thus cleansing the body of toxic wastes.
Reduces High Blood Pressure:
Potassium and magnesium which is present in coconut is effective in reducing high blood pressure.
Improves Blood Circulation:
Complications arising from diabetes, like numbness in feet, kidney failure and loss of vision are a result of poor blood circulation. Coconut water helps to improve circulation, and helps to prevent occurrence of these complications.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):
Fresh coconut water is one of the oldest and natural remedy for curing urinary tract infection which is caused by bacterial infection in the urethra. Monolarium present in coconut water is an anti bacterial, anti fungal and antiviral monoglyceride, thus making it a perfect and natural cure for UTI.
Heart Tonic:
Coconut water helps reduce plaque formation and improves circulation, thereby reducing the chances of heart attack and stroke.

Tender coconut water has so many health benefits. It is also a kidney-friendly drink. So if you are a kidney disease patient, you can drink it.


Can Patients With FSGS Eat Papaya

Kidney disease patients always pay attention to their diet, so do FSGS patients. Papaya has the good reputation of “the King of fruit” that may be a great food for some FSGS patients.
The following introduces how papaya helps fight against FSGS
1. Prevent further kidney damage: Papaya is quite rich in vitamin C that has the property of antioxidant. Correct intake of vitamin C is able to inhibit abnormal immune reaction and protect residual kidney tissues.
2. Cleanse polluted blood: When glomeruli are damaged, many metabolic wastes and toxins will build up in the blood. Papaya is able to help remove toxins, especially peroxide, from the body, so as to purify blood and provide a clean environment for kidney restoration.
3. Prevent and treat hypertension: Even though not all FSGS patients have hypertension, quite a number of people with FSGS indeed suffer from this problem. Papaya just has the effect of reducing high blood pressure. From this point, it is good for these patients.
4. Ease anemia: Besides cleansing blood, secreting EPO is another important role of kidney. When kidneys can’t produce enough EPO, the body can’t produce enough red blood cells, resulting in anemia easily. Papaya contains rich iron that can promote the formation of red blood cells, so as to relieve anemia.
Other cautions

Although papaya can bring so many benefits for FSGS patients, it doesn’t mean all of them can consume this fruit. If you have pain during urination or are allergic to papaya, you should avoid it. In view of this, you had better consult the doctor before eating papaya.

What Is The Medical Management Of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is characterized by edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidaemia. What is the medical management for NS?
Diuretics is helpful for controlling swelling by increasing the output of your kidneys’ fluid. The common diuretics include thiazide, loop diuretics and potassium-sparing diuretics. You can choose the suitable one depending on your medical condition.
Immunosuppressor, such as corticosteroids are often used to control the immune system and decrease the inflammation. It conduces to eliminating proteinuria and hematuria.
Cholesterol-reducing medications
Statins belong to cholesterol-reducing medication. They include rosuvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin, atorvastatin and so on.
Hypotensive drugs
ACE inhibitors and ARB are often prescribed by doctors to lower blood pressure. They can also reduce the amount of protein released in urine as well as preserving kidney function.
Blood thinners
Blood thinners may also be used to decrease your blood’s ability to clot and reduce your risk of developing blood clot.
Under normal circumstances, Nephrotic Syndrome symptoms can be under controlled by these medical management. But it is likely for your state of illness to relapse. To eliminate Nephrotic Syndrome, you have to find fundamental cause and take corresponding treatment. Only in this way can you live a healthy and normal life.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine takes effect slowly in treating disease. But they are almost natural, which means that they have no side effects and you can take them for long-term. TCM has the function of regulating your whole body.

If you want to know more information, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor.


Can Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy Drink Whiskey In Daily Life

WHISKY is a kind of alcoholic beverage made by grains,belonging to distilled liquor. In England,it is honoured as “Water of Life”. Almost no one can refuse the temptation of WHISKY,especially men. Well, can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients drink whiskey in daily life?
Diabetic Nephropathy is the most serious and dangerous chronic complication caused by diabetes. It is also one of the main cause of Kidney Failure. Compared with other kind of kidney diseases,it is more intractable and will also cause many other problems owing to its complex metabolic disorders.
Proper intake of WHISKY is good for patients physical condition. Enhance resistance,relieve pressure and prolong human life. Besides,actually,most of people drink it for its high-end tastes. However,WHISKY is not beneficial for patents who suffered from Diabetic Nephropathy.
As a kind of disease caused by disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism,diabetes makes liver can not store glucose. Besides,the intake of alcohol will increase the renal burden. In addition,alcohol may reduce the excretion of UA (Uric Acid),increasing the UA. Moreover,the risk of angiosclerosis and high blood pressure will be more serious.

Generally speaking, diabetic nephropathy and other kidney disease patients should not drink whiskey or other alcoholic drinks so as not to worsen their medical conditions.

Is Fried Chicken Good For Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy patients eat fried chicken? The delicious chicken juice,its spicy and fresh taste set off a wave of fashion in the whole world without distinction of sex and age,including some patients. Here our expert will tell you whether patients with hypertensive nephropathy eat fried chicken.
Hypertensive Nephropathy is a secondary disease caused by long-standing high blood pressure. It can also be called hypertensive arteriolar nephrosclerosis that will be accompanied the renal damage. The long-term high blood pressure will reduce the renal blood flow,causing the renal damage. And then vessel wall will thicken,exacerbating the formation of thrombus. As the time go on,patients disease condition and the renal damage will be worse and worse.
Fried chicken is rich in carbohydrate,protein,fat,cholesterol and many other mineral substances. Besides,as a kind of fried food,fried chicken contains more calories and other hazardous substances.
In general,f chicken are edible for all people except the obese,the aged and children should eat less. Besides,patients with high blood pressure,CHD (coronary heart disease),high blood sugar and diabetes can not take it.
Moreover,for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy fried chicken is also not good for patients condition. High grease and cholesterol in it will increase renal burden and the risk of dying from CVD (Cardiovascular Disorder). Besides,high calories may become a inducement of some CVD and cause death.
So in order to protect patients’s physical condition,a healthy diet is necessary for patients to relieve their disease condition. Low intake of fat,water,salt and high quality of protein is beneficial for their condition.

If you need further information of diet for hypertensive nephropathy, you can leave us a message to kidney-cares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Diet Taboos Of Nephrotic Syndrome

Proper diet for kidney disease plays an important role in the recovery of the disease. What kidney disease patients can eat and how much they can eat? It is not a word to explain clearly. Diet plan should be on the basis of the type of disease, the severe of kidney disease. Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of stubborn disease and here we will introduce its diet taboos.
Kidney disease diet taboo
1. light digestible food, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy food, wine and all fat things such as: Spiced aniseed, coffee, coriander etc; especially in patients with deficiency such as: Tongue red veins loud, night sweats, dry stool, hematuria embolism; but patients yang, such as: pale tongue white, pulse, body cold limbs, they thin, edible hot foods.
2. should eat fresh fruits and vegetables and the amount of, proper drinking water; eat all supplements, tonics and easy to get angry foods such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular deficiency heat, such as purple tongue, pulse delay, chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood disorders.
3.Disable all kidney patients, neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, manshuriensis and autoimmune injection.
4, uremic patients keep stool, defecation 2∽3 times better day should not stay up late, sexual restraint, pay attention to rest, to avoid the cold.
5, has been taking hormones, should be decreasing the amount of hormones in the guidance of the physician and the number depending on the circumstances.
6, severe edema should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein in food, less water. Edema is not heavy, low-sodium diet may enter; no swelling does not limit the amount of water and protein foods; microscopic hematuria and who should get angry more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and other Yangyin send fire food.
7, uremia hyperkalemia were cut high potassium foods such as: bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; conversely patients with low potassium levels.

8, high blood uric acid, especially those who eat animal organs, Yuxia mussels, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach. 9, during treatment, if cold, fever, infections, and other situation, when emergency contact with specialists, so that timely treatment to avoid complications increase.

Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients On Dialysis Eat Red Dates

Can diabetic nephropathy patients on dialysis eat red dates? Patients with kidney disease should pay attention to their diet. Red dates contain rich vitamin, iron and calcium. They play an important role in preventing osteoporosis and anemia. Well, are red dates good for diabetic nephropathy patients who are on dialysis?
Jujube contains a lot of vitamins, rich in calcium and iron, their prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and anemia have an important effect on people who physically weak after the illness has a good tonic effect, is qi and blood to share. Diabetes, high blood sugar should be a balanced diet, food choices should be diversified, nutrition should be reasonable and should relax restrictions on staple foods, limiting fat intake, amount of select high-quality protein, increasing dietary fiber intake, increase vitamins, minerals intake. So for patients with diabetic nephropathy, the dates do not eat as much as possible, because the dates of sugar is very high, but in the diet should pay more attention to some, there are still a lot of things you can eat.
Diabetic nephropathy dialysis people can eat dates it? Diabetic nephropathy dietary needs attention?
1. Blood sugar control is very important.
Blood sugar continues to rise, it will induce fat cholesterol metabolism, promote glomerular sclerosis degeneration of renal capillary intimal thickening to loss of normal function. One key to controlling blood sugar restricted calorie intake, and second, insist on taking hypoglycemic drugs, to avoid the emotional and infection can cause a variety of factors blood sugar fluctuations.
2, salt intake should be limited.
In order to protect the kidneys, reducing their workload, people with diabetes should be as tasteless a few dishes, salt intake should be less than 7 g per day should limit the intake of water during severe renal failure
Integrative medicine treatment - kidney immune regulator clears blocking therapy, micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine to lower creatinine, resulting in immune complexes by removing diseased tissue and glomerular basement membrane damage, and repair as long as the glomerular basement membrane. after repairing the damaged basement membrane, changing the kidney structure, expanding the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, then we must prevent colds, diet and emotions, not tired, control of blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect renal function. As long as adherence to treatment, pay attention to the daily care, serum creatinine will drop down.


Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Metformin

Can diabetic nephropathy patients take metformin? Diabetic Nephropathy is a secondary disease caused by long-term high blood sugar. It has becomes more and more common owing to the unhealthy lifestyle and some innate factors. Hypoglycemic drugs is necessary for Diabetes patients to control and relieve their high level of blood sugar. So is it OK for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to take hypoglycemic drugs ?
Metformin is a kind of oral hypoglycemic in biguanides. it can delay the ingestion of glucose by gastrointestinal tract,increase the use of glucose in peripheral tissue by increasing the Sensibility of insulin and inhibit the neoglycogenesis in liver and kidneys. The more important is that this kind of medicine will not reduce patients’ blood sugar.
Compared with other kinds of hypolycemic agent,metformin plays an important role in controlling and relieving patients’ blood pressure. For most of Type 2 DM (Diabetes mellitus) patients,taking biguanide is necessary for patients to control and relieve their disease condition. But the problem is that it is not suitable for hemodialysis patients to take Metformin.
Kidney Dialysis seems to be the most common choice for all of Kidney Failure patients to delay their renal lesions. But the it doesn’t means that dialysis is the best way to protect patients’ remaining health. Long-term dialysis will lead to many serious side affects,like dialysis disequilibrium syndrome,stenocardia,Heart Failure,hypoglycemia,and so on. In this case,if patients take metformin to limit their hyperglycemia,it is possible that patients may suffer frvom hypoglycemia owing to the medicine and dialysis.

We advise you to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to change and rescue your life. If you have any problem, please leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will provide you professional guidance as soon as possible for free.

New Therapies To Relieve Itchy Skin In Diabetic Nephropathy

In our daily life, itch is more common due to various reasons, like weather, diet, emotion, liquor and so on. Besides, some diseases will also lead to itching, like diabetes, Kidney Failure, inflammations. Diabetic Nephropathy is just one of these diseases that will cause the itchy skin. Well, how to treat itchy skin in Diabetic Nephropathy?
For Diabetic Nephropathy patients, owing to the renal damage, patient’s nervous system will be effected badly, causing inflammations and itching. Besides, effected capillary circulation will also worsen this symptom. Besides, high blood sugar makes infections be easier, leading to itchy skin. What’ s more, inordinate endocrine system will aggravate dry skin and cause itch.
So is it necessary for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to tamely effective treatments to solve their renal problems. In this case, TCM Full Bath Therapy is a good choice for patient’s disease condition. As a kind of traditional external therapy, it plays an important role in controlling and relieving the itching to some extent with less side affects.
Besides, Foot Bath is also good for patient’s health. It can accelerate blood circulation and ease patient’s disease condition. In addition, Hot Compress Therapy offers another choice for CKD patients to improve their life and remedy the renal damage fundamentally. Thus patient’s itching must will be relieved and cured.

If you have any question, please leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to help you.


Is Kidney Transplant A Radical Therapy For FSGS

The most common treatment for FSGS is kidney transplant. But after kidney transplant, patients will have to take anti-rejection medications for their rest of time. In this case, some people may doubt whether they can receive transplant. Is there a better treatment than kidney transplant?
Why FSGS has such a high rate of recurrence?
When kidneys lose their functions, dialysis and kidney transplant usually become the first two choices. And kidney transplant may be more preferred, for it allows you to live a better life. But kidney transplant is not suitable for everyone. The reason why FSGS returns is that FSGS is an auto-immune disease, though you can take the place of the damaged kidney, you can not change the disordered immune system. As long as the new kidney is put into the body, it will be attacked again. Then does it mean dialysis is better than kidney transplant? No. If you still have urine output and some kidney function, you can take some other treatments into consideration.
Better treatment than kidney transplant
Polluted Blood Therapy becomes favored by more and more kidney patients. Due to the kidney function impairment, wastes and toxins build up in the blood, which damages the blood system. While the polluted blood in turn further damages the kidneys. Therefore, treating the polluted blood is very necessary. A clear blood environment is helpful for the kidney self-healing. Though it can not bring the necrosis kidney back to life, it can repair the injured part and then kidney function improves.
Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies are often used with Polluted Blood Therapy. They help regulate your immune system as well as kidney function.
Kidney transplant is not the last chance for FSGS. The better treatment for FSGS is Polluted Blood Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. They are natural and very effective. Many patients with FSGS come to our hospital to take these therapies.

How Does Chinese Medicine Reverse Kidney Failure In FSGS

Without good control, long term of FSGS may induce kidney failure and there are no good cure for this disease. Because Chinese Herb Medicine has remarkable effect in curing many disease so people are wondering if it can reverse this disease. Now let us to know whether Chinese medicine can reverse kidney failure in FSGS.
Herb medicine is one essence part of Chinese culture, it is used widely in curing many kind of disease, what’s more, it can treat the disease in a natural way with less side effects.TCM differs from western medicines, so this old therapy has its own incomparable advantages. It is more prone to focus on root causes instead of symptoms or complications. Therefore, its treatments would start from dealing with real culprit. In the case of treating kidney disease, TCM is good at regulating immune system, excreting metabolic products, relieving swelling and improving kidney function. But Chinese medicines take effect slowly and are bad at treating acute as well as serious cases. Other than this, its nephrotoxicity is well-known by us. Aristolochic acid is a typical example. So do not take any of them by yourself, you need go to the normal hospital and receive the systemic treatment.
In order to let the active ingredients in herb work efficiently, experts in our hospital invented a new therapy based on Chinese Herb Medicine and Western Medicine. It has remarkable effect in curing Kidney Failure but everything has two sides, it is not an exception either. It does help some patients get improvements, and it also worsens others’ illness condition without use it properly.

If you want to learn more information about Chinese medicine for kidney failure in FSGS, welcome to browse my blog frequently.


Can Diabetes And Stage 5 Kidney Failure Get Reversed Without Dialysis

Diabetes is one leading cause of kidney failure. Stage 5 kidney failure is the most severe period of kidney disease. Dialysis in this condition is used to sustain patients’ life span. Can diabetes and stage 5 kidney failure get recovered without dialysis?
Is Diabetes and stage 5 kidney failure reversible without dialysis? Fortunately, the answer is “YES”. But how?
In order to avoid or get rid of dialysis, patients should take effective treatment to stop the disease’s continual deterioration and improve the residual kidney capacity. When kidneys work better and better, patients can live a normal, long life with their own kidneys.
While, what is the best treatment option with such curative effects?
In shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, kidney experts team have invented an alternative natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Different from symptomatic treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a fundamental solution with aims to treat renal failure from the root cause. Chinese herb medicine is externally used to take effect to dilate the blood vessels, prevent inflammation, anti-coagulation, remove harmful toxins and wastes out of the body, enhance the blood and oxygen supply, repair the impaired kidneys and greatly raise the renal function. By doing this, the disease will not aggravate in the future. In favorable cases, kidney damage can even be reversed in certain degree.

If you happen to be a patient with diabetes and stage 5 kidney failure, you do not want to take dialysis, you can have a try of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other Chinese medicine therapies. You can get recovered without dialysis.

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