
How to Treat Patients with CKD Stage 4 with Alternative Treatment

My doctor tells me I'm in CKD Stage 4 . What can I do to slow or improve. I am a diabetes.

Sir you have any questions please ask our online doctor directly for free.

"His creatinine level is too high. Creatinine is a product of degradation of creatinine phosphate in muscle, and usually occurs at a fairly constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass) means creatinine .High high blood toxin. The toxin destroy your body day to day.All cells can make you get heart failure that may threaten his life ".

How to treat CKD stage 4 patients with alternative treatment?

Taking dialysis may also reduce symptoms of CKD. Perhaps can not be cured completamente.En medicine, dialysis is a procedure to remove wastes and excess water from the blood and is mainly used as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with impaired renal.En Actually, dialysis is commonly regarded as a "measure of detention" until a kidney transplant can be performed, or sometimes as the only measure of support for those for whom a transplant would inapropiado.Tomamos measures to slow the deterioration of the disease.

Throughout the course of treatment, we will use our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy feature to ease the pain of patients. This therapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), in which different herbs are used externally to treat kidney disease.

If you have any questions about our treatment yourself or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will respond as soon as possible.

What Type of Treatment Based on Plants is Useful for Kidney Damage Repair

What kind of herbal treatment is useful for repairing damage to the kidneys? To be frank, medicinal herbs, compared with Western medicines, has a superiority in repairing kidney damage. In this way, people are looking for some ways of herbs for the treatment of renal disease.

The circulation of blood has a close link with the kidneys. Healthy kidneys remove waste products and toxins from the bloodstream sangre.La, in turn, complements enough blood and oxygen to riñón.Además own cells, blood can also protect the kidney from harmful by regulating the system immune system and providing a clean inner body.

Herbal remedies relating to the use of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, medicated bath, cupping therapy and some other natural therapies to alter the state of renal ischemia and anoxia and cleaning the blood contaminada.Además another great benefit of herbal remedies is to increase the self-healing ability of the cells dañadas.Como only as renal cell with disabilities can get enough nutrition and strong healing ability, damaged but not necrotic cells can recover to work soon by little.

Although these treatments can help repair the kidney damage is not widely used in the past to treat disease renal.La reason is that the working time of traditional herbal remedies is long and most Patients not wait that long to recover.

In view of this, many kidney experts work together. Fortunately, they find a breakthrough, called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy.Con the help of osmotic devices, herbal medicines completely shattered kidney can penetrate through the skin directly.Therefore, this therapy can shorten external application working time traditional herbal remedy greatly. In general, only after two or three weeks, patients can obtain a marked improvement.

If you want to know more about herbal or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease treatment, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will do everything possible to help you.


If the Transplanted Kidney Fail, Will I Get Another

If the Transplanted Kidney Fail, Will I Get Another? Generally, everyone can transplant 3 times in our lives. However, the lifespan of the new transplanted kidney will be shorter than before.

For example, if the first did the transplant is 10.5 years. Each transplant patient has rechazo.Pero reaction now his kidney damaged again. If you have a second transplant, the new kidney damage 5 años.Por the same reason, if you have a third transplant, which is the last time, the new kidney damage of 2.5 years.
Although doctors prescribe some medications such as immunosuppressive agents, diuretic, decrease inflammation. These drugs are good for their disease, but they are far from sufficient for their disease.

As renal failure patients the wise choice is to try your best to protect the remaining kidney, and, if possible, to improve kidney function. Thus, it is possible to prevent transplant and enjoy a quality life.

How to improve renal patient kidney function?

First, you should make a diet plan according to their own condition, if necessary, can seek help from your doctor or nutritionist.

Based on this point, you should take systematic treatments that should including Chinese medicine (to repair the damaged kidney tissues) and western medicine (to relieve symptoms in a short period of time).

With the help of these therapies and diet as you will have the opportunity to protect their kidney failure again, so to prevent transplant.

If you want more information on kidney or need any help in the treatment of kidney transplant failure, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor directly. We will do everything possible to help you.

Do You Know the Life Expectancy for Dialysis Patients

"My husband - 66 years (soon to be 67) entered mayo.Él total renal failure is the 3 1/2 hours of dialysis three times a week he is diabetic, had a heart attack, bypass surgery. abdominal.Varios repair other problems salud.Cuánto aorta time reasonably expect dialysis to keep him alive? "If you have any questions please ask our doctor online for free. We will give you professional guidance as soon as possible.

How is the life expectancy of dialysis patients? If you are a patient with renal insufficiency, may life expectancy of dialysis and wonder what happens when you start dialysis. In the following content, we will help renal failure patients learn more about dialysis.

Generally speaking, once the stage 4 chronic kidney disease is reached, 90% of kidney function is gone and after surgery to form a fistula for dialysis would read paso.Sabes how much hope Life after stopping dialysis?

As for the life expectancy of patients on dialysis, which depends on your age and other medical problems present, it has no exact answer to the life expectancy of patients dialysis.Generally, kidney failure patients are older and the healthiest problems have less time left.

Our hospital uses the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy based on traditional Chinese medicine. It is based on traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. Use different medicine to cure according to the condition of patients.

If you have any questions please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor. We will give you professional guidance as soon as possible.


Severe proteinuria in Lupus Nephritis and How to Cure It

Proteinuria means the presence of an excess of serum proteins in the orina.Para most patients with kidney problems, is not a symptom optimista.Aquí article can help you learn more about your disease condition, with I hope this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more appropriate therapy.

Free online doctor can help you learn more about your illness condition and only our treatments directly and quickly.

Lupus nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney caused by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a disease of immune system, thus damaged kidneys may not work as usual, leading to the leakage of protein in the urine, ie, proteinuria.
Aside from the kidneys, SLE can also damage the skin, joints, nervous system and virtually any organ or system of cuerpo.Por what is necessary for patients to take timely and effective treatments to control and relieve your illness condition.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a typical external application of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and specializes in the treatment of disease renal.Medicina micronized can infiltrate renal lesions, stop inflammation and block worsening renal function raíz.El the most important is that it offers a better internal environment and promotes renal renal recovery. Therefore, it can help solve the leakage of protein fundamentally.

If you have any question, please leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor directly. We will try our best to help you.

How to treat kidney disease by Herb Medicine in China

How to treat kidney disease by Herb Medicine China? It is known that a number of new treatments are effective in the treatment of kidney disease, all of which are based on traditional herb medicine therapies such china.Todas cooperated during treatment can achieve good curative effect.

How to treat kidney disease by Chinese Medicine Herb?

From high level of toxins in your body has built, the first step in treatment is to filter toxins and waste products from the sangre.Usted should know that as the kidneys are damaged seriously, high levels of toxins accumulate in the blood .When the blood circulates throughout the body, affecting many organ systems in the body such as the heart, brain, nervous system, etc.

Stage blood purification involve the use of the Circle Therapy, Enema Therapy and baño.Estas medicinal therapies may increase the elimination of toxins from the body in other ways, including the skin, intestine and certain acupuncture points on the body.

This stage of treatment can not only remove creatinine, urea and other toxins micromolecular, but can also eliminate other products from mid-molecular substances. Therefore it can create a favorable domestic environment for the repair of tissues and cells Kidney with disabilities.

After a favorable domestic environment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied is constructed. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a therapy externally applied Chinese medicinal herbs that act in the area renal.Sobre the basis of a patient's condition, the different types of drugs are applied in it. With the help of this therapy, patients with kidney disease who are in the early stage may have the opportunity to live as a person normal.For those who are in the advanced stage may lose the opportunity to reverse their disease but can also get chance to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant.

To learn more about how to treat kidney disease by Herb Medicine China or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

Renal Failure Patients May Have Kidney Transplant Rejection

"Good morning, doctor. My son was a patient with renal failure and had a kidney transplant five months ago, but now has high protein 2400. Is it a dangerous signal?

Kidney transplant rejection is an immune response, since the presence of antigen allogeneic kidney, cellular and humoral immune responses kidney transplant immune system against the alloantigen, this immune response is I rechazo.Acelerado rejection: it produces 3 -5 days after surgery, kidney transplantation patients showed swelling, tenderness, fever significant, oliguria and hypertension, elevated serum creatinine and white cells sangre.Disponible accelerated rejection methylprednisolone, ATG, OKT3, exchange therapy plasma.

Most kidney transplant recipients experience any symptoms of rejection riñón.Y at the clinic, there are mainly three types of kidney rejection, each with its own set of symptoms:

1.The hyperacute rejection

Hyperacute rejection usually occurs within the first two days after surgery and is always marked by increased blood pressure and fiebre.Cuando hyperacute rejection occurs, surgery is usually urgently needed to eliminate new kidney.

2.The acute rejection

Acute rejection: occurs one week after the kidney transplant rejection and there crónico.El performance of patients with fever, decreased urine output, high blood pressure, kidney tenderness, elevated serum creatinine, now, due to cyclosporin A and other clinical manifestations are not typical, you can only change renal function.

Chronic rejection can occur at any time and signs of chronic rejection include swelling of the extremities, fatigue, increased creatinine and BUN, protein in the urine, and blood in the urine and so on. donor renal failure when dialysis is required.

If you have interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave message below or email to mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com with your questions, we are happy to provide more professional guidance as soon as possible so free.

What Are the Chances of Recovering Renal Failure with Creatinine 5.9

"I am a patient with renal insufficiency with creatinine 5.9 and want to know what are the chances of recovering from it." In fact, to this question the chances of recovery depends mainly on the treatment the patient elija.Con proper treatment, renal failure with creatinine 5.9 may have more than half as likely to achieve recovery, although they can not reverse the disease altogether, but can also live like a normal person and live with this disease for a long time.

What Does creatinine 5.9 mean in patients with kidney failure?

At the clinic, creatinine 5.9 means that the disease is already at stage 4 kidney disease, without good control whatever will stage renal disease terminal.Sin But with timely and appropriate treatment, the patient can control the disease and . After all, you just fall in stage 4 kidney disease, there are still some kidneys are working normally.

What are the appropriate treatment for patients with renal impairment creatinine 5.9?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese medicine herb has a noticeable effect on the treatment of disease renal.Puede reduce high creatinine level by improving renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used in any season and any time, so you need not take into account the environmental factor. What's more, it is easy to absorber.La research it shows that 65% of ingredients in it can reach directly renal injury. Therefore, this disease can be cured quickly and eficiente.Además, is a type of therapy external application, so you can cure this disease without further damage to the kidneys.

With the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients with renal creatinine 5.9 have more than half of the opportunity to reverse the disease, you can at least enjoy a high life quality.So you have other questions about the renal failure or need any help in the treatment, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Can Renal Function in Stage 3 Kidney Disease be Improved by Immunotherapy

Can Renal Function in Stage 3 Kidney Disease be Improved by Immunotherapy? In fact, stage 3 kidney disease is a vital stage of kidney disease, with the help of timely treatment, can I be revertida.Pero without good treatment, you can go to step 4, but step 5, then people have to deal with dialysis or transplantation.

Can renal function stage 3 kidney disease can be improved by immunotherapy?

According to the report, three stage renal disease can be reversed by immunotherapy, so that kidney function can be improved by this therapy.

What is immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is a new therapy based on these teoría.Es one scientific and systemic treatment consisting of six steps: --- immunological diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection.

Immunological diagnosis can make clear the number, type and location of immune kidney to know where renal lesions are and the severity of the damage renales.Es not only tests and conventional tests are complex, but the methods of also they include advanced immune diagnosis.

Immune clearance is to eliminate immune complexes in the blood in order to purify the blood stream and provide favorable domestic environment for tracking drugs and treatments to take effect.

Blocking immune and immune tolerance is to suppress inflammation in the kidneys and prevent further kidney damage.

Immune regulation and immune protection is to repair the kidney damages and improve kidney function, regulation of immune disorders and enhances immunity.

If you want to learn more about immunotherapy or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

What are the Causes and Treatment For Lower Back Pain In PKD

What are the causes of low back pain in polycystic kidney disease and how to treat it? In fact, back pain is one of the common symptoms of polycystic kidney disease and what really affects the patient's life, so Today I'll tell you more about him and the hope that can help you live better.

What are the causes of low back pain in PKD?

Back pain can be caused by kidney bleeding, enlarged cysts, kidney stones and infection and worsens with physical activity, long periods of walking and sitting, but also can improve after a good rest.

How to treat back pain in PKD?

From the above, we know that there are many factors that can cause back pain so when treatment should make clear the reasons below is selected, make correspondientes.Pero measures no matter how timely treatment is necessary.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the effective therapies in the treatment of kidney disease, can relieve all symptoms caused by the reduction of PKD cysts and repair damaged kidneys caused by enlarged cysts.

The active materials of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the condition of circulation of blood vessels and cysts and soften the capsule wall, which increases the permeability of the capsule walls and inhibition of cell secretion Wall cápsula.De Thus, this therapy can relieve back pain and other symptoms caused by PKD.

To learn more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in the treatment of PKD, you can leave message for us we will do our best to help.


The hopes for Kidney Disease Patients Coming From Thousands of Kilometers

At first glance, it looks like a woman embarazada.Pero, actually, after you look closely, you will realize that it actually is a renal disease that is now in serious condition.

Henry (nickname) coming from Nigeria is a PKD patient and her disease has now fallen in uremia, which is the last stage of the disease renal.Con disease goes from bad to worse, many types of complications appeared one to one. Meanwhile, his urine output is declining day by day, which means your kidney function is decreasing from time to time.

According to its stated he has been looking for the right treatment and never give up no matter what difficulties he encountered. Still, he got none in return. Worse, his illness became serious.

"All thighs turned around after I met a friend who recommended me to visit the mysterious China" Henry said with a twinkle in his eyes, "after that I think Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital that bring me hope and courage to keep fighting this disease. "

The March 27, 2015, that came to our hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, then their serum creatinine level has until 1026 umol / L. He has a slender body but with a big belly and fell tired throughout the body.

After three days of treatment of Chinese medicine and meticulous care and attention to our doctors and nurses, the disease becomes good gradually.Algunos of symptoms such as vomiting and nausea begin to disappear, what is more, he began to recover energy.

After a few weeks of treatment, serum creatinine levels lowered to 668 umol / L and other symptoms and complications disappeared one by one. "Mysterious Chinese medicine is very powerful, it gives me so much in return for so little time. I really should to thank the doctors and nurses here, is to bring me a new life, "said .Henry grateful voice.

Diabetic nephropathy patients enjoy a good time here in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

JAGDISH PRASAD, male, 78 years old, he is a patient and diabetic nephropathy comes from the India.Él has been suffering from diabetes 25 years and creatinine rises above 5mg/dL.Antes got here, you have to accept a series of treatment at local hospital and their condition was controlled to vez.Pero later relapse again. So in order to get further treatment he decided to come here to try a fortune, and finally succeeded with the help of our doctors and nurses.

The following is a group imagines about his life here, look how wonderful it is!

Want to know more about your treatment here or need help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send an email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor online. We will do every possible to help you.

High blood pressure can accelerate PKD Falling in Renal Failure

According to research, hypertension in polycystic kidney disease can accelerate to fall in failure renal.Así that controlling high blood pressure is very important to treat this disease.

When PKD patient fall in renal failure?

In fact, most of the patient's kidneys not going to fail before age 40, but for patients with high blood pressure can get kidney failure before other patients, some of them even fall in renal failure before 30.

How to control blood pressure in polycystic kidney disease?

Most of the situation, doctors will prescribe some medications to reduce the high level of creatinina. Hypotensive drugs like ACEI and ARBs can be used to control blood pressure and before long, but once you stop taking them, be discharged from nuevo.Así the key point control high blood pressure should reduce and inhibit the growth of cysts, which mainly causes high blood pressure in PKD.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, has remarkable effect in treating the disease renal.Los active materials that can improve the condition of the circulation of the blood vessels and cysts and smooth the capsule wall, which increases the permeability of the capsule walls and inhibition of the secretion of cell wall cápsula.De such cysts can be reduced and inhibited. So symptoms such as high blood pressure caused by enlarged cysts can be solved.

From the above it is known that the control of hypertension in polycystic kidney disease is very important for the treatment of this disease, so we must pay close attention to it.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, you can consult our doctor on line or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Chinese medicine helps reduce and relieve my kidney cysts

I Stefanos, 44 years old, and I am from Greece. Well, I'm a patient with PKD, there are no doctors in my country that give me a chance to recover, you know that the only solution for PKD in Greece is waiting for dialysis or transplantation riñón.Yo I think every patients with kidney disease wants to avoid dialysis and kidney transplantation, forcing my trip to China for treatment.

I've never been to China before, to be honest, I'd be a little scared when I thought I'd come to China.Fortunately, I have some Chinese friends, so I asked one of them to get a line on this treatment PKD in China. If he said yes, he would go; whereas if he said no, I would not go.

Before coming to China for this treatment PKD, my creatinine level was 4.25mg / dl after a month and a half of treatment, the creatinine level has been reduced to 3.4 mg / dl.Y the size of my highest cyst He refused to 5cm of 7 cm, and the size of my kidney refused to 19cm 23cm.El treatment for PKD here was the best treatment I had never imagined, was very different from what I used to be treated in Greece. I decided to call my uncle, who was also suffering from PKD coming to China for treatment.

Can Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Failure better than Dialysis

Hello, doctor. I have renal failure and I do not want dialysis. I hear Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat kidney failure better than dialysis. Is it true?

Kidney failure is a serious disease in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the sangre.Si is necessary, patients require some form of renal replacement therapy (dialysis) or a kidney transplant to control their own condition.

Free online doctor can help you learn more about your illness condition and only our treatments directly and quickly.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative new therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital and specialized in the treatment of disease renal.Sobre the basis of the detailed status of the disease, experts can apply appropriate medications, specific treatments and unique recipe to control and relieve kidney disease.

Osmotherapy is a typical external application of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and has zero side effects on the health of micronized restante.Medicina patient can infiltrate the renal lesions, stop inflammation and block worsening renal function, fundamentally. When compared with dialysis, you can better protect the health of patients remaining kidney function and increase as much as possible. The most important is that it creates a better indoor environment and promotes renal renal recovery.

In this way, the patient's renal function may gradually improve and reduce dialysis. If you want to even get rid of problems or questions about your account or our therapies, please leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com directly for more details. We are happy to provide more professional guidance quickly for free.


Is There Any Chance To Reverse Stage 3 Kidney Disease

I'm in stage 3 kidney disease I can have a chance to reverse it? At present, it is in a very critical period, the kidney disease may progress in two opposite directions.

Can patients in stage 3 kidney disease have the chance of reversing it?

With effective treatment, the healthy glomeruli may be protected against damage mayores.Sobre this basis, if those glomeruli with disabilities can be restored kidney function can be improved a lot.

However, if more and more glomeruli was necrotic, keep worsening kidney function and overall will become difficult.Pronto, you have to start dialysis. Once you start dialysis, you will need to depend on it to keep alive. Or go to kidney transplant.

For the treatment of their disease, the following processing steps are involved:

First, it is to degrade the immune complexes and kidney clear out of the body.

Second, it is to purify the blood to remove toxins, such as creatinine, urea, etc., and immune complexes in the blood.

Third, it is to suppress inflammation in the kidneys to eliminate the direct cause of kidney damage.

Fourth, it is to restore the glomeruli with problems to improve renal function.

In short, if the kidney disease patient can get proper treatment in time, may have the opportunity to revertirla.Aquí I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you, it is one of the most effective treatment of renal disease.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Chinese Medicine Can Help Patients with Diabetic nephropathy

"I have a creatinine level of 1.4 I am diabetic for 12 years. Can this level lead to kidney failure? I have no other symptoms. I take 10 units of insulin Mixtard human before breakfast and one tablet Janumet after counter and 50/500 Janumet tablet after cena.Qué drugs should take either to stop or reverse the progression condition ".This is an email address of the patient. There is a process on the treatment in the siguiente.So if you have any questions, please ask our online doctor directly for free.

Because you have had diabetes for 12 years, so his kidney problem has great relationship with his diabetes, which is not well controlled for a long tiempo.Usted suffered diabética.Cómo nephropathy is your diabetes controlled now? Volume 10 Mixtard human insulin units before breakfast and 50/500 Janumet tablet after tablet counter and take Janumet after fibator dinner.I after counter and after dinner.

What about the current blood sugar?

Creatinine level is 1.4, it is greater than the average rank. High creatinine means higher toxins in the general cuerpo.En once the creatinine level is higher, there renal function over 50% has been damaged.

At this stage early treatment may still reverse his kidney problem.

We often use traditional Chinese herbal medicine to repair damaged kidney and we have many eficaces.Tales therapies as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just one of our many traditional Chinese medicine therapies effective.

If you have any questions about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message for us.

Is Kidney Stone Common Grave in PKD

A kidney stone, also known as a kidney stone or Nephrolith is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidneys of minerals in the orina.Si stones grow to sufficient size that can cause obstruction leads to uréter.Esto pain. Other associated symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in the urine, pus in the urine and painful urination.

Most stones are formed due to a combination of genetic factors and ambientales.Y for PKD patients, their condition is most often to cause calculations renales.Aquí article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more appropriate therapy.

Contact Doctor online for more details on this or other useful information quickly and directly for free.

For patients with PKD, numerous cysts damage kidney function and cause obstruction, making normal excretion orina.Día day, this condition will be worse and worse, leading to kidney stones. Some medicines and necessary ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) can help alleviate the condition of the patient's disease.

So in this case, to resolve the renal disease is the fundamental way to cure calculations renales.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better option for patients with PKD. It can protect patient health remaining kidney function and increase as much as possible. The most important is that it provides a better indoor environment and promotes renal renal recovery.

Please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly, we are happy to provide more professional guidance quickly for free .


Will FSGS Cause Kidney Failure and How to Treat It

Can FSGS lead to kidney failure? You know, the FSGS is caused by decreased immunity, is a kidney disorder that can cause glomeruloesclerosis.Glomeruloesclerosis refers to the glomeruli scarring or hardening. Without prompt treatment, it will lead to kidney failure.

Can FSGS be cured by drugs?

In addition, the essence of kidney disease is damage to the intrinsic cells, now there are three types of kidney cells in your body: necrotic cells, damaged cells and healthy cells, they can not do anything to the damaged cells, but we can repair damaged cells and protect healthy cells, then you can stop the contraction of the kidneys.

To date, all drugs are mainly to relieve symptoms of kidney disease, are far from being sufficient to treat the condition raíz.Piensa it from the beginning now, does its monitoring of renal function ( such as creatinine and urea etc)?

Frankly, the current treatment is a type of symptomatic treatment, you can not solve the root problem. The only way to solve the problem is to take a systemic treatment.

What kind of treatment is helpful for preventing fall FSGS in renal failure?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the best known Chinese medicine in the treatment of kidney disease, FSGS can prevent falling into renal failure cooperated with our treatments.

This type of therapy has four main functions, which are anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and expand the vessels sanguíneos.Por these four functions, this therapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the waste from further damage. Therefore to avoid FSGS to kidney failure.

If you want more information on Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in the treatment of FSGS, you can send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help

How To Stop Massive Protein in Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific renal disorder characterized by a series of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema.Esta pronounced loss of proteins is due to increased glomerular permeability which allows proteins to pass urine instead to be retained in the blood.

This article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a better treatment Doctor online therapy can offer more details directly and quickly for free .

Treatment of nephrotic syndrome may be symptomatic or can go directly to the damage caused to riñones.ACEI and ARB can be used to control and reduce hypertension. At the same time, these drugs can also help alleviate the leakage of protein. But this can not fundamentally resolve the renal lesions.

So in this case, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is specialized in the treatment of disease renal.Así in this case, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is specialized in the treatment of disease renal.Se is a typical external application TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and has fewer side effects for the health of the remaining patient.

Micronized medicine can infiltrate renal lesions, stop inflammation and block the worsening kidney function remaining raíz.Se can protect patient health and enhance their kidney function as much as possible. The most important is that osmotherapy provides a better indoor environment and promotes renal renal recovery.


Can Decreased Renal Function Be Reversed by Dialysis

Normally functioning kidneys remove waste, fluids and blood salts, all of which are then passed through the urine. When the kidneys are in failure, waste and toxins accumulate in the bloodstream, causing a series of complications that, over time, can become serious. Therefore, in case of renal failure, dialysis is needed to help keep patients alive. Although, this therapy can reverse the decline in renal function? For professional help, see our doctor online for free help!

Unfortunately, the answer is "No". As is known, dialysis is a procedure that uses a machine to carry out part of the kidney functions such as filtering the blood, remove waste from the blood. However, no improvement kidney damage. While undergoing this treatment, renal function decreases continuously with time. Over time, patients enter complete kidney failure.

Are there any alternative dialysis treatment to reverse the decline of renal function?

The good news is that this type of therapy has been developed in China. It is widely known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Unlike traditional oral drugs, this is an external therapy without side effect to human body application.
Herb Chinese Medicine contained in this therapy can work to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the damaged kidneys, preventing the inflammatory response in the kidneys and remove toxic stuff out of the body. Depending on the condition of the individual illness, renal function can be promoted in various degrees.

If you are on dialysis and interested in getting the personalized assessment for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com with an assessment or a detailed description of the disease. Our kidney experts will analyze and shortly we will reply within 48 hours. Keep it up!

How to Treat Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By Diabetes

My husband has been diagnosed as stage 3 CKD due to diabetes and hypertension.Actually he has edema in his lower limbs and elevated creatinine of 3.1mg/dl or 272umol/L with low albumin 27.Please help treat?

Hello Madam, Today, her husband is in stage 3 kidney disease. At the clinic, is an important stage in the whole process of CKD.Con a systematic and effective treatment in time, kidney damage can be revertida.De otherwise, it will progress and eventually end stage renal failure will be the end result.

You know, depending on the degree kidney damage, chronic kidney disease can be divided into the following stages:

Compensatory stage renal failure

When less than 50% of the nephrons impaired, the left nephrons can do extra work to refine sangre.Por Therefore, the level of BUN and creatinine level will not increase. Meanwhile, patients usually do not show any clinical signs.

Decompensated stage of renal failure

When more than 50% of the nephrons impaired, serum creatinine increased to 133-442umol / L (2 ~ 5 mg / dL). At this stage, patients suffer from bloating, fatigue, lack of appetite, mild anemia etc.

Stage renal failure

When the creatinine level reaches 442-707umol / L (5-8mg / dl), patients will enter phase failure renal.En this stage, patients experience severe anemia, electrolyte imbalance, symptoms in multiple systems and organs.

Uremia stage

At this stage, the creatinine level increase to 707umol / L (8 mg / dL). At this stage, patients suffering from severe symptoms in various body organs and systems such as heart failure, digestive system, lung, etc.

In the case of her husband, who is in early stage of the failure Decompensated renal. In this stage, while more than 50% of the nephrons are damaged, there is still a part of nephrons not deteriorated.Por It is therefore important to protect this part of nephrons and repair reversible nephrons. Thus, renal function impairment and stop further be improved.


Why Do Lupus Nephritis Patients Have Mouth Ulcers

Lupus nephritis is caused by SLE or lupus. It is reported that only about 12% of lupus patients experience mouth sores or aftas.Estos symptoms can appear and disappear with the progress of lupus nephritis. Well then, why do patients have mouth ulcers?

The causes of mouth ulcers of lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is caused by SLE, while many factors, such as genetic factors, sex hormone, environment, infection, drugs and immune reactions can cause SLE, finally resulting in autoimmune disorder nephritis lúpica.El concerns attributed to the immunodeficiency disease. Nose or mouth ulcer is usually one of the first signs of an outbreak of lupus, and is often less than 1 cm in diameter. The following conditions can cause mouth ulcers of lupus nephritis patients.

- Autoimmune disorders which is the main cause
- Certain foods like nuts and cheese
- Anxiety and stress
- Vitamin B12 or iron deficiency
- Viral infections

How to treat mouth ulcers for lupus nephritis?

Here, we have known causes. Treatment depends on the cause, so to present several suggestions.

1. Try to control your mood: Any type of chronic kidney disease should affect both physical and mental health of patients. In this case, patients should learn to keep your stress levels as low as possible.

2. Avoid sensitive food: chocolate, coffee, peanuts, strawberries, tomatoes, wheat flour, almonds, etc, all can cause mouth ulcers.

3.Coma rich in iron and vitamin b12 foods: These foods can not only prevent canker sores, but also help to eat anemia.

4.Regular the immune system: Since the immune disorder is the root cause of lupus and lupus nephritis, only if the immune system becomes standard these patients can get rid of this disease and ulcers in the mouth completely. Immunotherapy is a treatment created to treat autoimmune disorders.

These are just some general tips to help Lupus nephritis patients to treat their ulcers in the mouth. For more information or you have something clear, welcome to contact us by email or leaving a message kidneycares@hotmail.com.

What are the causes of muscle cramps Renal Failure and How to Treat It

What are the causes of muscle cramps in kidney disease and how to treat? Muscle cramps as one of the symptoms of kidney disease affects the patient's life greatly, so are wondering why they are suffering from it and there aliviarlo.Aquí somehow going to share some information.

1. What are the causes of muscle cramps in renal failure?

Low blood calcium

When the kidneys are not functioning normally, additional phosphorus accumulates in the body, thus can produce low level of calcium in the sangre.Como a kind of electrolytes, calcium is closely related to the nervous muscular excitability.

The imbalance of calcium and phosphorus

Normally, the kidneys are responsible for the production of active vitamin D, which can be used to regulate metabolism Match calcio.Sin But when the kidneys are damaged, less calcium will be absorbed by the intestinal tract. And this is another cause of muscle cramps.

Diuretic use

Sometimes the use of drugs such as furosemide may increase calcium excretion, implying muscle cramps.

High levels of uremic toxins

In the advanced stages of kidney disease, high levels of uremic toxins can irritate the nervous system, resulting in restless legs syndrome.

2. How to treat muscle cramps in kidney disease?

Mediations Sometimes, medications like painkillers can be used to relive pain, but this may not be enough.

When calcium -Suplemento relates to calcium deficiency or imbalance of calcium and phosphorus supplement of calcium-rich foods may be essential.

-Restore Renal function radically To deal with muscle cramps, the most important step is to restore renal function.Treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, etc. can be good options.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.


Any Remedies for Kidney Failure with creatinine 12

Measuring serum creatinine is a simple test, and is the most widely used in accordance with the level of creatinine renal.De function indicator, experts can judge the degree of CKD and organize appropriate measures to resolve the problems.

This article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a adecuada.Médico online therapy can offer more details directly and quickly for free .

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) offers a better option for patients with CKD to live a life mejor.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is most appropriate for your illness condition and has zero side effects on their remaining health.

Osmotherapy is a typical external application of traditional Chinese medicine and medicine micronized can infiltrate renal lesions, control high blood pressure, stop inflammation and block the worsening kidney function remaining raíz.Se can protect health patient and increase renal function whenever possible. most importantly it provides a better indoor environment and promotes renal renal recovery.

Any problems or questions about our therapies, please leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will serve for you sincerely.

What Causes Anemia and How to Treat It In Diabetic Nephropathy

What is the cause of anemia in diabetic nephropathy and how to treat it? Anemia, like hypertension, often commonly occurs with kidney damage. Different stage shows different levels of severity of anemia.

What is the cause of anemia in diabetic nephropathy?

Kidneys malfunctioned resulting from diabetic nephropathy do not produce enough EPO (erythropoietin), meanwhile, shortened lifespan of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and accumulated toxins contribute to patients submitted anemia.Los face so pale, fatigue, difficulty concentrate and drowsiness etc.

How to treat anemia in diabetic nephropathy?

It is known that symptoms such as anemia are caused by this disease so while we can cure this disease, the symptoms gradually disappear.

For patients with diabetic nephropathy, taking control of your blood sugar tells all historia.Con sugar well controlled blood, people should take some measures to cure kidney disease, which is to restore kidney disorder .

Chinese medicines as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy Therapy and bathroom have a noticeable effect on the treatment of the disease renal.Cooperado together they can solve the problem of their underlying causes kidney.

For various medical patients different therapies for them according to their own condition shall, so if you want to know what kind of therapy is helpful for your health, please consult our doctor online directly, we will reply as soon as possible.


How to Treat the Problem urination with Chinese Medicine

"I have problem of urinating frequently. I feel like I need to pee again even though just pee. I have to tell you that several days ago the doctor gave me culture test urine and blood tests for this problem. The doctor tells me I have CKD.Me told me I have prescribed some pills. I'm moving my days with this problem. "This is an email from the patient.

There are "three high" and "low" of three patients with chronic kidney disease: the high incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with high concomitant high mortality whole society awareness of chronic kidney disease is low rate, prevention, effort associated with low knowledge of enfermedad.La survey shows that people over 40 years with a rate of prevalence of chronic kidney disease more than 10%, but the consciousness of less than 5%. If you have any questions please ask our online doctor directly for free.

In our country, glomerulonephritis patients are the most, accounting for 40% .With the structure of China's population and changes in dietary habits, and other secondary chronic kidney disease is constantly aumento.Junto with our current medical standards still limited, resulting in the prevention and treatment of the situation of chronic renal disease faces serious challenges.

There are many patients with CKD suffering from edema, vomiting, back pain, high creatinine.

Stasis, disinfection (degradation induced fibroblast apoptosis) process; oriented fibrosis and impaired renal myofibroblasts and immune complexes positioning actives Chinese Medicine; The tight integration with lesions of fibrosis, myofibroblasts and immune complexes.

Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relieve pain of patients effectively and help them recover gradualmente.Se can expand blood vessels, which has the function of anti-inflammatory, anti-freeze, degrading the extracellular matrix, blocking forms kidney damage.

Can PKD Patient Have the Opportunity to Be cured

Dear doctor, my name is Tony and my daughter has PKD, I can not accept it! Does it Affect her future life? Shall she had a chance to cure it?

Dear Tony

Jessica is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital China.Desde its declared know your daughter suffers from cysts renal.Por Please not disappoint on the condition of his daughter. You know, there are always some ways out of time difícil. To be frank, PKD is not easy to cure but can be controlled well, so your child can also have the chance to enjoy a quality life.

You know, the old age, renal cyst becomes larger, then press the kidney tissues and damage the function renal.En that time, patients will have symptoms like foam in urine, hematuria, dizziness, swelling, back pain, fatigue, etc. With renal cysts become large enough, patients secrete cyst fluid, which is very easy to get a kidney infection. The end result of renal cyst is renal failure.

However, the characteristic treatments can help patients live better. They are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem cell treatment.This natural treatment is without any side effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from Chinese herbs, without any side effects. This treatment is not surgery, do not take oral medicine, it is the method of external application according to Chinese acupuncture point.

Stem cells are the original cells of the human body, have a strong ability of self-replication, which can differentiate into several cell types that need body, thus rebuilding the new environment of the human body.


How Long Can I Live With 13% Kidney Function without Dialysis

If the kidney function is 13% and dialysis is not taken, how long can a person live? In general, for those with renal function 13%, which is supposed to take dialysis, but due to some reasons some people can not take, then for this part of how long people can survive? There are other alternatives that can help you live longer without dialysis?

How long can you live patient with renal function 13% without dialysis?

At the clinic, renal function of 13% is in the final stage renal disease is known as uremia.En this stage people will experience most of the symptoms and complications, if they can not take dialysis (you can relieve all the symptoms and help people to live better), May disease goes faster, even a couple of weeks renal function was totally lost. So that means people can only live a few weeks without dialysis.

What are alternative therapies that help people with kidney function 13% to live longer?

As mentioned above, people can no longer live without dialysis, but that's not todo.Si people can find some other alternatives before renal function completely lost, may have the opportunity to improve it, therefore, to live longer, even without the help of dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective therapies that can help people avoid dialysis or get rid of it slowly by improving the renal function. Thus, if you are interested in it or want to know more details, we invite you to contact our doctor online directly, we will provide information to you for free.

Can Stem Cell Transplant Help Patients Get Rid Of Dialysis

Hello doctor, my husband Patel is a patient with renal impairment and is now undergoing dialysis, but he wants to get out of dialysis. I heard of stem cells are useful to get rid of dialysis, it is reliable?

You want to know whether Mr. Patel can get rid of dialysis. Frankly speaking, if a patient can get rid of dialysis or not depends on many reasons such as: the physiological condition, how long have begun dialysis, the amount of kidney function they still have.

Since Mr. Patel, I think it's possible for him to get rid of dialysis, after our treatment offered. And the most important thing is time.

Frankly speaking, stem cell differs from organ transplantation, where there is a clear standard to judge whether the surgery is successful or not. In renal transplant patients with terminal renal failure and kidney damage mild share the same standard to judge whether the surgery is successful or no.Sin But for stem cell transplantation, the remaining renal function has an influence relatively large for the expected recovery. From our clinical experience, more than 80% of patients enjoy a successful recovery after systematic treatment.

Normally, the patient can stay in our hospital for about a month to receive our característico.Si treatment recovers his best physical condition, time can be reduced. According to his condition of illness, every day must be received 2-3 times Micro-Chinese Medicine, every moment is 45 minutes. What 's more, must receive Stem Cell Treatment 2 times in a month.

What it is Good Medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patient

What herbal medicine is good for polycystic kidney disease patient? To be frank, good treatment for PKD patient should be able to alleviate the pain caused by cysts enlarged, if possible, should be able to inhibit the growth cysts and reduce its size.

What herbal medicine is good for PKD patient?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of Chinese traditional herbal medicine and modern high technology, can meet the demand mentioned above, can not only relieve pain, but can also reduce the size of the cysts, even they can inhibit the growth of nuevo.Así that this type of therapy is good for PKD patient, can help patients live better without surgery.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cure PKD?

This type of treatment can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation cysts walls, and improve the permeability of small blood vessels in the wall of the cyst with cysts shrink and diminish.

Meanwhile, effective drugs will restrain the proliferation of cells lining, so the cyst fluid secretion internal pressure was reduced reducirá.Cuando cyst, the cyst size will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progression of fibrosis renal.Además, this therapy or medical ingredients circulate kidneys, so all cysts, regardless of large or small, would be treaties. Therefore, these cysts, after being shrunk and not regrow.

To learn more about Chinese Herb Medicine or need any help in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, you can email kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message to us, we will do everything possible to help .


Is there any effective treatment for IgA nephropathy patients

Is there is an effective treatment for patients with IgA nephropathy? Many IgA nephropathy patients concerned about their treatment. If you have any questions please ask our online doctor directly for free. Our doctors will give professional guidance.

Most patients of IgA in the upper respiratory tract infection 1-3 days after recurrent hematuria for several hours to several days can be converted to microscopic hematuria it may be associated with abdominal pain, back pain, muscle pain or fever, some patients was found in the urine abnormality in the examination of asymptomatic proteinuria and (o) microscopic hematuria, a small number of patients with persistent hematuria and varying degrees of proteinuria may be associated with edema and hypertension.

What is the effective treatment for patients with IgA nephropathy?

Part of traditional Chinese medicine crush and refine, part of traditional Chinese medicine fluidize the powder and liquid mixture bagging add the vinegar and the outside is applied to the skin of the kidney area, use the medication that carries model Instrument destination kidney area enter the human body. Add the treatment of Western medicine commonly.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is our good for improving kidney damage and recovery of renal function eficaz.Es treatment. It is able to effectively prevent diálisis.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of new development that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), used in China dating back thousands of years.The Chinese medicine derived from natural plants, it has no side effects in patients.

Send to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we are happy to provide more professional guidance quickly for free.

Is Necessary For Creatinine Level 4 In CKD To Take Dialysis

Is Necessary For Creatinine Level 4 In CKD To Take Dialysis? In fact, for patients with kidney disease creatinine 4, they do not need to take dialysis if there are no complications and symptoms mucho.No matter in Western medicine and Chinese medicine, creatinine level 4 can be controlled by medication.

What kinds of Western medicines can help patients with creatinine clearance in 4?

In Western medicine, doctor will give the patient antibiotics immunosuppressant or slowing the progression of kidney disease before the disease lost control.Pero you know, too much of these drugs bring many side effects and fewer of them can not control well this disease and a patient with kidney disease should adhere building your doctor, do not change the amount of these medicines without your doctor's approval.

What kinds of Chinese medicines are useful in controlling the creatinine level 4?

In fact, there are many types of Chinese medicine are useful in controlling the creatinine level 4 and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of traditional Chinese high technology and modern medicine is the most effective therapy for kidney disease .With the help of this therapy, the symptoms such as high blood pressure can be alleviated with improved renal function.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Is There Second Option For Patients to Treat Kidney Disease

Hello. I Stage 4 CKD and want to have a second treatment option. I do not want to take dialysis.

Professional guidelines classify the severity of CKD in five stages, with Stage 1 is the softest and usually cause few symptoms and stage 5 being a severe disease with poor life expectancy if untreated.

Stage 4 CKD is a relatively serious disease in which many of the symptoms and complications to patients remaining health is affected. It is taking necessary treatments required to control and relieve CKD.

Contact the doctor online for more details on this or other useful information quickly and directly for free.

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) The therapy is suitable for patients with CKD to protect their health and reverse the remaining deficiency.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a typical external application of traditional Chinese medicine kidneys, offers a better option for all CKD patients to live a better life.

Appropriate medication, specific treatments and prescription only be used in accordance with the condition.A disease by accelerating the elimination of toxins, residues and metabolites in blood, kidney better internal environment is created and promotes recovery renal.

In addition, other adjuvant treatments will also be used to relieve symptoms and serious complications, such as foot bath, enema, and so on.

Any problems or questions about your account or our therapies, please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, We are happy to provide more professional guidance quickly for free.

Severe renal atrophy and How to Alleviate naturally

Hello. I have an atrophic kidney and want to be proactive about health renal.Yo not have diabetes or high blood pressure. Atrophy can be reversed? What is the best course of action?

Atrophic kidney is a serious symptom of kidney failure, increased risk life paciente.Para each patient to take an effective treatment to slow the deterioration of kidney function, it is necessary to prolong their life.
This article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a therapy more adecuada.Póngase contact the online doctor for more details of this or other useful information quickly and directly for free.

Dialysis can not help more to rescue their kidneys damage.In this case, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) therapy can really help change your life over and reverse the failure renal.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy Traditional Chinese medicine that specializes in treating kidney disease. This is a typical external application of traditional Chinese medicine and has zero side effects on the health of the remaining patients.

And you can also protect and enhance the remaining renal function. The most important is that it offers a better kidney internal environment and promotes recovery renal.Any problem or concerns about your account or our therapies, please e-mail or leave a message for kidneycares@hotmail.com, we are happy to offer a more professional orientation quickly for free.


How to Treat Type 2 Diabetes with Nephropathy

Type 2 diabetes is also called adult-onset diabetes, multiple appearance after 35 to 40 years, representing more than 90% of patients with diabetes.Si you have any questions please ask our doctor online, we will reply you possible.

There is ample opportunity for healing diabetes, simpler method tratamiento.Generalmente, diabetic nephropathy great damage startup time is short, we have a difficult treatment and when we try always actively, diabetic nephropathy can be cured .

The possibility of the production of insulin the body is not completely lost for type 2 diabetes, the body produces too much insulin, some patients even, but the action of insulin less effective, so that the patient is a relative lack of insulin, which can stimulate the body through secretion of certain oral medications insulina.Pero later, still there are some patients who require insulin therapy.

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most important complications in patients incidence diabéticos.Nuestra an upward trend was also found, it has become the second leading cause of end-stage renal disease, second only to a variety of glomerulonefritis.Debido his presence complex metabolic disorder, kidney disease once developed end-stage, treatment is often more difficult than other renal diseases.

Our hospital also uses Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat patients. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine dating back thousands of años.Puede help his renal kidney disease and clean up the garbage in your blood.

If you have difficulty in dealing with the condition, please send kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

Are There Alternative Treatments Kidney Transplant

Are There are alternative treatments for kidney transplant? As we all know kidney transplant is one of the most effective treatments for kidney failure, successful operation will help patients return to normal life, but, in fact, not all patients are suitable for this operation.For Moreover, the new kidney also has a high risk for failure goes again. So year after year people are looking for a new treatment to replace kidney transplant.

Are there alternative treatments for kidney transplant?

In the past, dialysis and kidney transplantation are the only two ways to treat renal.Pero failure to date in order to monitor renal failure and relieve pain caused by this disease, experts spend years of effort to find new therapies based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine, finally, Top Seven TCM therapies comes into reality with the help of such therapies in patients with renal insufficiency may have the opportunity to live a quality life without dialysis or kidney transplant .

The Top Seven TCM therapies we have mentioned above Hot Compress Therapy, bathroom Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Therapy enema.Cada one of seven treatment has its own characteristics the treatment of kidney disease, so doctors during treatment offers different therapies for patients based on their own condición.Así as a patient with renal insufficiency, you even have the same symptoms with other people who also got game different treatment, just for a better curative effect.

If you are interested in these Chinese or need any help in the treatment of renal medicine, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.


What are the Chinese Medicine to Reduce Creatinine Level 4 in Renal Disease

What are the Chinese medicines to reduce the creatinine level 4 in renal disease? In the past, Chinese medicine is not taken seriously in the treatment of kidney disease, but today, with the technology developed, it has attract a lot of attention due to its remarkable effects.

What kind of Chinese medicine is helpful in reducing the high level of creatinine?

In fact, there are a number of therapies are helpful in reducing the high level of creatinine, but the most effective is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of good combination of traditional Chinese herb medicine and medicine occidental.No You can only reduce the high creatinine level, but can also give the patient the opportunity to slow or reverse the progression of their disease.

How you can delay Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or reverse the progression of kidney disease?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine, and aims to repair damaged kidneys and recovery of different renal.Es role of traditional treatments and used externally. Through clinical applications, this therapy has been proven safe, comfortable and effective.

It has four main functions, which are anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and expand blood vessels. With these four functions, such therapies can repair damaged kidneys and residual protection from further damage. Thus, it can slow or reverse the progression of renal disease.

If you want to know more about this medicine China or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can leave message for us, we will do everything possible to help.

Is There treatment for diabetic nephropathy patients

"I have diabetes for 27 years. In the past 3 months working 3 times a week and doing gym class hour lasts about 15 minutes. Can this alleviate it? "This is a serious problem for them. If you have any questions about himself or our therapies, consult our online doctor directly for free.

Seafood high protein food also increase the burden of riñón.Los patients should eat red meat, especially chicken and fat. These foods are high in protein and creatinine lead to aumentar.Es good for patients that eating eggs, milk and lean meat. Eating two eggs or meat or lean meat carp few. Do not eat otherwise increase renal burden.

Patients with diabetic nephropathy were treated differently according to different enfermedades.Hay many measures for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in the clinic.

Control blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common phenomenon in diabetic nephropathy and is a leading reason why diabetic nephropathy appears.

Is there any treatment for patients with diabetic nephropathy?

Patients with diabetic nephropathy were treated differently according to different enfermedades.Hay many measures for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in the clinic. use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to relieve pain and restore the health of pacientes.Se can remove blood stasis and eliminate toxins from the body. You can also degrade extracellular matrix, creating a better internal environment for medicated bath reparados.Contiene diseased cells, promoting the body's circulation and remove waste products and excess fluid from the body.

If you have any confusion about our treatment email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message for us.

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