
How to Treat Muscle Cramps in the Nephrotic Syndrome

 Muscle cramps in nephrotic syndrome is a serious symptom, which brings problems in our life diaria.Cómo involve muscle cramps with nephrotic syndrome? And how to treat it?

How to involve muscle cramps with nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome refers to serious condition with distinctive features, like a lot of protein in the orina.Si too much protein is found in urine, swelling, low blood protein and high blood lipids are following very cerca.En some cases of nephrotic syndrome, muscle cramps occur. The reasons may be as follows:


Nephrotic syndrome have some kidney damage. Dysfunctional kidney has difficulties to discharge excess water therefore leads to retention of excess water water.The makes you heavier load. Meanwhile patients may have a fatty appearance. Without effective treatment, water retention kidney disease causes more graves.Los diuretics are common medicine to recall the symptoms of water retention. However, if taken for a long time, a large amount of potassium was removed from the body, which is the primary cause of muscle cramps.

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Serious condition Nervous System

Without the most useful treatment for nephrotic syndrome, renal failure comes, which can damage any organ in our body. When influenced nervous system, muscle cramp is still not sure.

Low blood volume is also important for muscle cramps factor in nephrotic syndrome.

How to treat muscle cramps in nephrotic syndrome?

Hot compress therapy is the most advanced therapy in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome and relive their síntomas.Se focuses on the repair of kidney damage and improved kidney function naturally. You can solve a kidney problem without doing much damage to the kidneys and other organs.

With the help of this therapy, symptoms as muscle cramps in nephrotic syndrome will be gradually alleviated with renal function mejoró.Si want to know more about this therapy or need any help in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, you can send email to us kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work for Renal Failure Patients

Many patients feel vomiting, fatigue and edema. They heard about Chinese medicine and want to know about our treatment. If you have any questions please ask our online doctor directly for free.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not just grass, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve the condition of kidney. Compared with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works so rapidly. More effectively and importantly, not cause and discomfort throughout the treatment process, so patients have to lie in bed for 40 minutes.

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How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy work?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used as a combination of Chinese herbs and advanced medical osmosis device. With this herbal treatment, different herbs are used and this is based closely on the condition pacientes.Hay disease of a total of 9 types of prescription and each includes different herbs. Use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is divided into different steps:

1.La refined Chinese medicine is packaged in sacks 2 and before application, these catches are placed in a container and soaked with penetrant.Esto can help the effective ingredients in Chinese herbal penetrate the skin faster.

2. After being soaked, bags are placed in a plastic bag and then in the oven as a machine (we have special machines to heat drugs). By heating the drug package, effective ingredients can fully overflow.

If you have any questions about your illness or our therapy, please write to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.


Chronic nephritis pregnant women should pay attention to routine maintenance

Refers to chronic nephritis proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema of the basic clinical manifestations, onset in different ways, protracted illness, the slow progress of disease can be varying degrees of renal dysfunction, chronic renal failure will eventually develop a set of renal Ball disease. For chronic nephritis pregnant women, experts advise must be doubly care.

Kidney specialist said to note the following:

Should eat containing high quality protein, vitamin-rich food, and adequate salt. Weak constitutions or anemia, may be appropriate to raise nutritious supplement products. After the second trimester of pregnancy, bed rest should be left lateral position to the hospital regularly check blood pressure, urine testing is particularly important. Such as increased blood pressure, severe edema, should be timely and antihypertensive drugs, diuretic drugs. When the infection, antibiotics should be used for renal toxic side effects of the drug. Such as ammonia penicillin, neomycin Pioneer.

Due to chronic nephritis prone to cause intrauterine growth retardation, or stillbirth, pregnancy note fetal monitoring (B super understanding of fetal development, placental function, amniotic fluid, fetal monitoring also can learn about the fetus in the intrauterine hypoxia) in order to detect and treatment of fetal anomalies. After 28 weeks of gestation, the best hospital for observation of changes in condition, cure take reasonable measures, such as integrative medicine cure, can achieve better results. As blood pressure increased significantly up to 21,3 / 13,3KPA, after active treatment is not easy to control, serum creatinine reached or exceeded 265,2 micromoles / liter flat-plate function is severely impaired or stillbirth, shall terminate the pregnancy.

Mode of delivery options: such as the exclusion of fetal abnormalities, cesarean section safer. Pregnant women suffering from chronic nephritis due to intrapartum, postpartum may cause exacerbations, leading to acute renal failure and death. Therefore, patients should be closely monitored after his birth, must do special care. Postpartum not breastfeeding.

Can Elderly With Recurrent Nephrotic Syndrome Do Renal Biopsy

The importance of symptomatic treatment can not be ignored, the control of uremia, edema, and the benefits are well known infection, nephrotic syndrome how to prevent relapse? Control high blood pressure can slow the progression of renal disease, reduce high blood pressure damage to the kidneys and thus Diseases may retain renal function, prolong the patient's life. Many glomerulonephritis even very serious, and can not or do not need special treatment, a variety of glomerular disease has its natural course, many may have spontaneous remission or even cure, therefore symptomatic treatment has its own rationality.

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Can Elderly With Recurrent Nephrotic Syndrome Do Renal Biopsy?

Because renal biopsy is a risky surgery, and elderly age, the body's many complications, so do the kidney biopsy when we must be careful, renal biopsy is generally not recommended, then the other how the medication should do?

Is there a good way to treat nephrotic syndrome it?

Nephrotic syndrome, therapy with pure Chinese characteristics "Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy" treatment effect peculiar. Features pure Chinese direct effect on kidney lesions, medicine active substance systemic vascular expansion at all levels, by increasing the effective systemic perfusion, the damaged cells of blood, oxygen, and fundamentally ease renal ischemia, hypoxia, reduce kidney function cells continue to damage. Recovery of renal function.


Loss of appetite And Fever: Are They Signs of Nephrotic Syndrome

Loss of appetite And Fever: are they signs of Nephrotic Syndrome? For patients with nephrotic syndrome, it's mainly the glomerular basement membrane damage as the primary pathology, when glomerular filtration function, it will cause a lot of protein leakage, and immune complex deposition in glomerular basement membrane, resulting in kidney tissue microcirculation, ischemic hypoxia, can lead to the proliferation of glomerular continued, hardening, if not take positive and effective treatment at this time, continue to increase the glomerular injury It will develop fibrosis, resulting in decreased kidney function in nature.

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As you said conventional Western medicine in treatment at this time, but with immunosuppressive agents, hormones and other long-term indicators will be simple tests for protein, not from the protection and restoration of the remaining kidney pathology unit, restore kidney function, so the disease is always repeatedly, the lack of effective control, for your current situation, our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine penetrate therapy micro penetration blocking renal fibrosis therapy, it is more appropriate, it is directly targeted directly positioned by the kidney area Meridian impaired renal pathology in expansion at all levels of renal artery, renal ischemia and hypoxia improved, reducing the high glomerular filtration, high perfusion, high internal pressure state, to prevent the glomerular hyperplasia, sclerosis to fibrotic tissue to develop this irreversible stage, reversing the process of renal fibrosis, effective protection of the remaining nephrons.

Which Chinese Herbs Can Treat Kidney Failure

Which Chinese herbs can treat kidney failure? Kidney specialist kidney issue special health network to introduce, we want to be able to help patients with kidney disease.

Prescription treatment of renal failure include:

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1, rhubarb: to reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, improve lipid metabolism, inhibition of renal tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, decreased cell metabolism and high glomerular filtration state, and can inhibit renal compensatory hypertrophy, glomerulosclerosis, reducing residual renal high metabolic state, delaying the progression of chronic renal failure, the clinical effect is obvious, more than the current internationally respected angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI).

2, Chuanxiong and leech: to improve the level of 6 keto prostaglandin F1α content, correct prostacyclin / thromboxane A2 imbalance, so Hemorrheology and hypercoagulable state improved, increased renal blood flow, improve creatinine clearance, lower BUN , renal function was restored.

3. Compound: contain these drugs, tricks, not described in detail. Compared with western medicine side effects, and can repair damaged renal unit, gradual recovery of renal function, treatment of renal failure have a good effect.

4. Astragalus: can significantly enhance cellular and humoral immune function, increase the body's resistance to phagocytosis and reticuloendothelial system, increase the rate of protein synthesis, reduce SCr levels and free radicals, and can increase the clearance of free radicals, to improve kidney function.

5, Cordyceps: to reduce BUN and SCr levels and increase the plasma protein content, improve anemia and nutritional status, promote renal tubular epithelial cell repair and regeneration, correct amino acids, proteins and lipid metabolism, regulate cellular immunity, enhance immune power, protection and recovery of renal function, prevention of secondary infection.

6, Salvia: can significantly reduce the content of BUN and SCr increase SCr, BUN clearance and filtration capacity, improve survival, improve renal blood supply, reduce kidney damage.

7, triptolide: with corticosteroids similar, but without the side effects of hormones, estrogen and progestin characteristics totally different roles, cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive effect is the induction of T cells by apoptosis, cell cycle control and inhibition of IL2 is achieved, do not block the T cell receptor (TCR) transmission of information, it is a new class of immunosuppressive drugs.

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital has created a unique and innovative use of traditional Chinese medicine - micro osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, its core technology is an effective prescription treatment of kidney disease were ultrafine grinding, the purpose of the active ingredient in the drug was fully release and mixing. And means effective penetrants and penetration device, by topical way, effective drug penetration through the kidney lesion site, to achieve the purpose of effective treatment of kidney disease. This innovative therapies that eliminate the side effects of oral drugs problem, but also to achieve the purpose of effective drug ingredients into the lesion.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration hope therapy can also you a healthy body. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Five Dietary Principles For Ppatients with Uremia

Uremia treatment is very important. But at the same time if we can adjust the diet, it will be more effective.

1. how to arrange three meals a day diet
(1) Breakfast main staple food: You can use fresh milk 100 ml plus 50 grams of sugar, or lotus root starch water prepared bowl, add sugar, starch Jiamai several pieces of biscuits, or a small amount of fried potatoes, or an egg. Can be added as appropriate, lotus seeds, red dates and so on. Some people like to add some Kaobai Shu, raisins, chicken, roast potatoes, etc. can also be.

(2) Staple food for lunch: You can use wheat starch bread, cakes, dumplings, steamed buns, ravioli and the like. 

(3) dinner staple foods: use the same lunch staple food. 

2. A reasonable intake of uremic patients should be vegetables and fruits
Kidney disease, if the general urine normal, no oliguria and renal failure, should eat more vegetables, fruits, in order to supply adequate vitamin. If patients decreased urine output, especially when inadequate 500 ml per day, will have selective consumption of vegetables and fruits. Because vegetables and fruits are generally rich in potassium, and kidney disease oliguria, serum potassium levels were increased. Hyperkalemia, may lead to cardiac arrest, life-threatening.
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Vegetables, fruits, grains are foods rich in potassium, which the high potassium fruits are watermelon, banana, pineapple, mango, dates, melons and the like; vegetables are higher in potassium amaranth, spinach, celery, carrots, bamboo shoots, potatoes and so on. Kidney patients in the oliguric stage should eat less, if the use of diuretics, serum potassium is low, you can not eat, especially fresh fruit juice rich in potassium, can be used as oral potassium purposes.

Melon is rich in potassium, per 100 g flesh contains 250 mg of potassium around. Body potassium ion content is too high, can trigger heart disease, bradycardia, conduction block and other life-threatening. Renal failure, glomerular filtration rate, tubular function decreased and potassium metabolism disorders, but not in time to excess potassium from the body, leading to hyperkalemia. Therefore, in patients with renal failure, should not eat cantaloupe.

3. How do uremia patients limit salt intake

No matter what kind of kidney disease, as long as there is swelling, it is necessary to limit salt intake. When edema, should be limited to 1 g per day or less serious even require salt-free diet. Urinary protein to be reduced, while edema, the amount of salt can be increased, but it should be no more than 5 grams per day. The purpose is to reduce low-salt diet the body of water and sodium retention, edema and blood pressure cause. 
1 to 2 grams of salt per day (when the cap filled with small toothpaste approximately 1 g), need not be placed in the dish, put the dish because basically tasteless, to change eating. Morning may sweets; noon to 1 gram of salt in small dishes with a sauce with vegetables. Thus, the total intake of the 1st of the same, but it can taste salty, can stimulate appetite. But we know that low-salt diet, can not eat pickles, pickles, mustard, salty bread, fritters, etc., do not eat seaweed, rape, spinach, fennel, celery, lily, radish. Because these foods high in every hundred grams of sodium content. These foods to eat more, will mean an increase in the amount of salt.


What Is The Etiology Of IGA nephropathy

Although there are many kidney and Iga nephropathy is one of them, however, no matter what kind of kidney disease, it will affect our health, but as long as the patient has confidence and the election of the treatment, we will certainly overcome the disease, choose the correct Prior to treatment, we must first understand the etiology IGA nephropathy, below please kidney specialist experts to analyze it.

Experts said the causes kidney Iga nephropathy are the following:

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1, the main body of a patient abnormal immune complexes precipitated
Crowd in vivo mesangial area IGA nephropathy lot of immune complexes precipitated material, which has a major immune complexes crowd IGA and IGA nephropathy mesangial cells with high affinity, after a combination of both can lead to kidney inherent Phenotypic cells and cause disease.

2, kidney cells are involved in membrane-based IGA nephropathy in patients with inflammation

Initially IGA nephropathy during inflammation, when the incidence of kidney mesangial cells in patients with inflammatory damage will be stimulated to produce inflammatory cytokines, leading to a large number of immune complex precipitation in the patient's kidneys, eventually causing kidney disease production.

3, expert analysis also has a certain genetic predisposition
IGA nephropathy experts investigate the incidence of kidney disease in populations found that familial aggregation phenomenon part IGA nephropathy patients will occur, which shows that IGA nephropathy have a genetic predisposition to a certain extent.

4, the incidence of infection is also the reason IGA nephropathy
Such as the flu, tonsillitis, fever naked eye or occult blood in urine, recurrent infection factors, the majority of patients with hematuria only exception to the hospital for medical treatment in the body.

These are the kidney expert analysis of the causes for IGA nephropathy, we have to understand it, and finally kidney specialists remind you to seriously treat the disease positive for the early recovery of the body healthy.

These are the "causes of morbidity IGA nephropathy, what does" message on. For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrated in the treatment of kidney disease prior art, three-dimensional form of kidney disease treatment system features a set of kidney hospital, which includes micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine as the core of resistance off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal kidney function units. While there immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.


Can Lupus Nephritis Be Cured

Can Lupus nephritis be cured? Lupus nephritis is due to intrinsic renal cell damage caused by lupus cells invade the human body, the general may have manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. The traditional way to treat lupus nephritis is a hormone and immune agents, which to some extent, can temporarily relieve symptoms, can not be repaired for the damaged kidney tissue and kidney function, a palliative.

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Lupus nephritis can be cured? This problem can not be generalized, as long as patients with specialists and medical treatment, can generally be clinical cure, some patients will rarely doctor's advice, did not cooperate with treatment in life, causing very serious consequences, will lead to lupus nephritis uremia , potentially increasing the difficulty of treatment.

To cure lupus nephritis, need integrative medicine, the use of Western medicine cure disease, complementary medicine shortcomings of slow effect, reducing the efficacy of Chinese medicine kidney tissue due to slow and caused damage. And by Micro-Chinese Medicine Once reach lesion on inflammatory factor inactivation, it has been formed on the outside of the extracellular matrix degradation and repair the damaged kidney cells and other effects blocking renal fibrosis process.

Chinese expansion levels of the active substance systemic blood vessels, by increasing the effective systemic perfusion, as damaged blood cells, oxygen, and fundamentally ease renal ischemia, hypoxia, reducing kidney function cells continue to damage.

In addition to active lupus nephritis treatment will affect a cure, the usual personal care is also very important. Patients maintain a good attitude, we must establish the confidence to overcome the disease, positive and optimistic attitude, there is conducive to disease recovery, believe in miracles occur in every patient, but also firmly believe that our medical standards, always conquer lupus nephritis It will not be repeated.

What are diet principles for patients with lupus nephritis? 20% of patients with lupus nephritis in 10 years will develop to uremia, because lupus nephritis recurrence rate is very high, which has a close relation with the regular treatment, at the same time, with a reasonable diet.

What Are Suitable Foods For Lupus Nephritis Patients

Lupus nephritis patients suitable food:

1, low-salt foods: corticosteroids or in patients with renal impairment easily lead to water and sodium retention, causing swelling, so you want a low-salt diet.

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2, high-quality protein foods: kidney damage in SLE patients often have a lot of protein lost from the urine, can cause hypoalbuminemia, it is necessary to add enough high-quality protein, can be more than the blues, eat soy products, eggs, lean meat, fish and other protein-rich foods.

3, low-fat food: less activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, poor digestion, should eat light digestible food, should not eat greasy foods contain more fat. Vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits, to prevent glucocorticoid caused by osteoporosis, eat vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.

In addition to the appropriate foods, there are some patients should not use or eat less of, such as figs, milk vetch, canola, yellow snail and celery, after such as eating should avoid direct sunlight. Mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms and certain food dyes and tobacco also have the potential role of induced systemic lupus erythematosus, also try not to eat or less edible.

One diet for patients with lupus nephritis is very critical, and this is the reason why relapse is always so rational, scientific diet to arouse the attention of patients and their families, this will make lupus nephritis be effectively controlled. Once the condition is stable, you can live like a normal person.

Uremic Patients Eat Fruit Tips

Many degree uremic patients during illness to prevent the deterioration of the condition do not dare eat fruit, Heng Hospital kidney network of experts pointed out that the fruit there will be worse, worse edema but also aggravate the disease, but patients with uremia may be appropriate to eat fruit, kidney specialists to patients summarizes several tips uremic patients to eat fruit.

Uremic patients taking fruit tips:

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1. Grapefruit:

Grapefruit because of cold, health than Deficiency, low blood pressure or stomach patients should not eat. Second, do not eat grapefruit medication, especially angina, blood pressure, blood fat, antihistamines and other drugs, because grapefruit juice contains flavonoids, can inhibit the metabolism of the liver drugs, resulting in enhanced efficacy and dangerous, so the An interval of two hours before and after medication to eat grapefruit, relatively safe. In addition, the grapefruit is high in potassium food, uremia or dialysis patients should not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

2, carambola:

Carambola with fluid to quench their thirst and reduce anger effect, widely loved by the people, but it actually contains a variety of nutrients, can supplement the body needs vitamins and antioxidants, edible carambola is beneficial and harmless, but uremia patient, it is one of the exceptions, mild symptoms occur more than a hiccup, it will cause severe seizures and died. In addition renal insufficiency, uremic patients should Eat nuts such as: walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, etc.

Kidney hospital

More information about "tips uremic patients eat fruit," the. For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrated in the treatment of kidney disease prior art, three-dimensional form of kidney disease treatment system features a set of kidney hospital, which includes micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine as the core of resistance off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal kidney function units. While there immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.

If "uremic patients eat fruit Tips" The problem is not clear, or for treatment in doubt, consult the online experts directly! There will be a special expert telephone respond to your questions.


Can Uremic patients Have Sexual Life

According to the survey, uremia patient's sex life to be less than usual, satisfaction is low. Cause of sexual dysfunction in many patients, on the one hand is determined by the nature of the disease itself, such as malnutrition, urea poisoning, vascular disease, elevated serum prolactin, secondary hyperparathyroidism, zinc, and the application of some of the drugs, such as clonidine, methyldopa, propranolol, thiazide diuretics, diazepam, etc., can affect gonadal function.

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On the other hand is the human factor, patients or sex spouses worry a considerable part of the increased disease and give up sex. This is a big misunderstanding! Uremic patients usually should pay attention to rest, excessive sex life easy exhaustion, lower body resistance, worse, the patient should be put under control during sex, but definitely not for a total ban on sex life. Sex is a normal human physiological needs, normal sex life not only adequate coordination, enhance sexual feelings, but also on their own and spousal physical health and psychological adjustment is also beneficial. Satisfying sex life on the heart, immune system, have a positive impact on mental health.

So long as health permits, under the guidance of a doctor, in uremic patients can still have sex. Generally the next day the spirit of good, physical no fatigue, backache and other symptoms without degrees. Before and after the sex parties to the main cleaning the vulva, prevent urinary tract infections. In short, uremic patients for sex, do not have concerns, you should actively try, but do not over-control times, improve quality, while the spouse to give spiritual support for the patient and tolerant.

Uremic patients should bear in mind "three limitations"

Limit sodium

The body sodium excess is likely to cause high blood pressure, edema, ascites, pleural effusion, leading to heart failure. Food salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, barbeque sauce, vinegar contains a lot of sodium, so uremic patients usually less salt when cooking. When dining out, you can start with plain water will dilute the salt content in food.

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Limit phosphorus ions

The main function of phosphorus is to strengthen bones, uremic patients because the kidneys do not work properly, so the excess phosphorus accumulate in the blood, resulting in hyperphosphatemia, causing itchy skin and bone lesions. High phosphorus foods are dairy products, soft drinks, cola, yeast (Kin Su sugar), offal, dried beans, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread), eggs, dried fish, should also be careful to avoid more food.

Limit Potassium Ions 

Renal dysfunction, the body may not be able to effectively remove excess potassium, and potassium too high can cause serious cardiac conduction and contraction abnormalities, and even death. So usually should eat less high content of potassium vegetables (such as mushrooms, mustard, cauliflower, spinach, water spinach, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, guava) and fruit (such as loquat, peach, orange, hard persimmon, orange etc.) and avoid eating raw vegetable salad ... the other, such as coffee, the tea, the chicken, cow fine, ginseng extract, concentrated broth, soy sauce, salt and other bags also high content of potassium, eat sparingly.

Uremia Will Be "patronizing" These People

Advance to prevent uremia become the people most worth doing, the most significant event. As long as prevention in place, you can stay away from "uremic" violations. The elderly in the event of unforeseen circumstances, could easily lead to further damage kidney function and the development of uremia. Such as infections, colds, blood loss, water scarcity, nephrotoxic drugs, other diseases, can become elderly uremia incentives.

Uremic prevention in place as long as you can stay away from "uremic" violations. Uremia for the destruction of the kidneys, the high cost of treatment required uremia, dialysis facing fear, people are so unbearable. Therefore, early prevention uremia became the people most worth doing, the most significant event. As long as prevention in place, you can stay away from "uremic" violations.

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Most likely suffering from uremia of the crowd:

1, 15% of hypertensive patients directly into uremia. Statistics of 1998, 10% of patients with hypertension the total population, that is, for every 10 persons is a hypertensive patients, including individuals will become uremic patients 1,5.

2,30% of people with diabetes is the direct outcome of uremia diabetes. Recent statistics show that in our population, the existing 4320 million people with diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance were 5064 people, both of and for the 93.84 million. That is, only because of diabetes alone, about 13 million and 15 million in uremic patients at high risk of uremia.

3, kidney disease is the main cause of uremia, the final outcome of all patients with chronic kidney disease will be uremia. It is the leading cause of chronic nephritis, in the cause of uremia disease, chronic glomerulonephritis accounted for 55,7%.

4, urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection. According to statistics, the incidence of urinary sense for men 0,23%, 2,37% for females. Young and old Jieke disease, especially married women of childbearing age is common in our country, chronic pyelonephritis, uremia is the second factor, accounting for 21,2%.

5, the drug caused different degrees of toxicity. Research shows that about 25% of patients with renal failure of renal toxicity associated with the drug.

6, uremia of HIV infection on the rise. For this reason now accounts for 1 percent of uremia incentives.

More information about "uremia will" patronizing "these people". For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrated in the treatment of kidney disease prior art, three-dimensional form of kidney disease treatment system features a set of kidney hospital, which includes micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine as the core of resistance off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal kidney function units. While there immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.


How Does Chinese Medicine Treat Fatigue And Itchy Skin

One of our patients email us a question: “Hi, I was diagnosed with RA 6 weeks ago, and I have developed pain when my bladder s full, and then very uncomfortable when emptying. high blood pressure. smelly urine I think, no pain on urinating, the pain is up near my kidney, back pain I always have a I have fatigue from RA, also suffer from stress induced hives, so am often itchy.”

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic unknown etiology, with inflammatory synovitis mainly systemic disease. Characterized by hand, foot small joints articulated, symmetry, invasive arthritis, often accompanied by joint organ involvement outside and serum rheumatoid factor positive, can lead to joint deformity and loss of function.

What causes itching?

Itching can be caused by many conditions. One common cause of itch is psychological, that is, due to stress, anxiety, or other emotional problems. Stress also can aggravate itch from other causes. Dry skin (xerosis) is perhaps the most frequent cause of itch without a rash. Many people also report sunburn itch following prolonged exposure to UV radiation from the sun.

What causes fatigue?

There are numerous potential causes of fatigue as a major complaint. They range from those that cause poor blood supply to the body's tissues to illnesses that affect metabolism, from infections and inflammatory diseases to those that cause sleep disturbances.

The following table summarizes some common causes of fatigue but is not meant to be comprehensive:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat kidney disease, If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.

Symptoms And Treatment For Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

What are symptoms and treatment for diabetic nephropathy patients? Patients with type 2 Diabetes and kidney disease often don't have any obvious symptoms. When symptoms occur, they are often ignored because they don't seem that serious. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes usually come on much more suddenly and more serious. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR directly for free.

What are treatments for Diabetic Nephropathy?

Immediate treatment goals of Diabetes are to control blood glucose and avoid diabetic acute complications such as ketoacidosis. Because Type 1 Diabetes often occurs suddenly with severe symptoms, those who are newly diagnosed may need to go to the hospital. Immediate exams for eyes and kidneys are suggested in first days after diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes.

The goals are achieved through the following methods:

Basic treatments: Hypoglycemic mediations or insulin injections, meal planning and weight controlling; regular exercise; blood pressure and blood cholesterol control

Treatments for improving insulin-producing ability and lowering blood glucose:
Pancreatic beta cells are main insulin-producing cells in the body. The cells are attacked by auto-antibodies due to immune system dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes.
An important treatment to treat Diabetes and diabetic treatment is immune blocking and immune protection. Medicines that block damage to beta cells delay deterioration of Diabetes. Traditional Chinese Medicines are used in immune protection. The treatment removes pathogenic factors to pancreas and transports sufficient blood and nutrients for repairing of damaged beta cells, thus allowing for lowering blood sugar, stabilizing the illness condition, improving quality of life and reducing sufferings and complications caused by Diabetes.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relieve patients’ pain effectively and help them recover gradually. If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.


Is Cauliflower Good For Stage 3 CKD patients

Stage 3 Kidney Disease is also called moderate Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD). Someone with Stage 3 CKD may see a dietitian. Cauliflower contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K. It serves as a good source of proteins, phosphorus and potassium. It can be a super food. Can stage 3 CKD patients eat cauliflower? If you do not want to choose dialysis or kidney transplant and you can ask our our ONLINE DOCTOR.

If you eat cauliflower properly, it is ok for you to eat cauliflowers. And you can get the following benefit from them.

1. Antioxidants

Cauliflower contains a high amount of antioxidants, which are very important for your overall health and help to prevent heart disease and stroke. Antioxidants can destroy the free radicals that accelerate the signs of further kidney damage.

2. Heart health

Cauliflower protects from heart disease in many ways. This is because allicin in cauliflower has been found to reduce the occurrence of stroke and heart disease. Heart disease is the most common death of kidney disease. Hence, it is very important for kidney disease patients to prevent heart disease.

3. Lower cholesterol level

A healthy eating plan for stage 3 CKD should keep foods with cholesterol at a minimum. As for high cholesterol patients, they can eat cauliflower.

4. Better digestion

Stage 3 kidney disease patients usually have digestive problems. Cauliflower is a great source of dietary fiber, which is essential for optimal digestion. When they get enough fiber in your diet, it helps to keep things moving smoothly through the intestine.

If you have any question please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you professional advice as soon as possible.

What Is The Treatment For Kidney Disease Without Dialysis

Many patients with kidney disease really do not want to undergo dialysis. Under such a condition, is there any treatment that can treat kidney disease without dialysis?

It mainly depends on patient's condition. creatinine level is 6. Is it possible to get dialysis if kidney failure is stage 3? It mainly depends on patients' condition.

Dialysis is needed when large amounts of toxins build up in the blood, as if these harmful are not removed timely and effectively, other internal organs will be in the danger of being damaged. However, many kidney failure patients hesitate to do dialysis when they are in that case, as it is said once one starts kidney dialysis, he has to do it repeatedly until the end of life or find a matched kidney.

Kidney is an important organ with multiple functions. It is composed of different kinds of kidney intrinsic cells like glomerular mesangial cell, glomerular epithelial cell and so on.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relieve patients’ pain effectively and help them recover gradually. It can expend blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing, degrading extra cellular matrix, blocking the kidney damage ways and improving the GFR.

If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.


What Are Ways To Prevent CKD And Its Treatment

CKD is a kind of disease which is very dangerous to health. The damages caused by CKD is irreversible. Therefore, whether can patient realize his disease as early as possible is very important to preserve his health. So how can a person know if he has CKD? If you do not want to choose dialysis or kidney transplant and you can ask our our ONLINE DOCTOR.

CKD is divided into five stages according to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). As the degree of kidney damage is different in different stages, there are different symptoms. Obvious symptoms begin to occur from stage three, such as edema, fatigue, back pain, sleep problem, nausea and itch. If a person has symptoms like these, he should suspect he has CKD.

Sadly, obvious symptoms often can not be found until patient goes into stage 3, which means more than 50% of kidney functions have already been damaged. Patient in this stage often have no possibility to prevent the progression of CKD.
Except for the symptoms, the best method to check a person’s condition is lab tests.

Urine test

The purpose of making a urine test is to see whether the levels of red cells and protein is higher than normal value.

Blood test

The value of urea and creatinine in the blood is a reflection of kidney condition. Kidney can filter these metabolic wastes. When the values of metabolic wastes are higher than normal condition, it means kidney function has been damaged.The normal values of creatinine are 0.5~1.1mg/dl for women, and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for men.

If you have any question please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you professional advice as soon as possible.

Why Your Doctors Told You IgA Nephropathy Cannot Be Treated

Since IgA Nephropathy is an auto-immune disease, the key point is to regulate the disordered immune system, clear away the deposited immune complex and enhance immunity. I think that you know why the medicine you take before can’t treat your disease and why your doctors told you IgA can’t be treated now. If you do not want to choose dialysis or kidney transplant and you can ask our ONLINE DOCTOR.

Traditional treatments for IgA mainly adopt immunosuppressant therapy(all the medicine you take is immunosuppressant). Immunosuppressant can achieve the effects of diuresis and eliminating proteinuria and hematuresis by inhibiting inflammatory reaction. This therapy has quick and obvious effects and can alleviate symptoms and discomforts in a short time. But they can not solve the deposition of IgA and there will be more deposition, that is why IgA is easy to relapse and kidney function will continue to deteriorate. Since it can not solve the underlying causes, the symptoms will once again appeard under some inducement such as cold, infection or tiredness. What is more, long term intake of hormones will cause many side effects, cause more burden to kidneys and lower the patients' immunity, it is not so satisfying in the long run.

What the dr told you is right. Only immunosuppressant really can’t treat IgA. And that is also why the medicines you take can’t treat your disease.

The most important question: how can our therapies cure your current disease?

Our hospital has several advanced effective therapies, such as Immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal full bath, Chinese herbal foot bath and so on.

Since IgA Nephropathy is an auto-immune disease, the key point is to regulate the disordered immune system, clear away the deposited immune complex and enhance immunity.

Look: Generally, the systemic treatment procedure may include the following six steps.

If you have any question please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will give you professional advice as soon as possible.


Bad Appetite And Swollen Feet In Kidney Disease Patients

As we all know, as the kidney disease developed, many symptoms will appeared one by one, both bad appetite and swollen feet are the common ones. Why kidney disease patients have bad appetite and swollen feet?

Why kidney disease patient for bad appetite?

You know, most of the kidney disease patient will got high creatinine level, then their kidney function will be damaged more than 50%, so the kidneys can not work effectively and more toxins and wastes will build up in the blood. In general, we can say that high creatinine level means high toxin in his blood. The toxins will not only destroy the kidney cells but also is bad for his stomach.So kidney disease patient will get bad appetite.

Why kidney disease patient will get swollen feet?

In general, kidney disease patient will has large protein urine leakage. As the protein get lost, the pressure will reduce, and the water will deviate from the blood but enter the space between the tissue, causing the swelling.

How to relieve those symptoms caused by kidney disease?

As we all know, without good control those symptoms will cause more damage to the kidneys. So as a kidney disease patient you should take actions earlier to prevent the disease goes worse.

First, you should make a fit diet according to your own condition. Then, you should find some treatments which can help you clean the deposit in your kidneys and control the protein in urine and repair the damaged kidney cells.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney disease patient prevent their disease from worsening. If the patient is lucky enough, they may get a chance to enjoy a high quality life without taking dialysis or renal transplant.

If you want to know more information about this treatment or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will try our best to help you.

Is It Reversible Of Kidney Failure With 38% Kidney Function

Is it reversible of kidney failure with 38% kidney function? In fact, with timely and properly treatment, the lower kidney function can be improved to some degree, but no one can tell you whether it can be reversed totally, that is because many factors will affect the curative effect.

What does 38% kidney function means for kidney failure patient?

Kidney function 38% means there are just left 38% kidneys can work efficiently and the disease now is in stage 3 but near to stage 4 (lower than 30%). This stage is a very important stage, if people can get timely and properly treatment in this stage, they may get a chance to reverse their disease. But if they miss this chance, those symptoms occurred in this stage will speed up the progression of it and make further damage to the kidneys.

How to improve the kidney function?

You know that the lower kidney function is due to kidney disorder, so if you want to improve it, you need to correct the kidney disorder, that means you need to repair the damaged kidneys and repair the damaged ones.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can repair the damaged kidneys and protecting the remaining ones from damage. With the help of this therapy, kidney failure patient with 38% kidney function may get a chance to reverse their disease.

If you want to know more details or need any help in treating kidney failure, you can send email to us, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com


Is Stage 5 Kidney Disease and Stage 5 Kidney Failure the Same Thing

Is stage 5 kidney disease and stage 5 kidney failure the same thing ? In fact, stage 5 kidney disease is the last stage of kidney disease it is also known as End Stage Renal Disease, but sometimes, people also will say it stage 5 kidney failure or Uremia.

You see, this is not a difficult question but there are still many people do not know the answer, that is because they know little about kidney disease. In the following i will give you some details about the stages of kidney disease.

How many stages can kidney disease be divided into?

In clinic, kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages. First two stages are the early stage, they can be cured by timely treatment. Stage 3 is the vital stage, once patient fall into this stage that means their disease has enter into kidney failure. However, it also can be reversed with timely treatment but the chances is less than the first two stages. The last two stage are the advanced stage of kidney disease, in order to prolong their life span people may have to take dialysis or renal transplant. However, there is a chance for people who are in this stage. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine can help those patients avoid or get rid of dialysis by improving their kidney function.

If you have any question or doubt about kidney disease, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will give you professional guidance.

Why Does High Blood Pressure Occur After Dialysis and How To Lower it

Why does high blood pressure occur after dialysis and how to treat it? It is well known that dialysis will bring various side effects while relieving symptoms caused by kidney disorder. Blood pressure elevation is one of the side effects.

Why the blood pressure level goes high after dialysis ?

1. Fluid overload: Kidney produces urine by discharging excess fluid out of the body. Failed kidneys can not take the fluid (water) off, thus the blood pressure is high.

2. Excess wastes in blood: For kidney failure patients who are on dialysis, their kidneys fail to keep balance of electrolyte and remove wastes in the blood. These harmful substances may deposit in vascular wall and make blood vessels stiffer, which also can cause high blood pressure.

3. EPO shot: Some dialysis patients receive EPO shot which can stimulate the bone marrow to make more blood cells. This helps to remit renal anemia, but in other ways, it contributes to elevated blood pressure.

How to lower the high blood pressure level?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine it has function to extend blood vessels, which can help to bring blood pressure down. What is more, the active ingredients in this therapy can activate injured kidney intrinsic cells to help them recover. It shows effect in repairing injured kidney intrinsic cells, so the kidney function can be improved with the help of this therapy. As the kidney function improved, dialysis patient has a certain chance to reduce dialysis frequency and even get off dialysis.

If you have other questions about dialysis or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will try our best to help you.


Is There Any Alternative Therapy To Cure Kidney Failure Other Than Dialysis

Hey, there. I am looking for an alternative therapy other dialysis. Is there any alternative ways to cure the Kidney Failure?

Here the article may help you learn more about your disease condition, hoping this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more suitable therapy. Free ONLINE DOCTOR can help you know more about your disease condition and our unique treatments directly and quickly.

In order to control and relieve the serious renal lesions, to take timely and effective treatments are necessary for patients to rescue their life. However, Dialysis can not help more to change the disease condition fundamentally.

In this case, may Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your disease condition. It is specialized in treating renal damages and is a typical external application of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Compared with dialysis, it has zero side effects to remedy the renal lesions and aims at protecting their remaining health as far as possible.

Micronized medicine can infiltrate into renal lesions, control the high blood pressure, stop inflammation and block the worsening of renal function fundamentally. The most important is that it offers a better renal internal environment and promotes the renal recovery through accelerating the elimination of toxins, waste and metabolites in blood.

Thus it can stop the worsening of renal damages and promotes the renal repair. Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com to get detailed information.

How To Clean Blood And Improve Kidney Function

What is the treatment for cleaning blood and improving kidney function? To those patients with stage 4 kidney failure, there must have some abnormal items showed on their medical reports." many patients asked doctor. Here I will give you the answer.

In many countries, when condition develops stage 4 kidney failure, dialysis will be commonly recommended. A person with stage 4 kidney failure has the severe decrease in glomerular filtration rate to 15-29ml/min. While dialysis can replace one part of kidney function to help cleanse blood by removing micromolecular toxins including creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, which is something we will not deny. If you are trying your best to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant, Chinese therapy can become your another stage 4 kidney failure treatment option.

Chinese therapy consists of herbal circle therapy, hot compress therapy, oral Chinese herbal medicines, medicated bath, herbal enema, herbal feet bath and herbal acupuncture and moxibustion. All these therapies have a intercommunity and that is eliminating those harmful substances including creatinine, uric acid, immune complexes, etc. What is more, oral herbal medicines can also enhance the immunity; feet bath and herbal acupuncture and moxibustion can support qi and nourish the blood.

If you have any question please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor. we will reply for you as soon as possible.


How to Reduce the Risk Of Infection in Dialysis

How to reduce the infection rate in dialysis ? It is known that kidney failure patient with dialysis is easy to get infection which may induce other serious complications, so the ways to reduce the infection rate is concerned with many people.

Why dialysis patient is easy to get infection?

That is because the immunity system of the patients are disordered now, with the low resistance to the virus, they are easy to get infection.

How to prevent dialysis patient from infection?

From the above we can know that if the dialysis patient want to reduce the rate the getting infection, they should enhance the immunity.

Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as the remarkable therapy in treating kidney disease, both of them are helpful in enhancing patient’s immunity. What’s more, they can solve the kidney problem from it’s root. Cooperated with other therapies, they can improve the kidney function to some extent, thus to help kidney failrue patient to avoid dialysis or get rid of it gradually. If you want to know more details about those two therapies, you can consult our online doctor directly, we can provide more information for you for free.

Except the treatment, personal hygiene is also important to prevent infection, if the patient is too weak to clean themselves, the family members should do it for them.

If you want to know more information about those treatments or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor online, we will reply you as soon as possible.


How to Treat Weak and Dizzy During Dialysis

It is known that dialysis is the most common way to relieve the symptoms of kidney disease but not all the patients can bear it, some of them may got some symptoms, such as dizzy and weak. Then how to help people who are suffering from weak and dizzy during dialysis?

What are the causes of weak and dizzy during dialysis ?

Low blood pressure

If the patients’ blood pressure is too low, they may feel dizzy during dialysis. If dialysis removes too much fluid from body at a time, it is very likely to cause low blood pressure.Generally,the patients should not take medicines for high blood pressure before doing dialysis.

Dialysis encephalopathy

Dizziness during dialysis may be attributable to encephalopathy.This is because dialysis can remove toxins from the blood rapidly while it takes longer time to clear the toxins in brain.This gradient difference can cause cerebral edema and a series of symptoms of dialysis encephalopathy.


Anemia is commonly seen people with Kidney Failure. One of the most important kidney functions is to produce renin,a hormone which can stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. As red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body, anemia can reduce oxygen supply to brain, thus resulting in dizziness during dialysis.

How to help kidney failure patient with weak and dizzy during dialysis ?

In general, doctor will arrange the corresponding measures according to the underlying causes. But now you have other choice that is to find some alternative therapies which can help you cure the kidney disease from its root. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective therapies, which can help people live better without dialysis.

If you want to know details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating kidney failure, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will try our best to help you.

Diabetic Nephropathy Can be Treated Well with Proper Treatment

It is known that diabetes is one of the main causes of kidney disease, most of the people with diabetes will developed into Diabetic Nephropathy after 15 years, even earlier. So the control of blood sugar level is very important in treating this disease.

Kidney disease that is caused by consistently high blood sugar can be prevented if you manage your blood glucose by keeping it in your target range most of the time. Keeping your blood pressure under control is also important for the prevention of kidney disease.

Common ways to control your blood pressure

losing weight
eating less salt
avoiding alcohol and tobacco
getting regular exercise
Treating Kidney Disease

If kidney disease is diagnosed early, treatment can slow the progression of the disease. One common treatment for kidney disease is a low-protein diet. Protein tends to increase the workload of the kidneys. By reducing the amount of protein you eat, you can also relieve the kidneys' workload. There are also medications available to lower blood pressure.

If kidney failure occurs, dialysis is necessary to remove the wastes that will inevitably build up in the blood. Or you can choose some Chinese Medicines to help you live better without dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective therapies in treating kidney disease is used widely in our days. With the help of this therapy, people with Diabetic Nephropathy can live longer and better, some of them even can live a normal life.

If you want to know more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating Diabetic Nephropathy, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com and we will try our best to help you.


Can Fever Cause High Creatinine Level in Chronic Kidney Disease

Can fever increase creatinine level in chronic kidney disease ? Creatinine is an important index for kidney disease patients, which is a mirror for renal functions. There are many factors for raising creatinine level.

Can Fever Raise Creatinine ?

Creatinine is the metabolic wastes which is the breakdown of creatine. Meanwhile it is depositing in the blood so as to depending on kidney’s filtration function to remove them out of the body in the form of urine completely. Under normal Circumstances, creatinine is better to lower 1.6.If patient’s creatinine level is above it, kidney damage develops.

Fever consistently brings trouble for kidney.Fever disturbs metabolism system thus causing further kidney damage and raising creatinine. When kidney damage develops, the filtration functions are worse influenced thus leading to the deposition of Creatinine in the blood.Creatinine level is also increasing.
Therefore if you are a kidney disease patient, try to avoid fever at your best. It is a dangerous factor to lead to the relapse of kidney disease.

In order to avoid the raising creatinine level,we need better and effective treatment.

What kinds of treatments can be used in treating kidney disease ?

Blood Purification

Blood Purification includes plasma exchange, immune absorption, hemodialysis,hemoperfusion and hemofiltration. They are all the most advanced techniques aiming at removing stasis including creatinine out of the body. The pure blood relives the heavy burden on kidney. Meanwhile kidney lives in a better environment thus helping itself self-regeneration and self-recovery increasingly.

Hot Compress Therapy

Hot Compress Therapy is the best therapy in China which has saved many patient’s life successfully. Meanwhile it also brings fewer side effects for our body thus preventing other serious conditions and other tricky problems.

If you have any question, just leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.


Is It Possible To Reverse Stage 4 CKD with GFR 16

Is there any chance to reverse Stage 4 chronic kidney disease with GFR 16? In fact, if the patient can get systematic treatment timely they can get a chance to reverse or stop the progression of this disease, thus to live a better life without dialysis or kidney transplant.

For patients with stage 4 kidney disease and GFR of 16, their kidneys have been damaged seriously, there are just remaining 16% kidney function can work normally, so that demand them to take actions right now to stop the progression of this disease, otherwise, they may need to take dialysis.

However, if they can get systematic treatment timely, they will get a chance to avoid dialysis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can help patient to avoid dialysis by improving the GFR level.

You know, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has four main functions, they are anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and enlarge blood vessels. By those four functions, this kind of therapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual ones from further damage. In such a way to reverse the kidney disease and help patient avoid dialysis.

There are many kinds of herbs can be used in this therapy, so during the treatment, doctors will arrange different herbs for patients according to their special condition. For different patient has different symptoms, so they should have different herbs in their therapy. If you want to know what kind of herbs are best for you, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, or contact our online doctor directly. We will do everything possible to help you.

What Should I Do With 45% Kidney Function

What should I do with 45% kidney function? In fact, most of the kidney disease patient will face questions like this. Because, there kidney function will decreasing gradually after their kidneys damaged. If they can not find ways to stop this progression, they may need to face dialysis or renal transplant in the future.

Is there any chance for patient with 45% kidney function to improve it?

To improve the kidney function means to stop the the progression of kidney disease and recover the damaged kidneys. You know the necrosis kidney tissues can not be repaired, so if the patient want to improve the kidney function they should take the relative therapies before the kidney function lost totally.

For patients with 45% kidney function, parts of the kidney tissues are necrosis which can not be repaired, but there is still left parts of damaged tissues which can be repaired with timely treatment, so they still have a chance to improve the kidney function.

What kind of treatment can help patient to improve their kidney function?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidneys and protecting the residual ones from further damage.

But you know different patient has different symptoms, so the prognosis of them can be different. So if you want to know whether you can have a good prognosis or not with the help of this therapy, you can send your detailed information to us by email, after analyzed, we will reply you as soon as possible. Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com. Or you can also consult our online doctor directly. We will try our best to help you.


What Does 18% Renal Function Mean for Kidney Failure Patient

At the clinic, renal function 18% means that not just let 18% kidneys are working normally, the disease is already at stage 4 kidney disease and close to stage 5 (kidney function below 15%). For the patient demand for action at this time to prevent the disease is worse.

How to prevent renal function decreases?

The lower renal function is caused by damaged kidneys, so long as we can repair the damaged kidneys, can protect kidney function decline.

Chinese medicine has significant effect in the treatment of kidney disease, which can solve the problem of kidney raíz.Los his most famous are the Top Seven treatment, cooperated with others who can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual of a further damage and improve kidney function.

Seven top treatment are hot Compress Therapy, Circle Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, bathroom Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy Therapy and moxibustión.Cada one has its own function, during medical treatment shall be responsible for different therapies as necesario.Si you want to know what kind of therapies are best for you, you can send your details to us by email, after analyzed will reply as soon as possible. All the information we provide is free, so do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can send email or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

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