
Traditional Chinese medicine has a good method for treating acute nephritis

How the occurrence of acute nephritis?

Main control can cause nephritis of other related (also known as nephritis precursor disease), especially prevention of hemolytic streptococcus infection caused by some diseases and upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas abscess etc., the disease infection in the body to after a period of time can cause nephritis, called latency. Upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, the latency period of approximately one to two weeks; scarlet fever about two to three weeks; impetigo about 2 to 4 weeks. Latency is the process of the body's reaction, in the infection of the above precursor, if can be in time to prevent the occurrence of immune response. According to observation, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other chronic infection lesions of recurrent disease, cause acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. So if confirmed acute nephritis is caused by tonsillitis, at an appropriate time for tonsillectomy, help to cure and prevent recurrence. Other bacteria, viruses, protozoa and so can cause nephritis. Therefore, to the cause of the prevention and treatment of a positive and timely nephritis prodromal illness, on the prevention of acute nephritis and prevent acute nephritis turn for chronic nephritis, it has a important significance.

Traditional Chinese medicine on acute nephritis?

According to acute nephritis acute onset, rapid change, edema beginning in the positive position and have the clinical features of the syndrome and the multi thermal image. The cause of the disease is related to wind, cold, dampness, heat and toxin. The occurrence of the disease, due to exogenous wind cold and wind heat attacking the lung, lung loses dispersing and descending, that gasification of the triple warmer adverse, or by wading in the rain wet, Chuangdu intraplating, cold dampness or damp heat in the spleen, spleen yang, that channel to adjust, liquid water within the stop, spillover muscle skin, the formation of edema. To wind or wind heat invasion, heat storage, heat leaving coke, vein damage, hemopyretic bleeding, resulting in hematuria. The lung, spleen, kidney two dirty dysfunction, depression and heat, gradually transformed into heat accumulation. Acute nephritis recovery period is mainly hot and humid entirely, some patients in the damp heat dissipated appear gradually in the course of kidney yin deficiency with hot and humid nostalgia. Some patients after the swelling subsided, often self body heat, excessive sweating and urination or nocturia, damp heat from the back of this genus not table empty, deficiency of vital energy or, can not fill, appropriate aromatic Qing Li, and promote its retreat from. Part of the patients with damp heat nostalgia back, and the deficiency of vital qi,, deficiency and excess syndromes, appropriate uses and method, is mainly to Quxie, removing pathogens and injury is the, righting and does not hinder the evil.

How to treat acute nephritis in traditional Chinese medicine?

According to its etiology and pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, Chinese medicine treatment of acute nephritis mainly in the following ways:

(1) Shufeng heat, detoxification. For a heat performance of a patient with fever, not often chills, sore throat, oliguria Sechi, hematuria. Slippery pulse number or breakdown, red tongue, thin yellow tongue coating. The commonly used prescription Yinqiao Powder Plus cicada, Bombyx Batryticatus, red peony, Moutan etc..

(2) wind water, divided. Indications: early onset, chills, fever, headache, aversion to wind, oliguria, swelling of the body above the waist to. Moss thin white, pulse tight or thin. The commonly used prescription for yuebi Decoction and five PI decoction.

(3), clearing heat and removing dampness or heat clearing and detoxicating method: applicable to patients with skin infections or exogenous table card has been solved, the stagnation of dampness heat, may have a fever, dry mouth, hi cold, less urine red, puffiness not. Thin yellow or yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse number. Commonly used to add and subtract five disinfectant.

Chinese medicine treatment of acute nephritis hematuria what is the way?

Acute nephritis with hematuria as the main performance should pay attention to hemostasis, the specific method has the following two kinds of:

1 Ziyin Qingre Zhixue: pathogenesis for fire burns vein and common Zhibai Dihuang Decoction addition and subtraction (Anemarrhena 12g, 9g of Cortex Phellodendri chinensis, 12g radix rehmanniae, Cornus 12g, yam 15g, 12g of the root bark of the tree peony, Poria 15g, Rhizoma alismatis 9g sanqifen 3G blunt).

2 Qingreliangxue bleeding: pathogenesis for thermal injury to blood vessels, the common thistle drink in addition and subtraction (Herba Cirsii 30g, 10g, lophatherum gracile Brongn 10g, talc 10g, raw licorice 3G, nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 20g, cogongrass rhizome 30g, motherwort 15g, 15g of Folium Pyrrosiae, cortex moutan 6G, Verbena officinalis 15g, Cacumen Platycladi 15g).

IgA nephropathy patients how to prevent it

This paper introduction: IgA nephropathy patients with the how to combat it? Enough sleep on IgA nephritis control help?? well, then please to see, experts IgA glomerulonephritis in prevention and treatment in detail.

IgA nephropathy care how to do, in fact, this is an important part of the work of IgA nephropathy, and a lot of patients are very confused, IgA nephropathy patients should be how to care?.

Kidney experts point out that, for the care of IgA nephropathy, there are several ways.

1, IgA nephropathy patients should be reasonable arrangements for their own diet

In the patients with IgA nephropathy, in the diet as far as possible to should taste light, avoid alcohol and spicy, impairment of kidney function to control the use of rice protein absorption, to, milk, lean meat and other animal protein is the main, and oral

Essential amino acids to avoid malnutrition.

2, patients should maintain adequate sleep and rest

Patients should maintain adequate sleep and rest. When sleeping in bed, there is more blood to the kidneys, is conducive to the recovery of IgA nephropathy. Adult daily to ensure that sleep 7 to 8 hours. Sleep environment to be silent, before bed can be used

Warm feet to help sleep. Don't drink tea before bedtime, do not eat food, or to sleep. Moderate work.

3, patients should increase the understanding of IgA nephropathy

Patients should deepen the understanding of IgA nephropathy, and therefore determine the condition and treatment is not the same, and the course of treatment may be longer. The 1 part of the patient's needs for renal biopsy, in order to clearly determine the condition, guidance for treatment and diagnosis of progress,

Patients have a basic understanding of the relevant knowledge, you can reduce the fear and strengthen the cooperation with the doctor.

For patients with a friend should strengthen the care of IgA nephropathy, in their daily lives to maintain a good living habits, the diet of the kidney, and actively cooperate with the treatment of patients.


Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning different chronic nephritis

This paper introduction: chronic nephritis morbidity is different, edema, or protein is hematuria are the clinical manifestations of chronic nephritis. In the treatment of chronic nephritis, traditional Chinese medicine according to different physical persons to care for patients with chronic nephritis.
Chronic nephritis, proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema as the basic performance, mode of onset are different, the protracted illness, the slow progress of pathological changes, can have varying degrees of renal function decline, and ultimately the development of chronic renal failure (CRF) a group of glomerular disease. Because of the different pathological types and different stages of the disease, the main clinical manifestations were different.
Whenever the chronic disease four word, it will make people scared, once the formation of chronic, it shows that this disease may follow for a long time the patients. It is quite slow. For chronic nephritis, it is also the case. In the treatment of chronic nephritis, the traditional Chinese medicine is how to care for chronic nephritis it?
TCM according to different constitution of patients for nursing:
1, distinguish constitution, the actual situation, dialectical nursing
Chronic nephritis in the nursing process, the use of Chinese medicine theory, scrutiny of the constitution of the patient and disease, to identify the Yin and Yang, the actual situation is extremely important.
In general, obvious edema, the virtual standard real. Physical strength, more solid and more heat. Physically weak persons more than deficiency cold. In addition to the two must be on time to test temperature, pulse, blood pressure, 24 hours of water, but also to observe whether there is no bleeding tendency and vomiting, edema, etc..
If there is little urine, fatigue, drowsiness, mouth, urine, and more for the evil accumulation of dampness in the body, poison evil stains, the heart of the pericardial, to shut the grid, the most dangerous. Should promptly report to the doctor, do a good job in preparing for the rescue.
Clinically, Yang deficiency edema, water poisoning in the squat, stimulation of itching, should do skin care, prevent infection. Yinxuyangkang, water does not contain wood, see more headaches and insomnia, high blood pressure, must be observed without vomiting, convulsions. Headache can acupuncture Baihui, the sun, Hegu acupoint. Convulsions, vomiting, should promptly report to the doctor, with the doctor, rescue treatment.
2, observe the disease, avoid exogenous, medication guidance
We should carefully observe the condition, tell the patient living, shelter evil, do not tired, warm cold. Because chronic nephritis is often due to infection and acute attack, causing the original condition. Ward should be sunny, the temperature is proper, good ventilation.
Clinical nursing, guiding the patient to take medicine on time. The decoction should be. Nausea and vomiting, should be a small number of times into the service. Drop a small amount of ginger juice before taking the medicine on the tongue, to prevent vomiting effective. Traditional Chinese medicine enema must pay attention to the temperature of liquid medium, injection speed slower, anal insertion depth should be appropriate, general of 30 cm is appropriate. So as to ensure the full absorption of liquid medicine, improve the efficacy.

Acute nephritis can not eat what food

This paper introduction: diet on disease nursing is very important, reasonable diet can help disease rehabilitation, acute nephritis diet should pay attention to what?

1. Water restrictions acute nephritis oliguria, edema of the eyelids, generalized edema and hypertension, which is the performance of water metabolism disorders dietotherapy, therefore limit the quantity of the liquid intake to eliminate swelling, alleviate the pressure on the heart is important, the amount of liquid should be as swelling degree and urine output and, acute general to 500 ml limited then urine volume and increase the amount of water.

2. Restriction of salt edema and blood volume and salt relation greatly, for every 1 gram of salt can bring about 110 ml water, nephritis such as eating too much salt, micturition function damaged. Often the edema aggravated, increasing blood volume, resulting in heart failure. So it is necessary to limit salt and low salt diet.

3 limit the high content of the kidney in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, should limit the food to stimulate the kidney cells, such as spinach, celery, radish, beans and other products.

4 do not use strong strong flavor seasoning crystal have a stimulating effect on the kidney, this kind of condiment with pepper, mustard, pepper, curry Monosodium glutamate should also be less use, such as multi use MSG will cause thirst and desire.

5. Avoid containing nitrogen extract nephritis patients due to kidney function not good, nitrogen excretion is not timely completion, n as one of metabolic wastes, in reduced renal function should be to reduce nitrogen free extract of intake, this kind of material is that people often think that supplements the chicken soup, fish soup, broth, duck soup etc..

6. Limit protein intake amount depending on the renal function and, if the patient appeared oliguria, edema, hypertension, and retention of nitrogenous substance, daily protein quality reduction to 20-40 grams / (endogenous nitrogen metabolism), to lessen kidney burden, avoid non protein N accumulation in the body. But this low protein diet can not be long-term consumption, up to 10 ~ 7 days, due to the long-term application of low nutritional value of the diet is not only on the diet of the brain cortex of the excitement and inhibition. And also affect the endocrine metabolism and the body's inherent protein consumption. If the normal blood urea and creatinine clearance rate close to normal, the supply of protein by 1 g / kg body weight per day.

7 bean curd acute nephritis patients should not eat too much. Acute nephritis should limit protein intake, so as to avoid the protein metabolism in the body. Urea, uric acid, creatinine excretion difficulties, accumulation. Tofu is a high protein, it should not eat more.

8 liver acute nephritis patients do not eat too much huan. Protein in the in vivo metabolism can produce some nitrogenous waste, such as urea, creatinine, through the kidneys are excreted in the urine, to reduce the amount of urine of acute nephritis, non protein nitrogen excretion difficult, easily lead to non protein nitrogen retention, uremia, this product is a high protein food, so acute nephritis patients should not be too much food.

9 patients with acute nephritis should not be eating fish, acute nephritis should limit protein intake. Because fat and carbohydrate metabolism of the waste is mainly water and carbon dioxide, generally do not increase the burden on the kidneys, protein in the metabolism of the body will produce some known as non protein nitrogen waste, most of these wastes are excreted in the urine, urine volume decreased in. The excretion of these wastes to affected. Non protein nitrogen retention in the body too much, can occur in uremia.

Pay attention to what had high blood pressure, kidney disease diet?

We know that his destruction, food hygiene, healthy and reasonable diet for our diseases we disease rehabilitation can play a large role, more should pay attention to diet in patients with friends, have good habits.
So what does hypertensive kidney disease should pay attention to diet?The following is based on my many years of clinical experience summed up:
1, first of all, good control of blood pressure, eating the low-salt, low-protein diet, salt control within a day for 3 g, protein is given priority to with lean protein, is lean meat, fish, if you have any change must protect renal function, renal function and reasonable symptomatic treatment, such as control of the primary disease high blood pressure, improve, correct acid and so on, at the same time reducing the intake of foods high in potassium and phosphorus.Best step-down tea at ordinary times, tarot Tibetan tea is good, it to hypertension and its complications have the effect of prevention and treatment of 2, changes in eating habits: should be under the guidance of a doctor to analyze your diet, change the poor eating habits, restricting certain foods, so as to conform to the requirements of the nutrients, improve the quality of life.
2, control heat supply: the quantity of heat of right should be determined according to the condition, usually in order to maintain ideal weight.Because this kind of patients often have lipid metabolic disorders, so to reduce fat intake not only helps to control quantity of heat, but also can improve metabolic disorder.
4, low salt, high vitamin diet: high blood pressure, kidney disease patients should control the intake of salt, avoid salted food;Added preservatives food also should eat less.Intake enough vitamin B vitamins, in particular, is good for regulating body metabolism, taking vitamin supplements when necessary.
5, proteins are essential nutrients, but if the protein intake is too high, can increase kidney burden, increase kidney damage;If inadequate intake, will affect the nutrition of human body.Therefore, should be determined according to the renal function in patients with protein intake: no significant kidney damage, protein intake at around 50 g daily;If the obvious anomalies such as serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, protein intake should be reduced to 20 ~ 40 g per day.
6, patients with other friends should notice filling calcium, iron and other trace elements.And eat more foods rich in potassium.
That is "what had high blood pressure, kidney disease diet attention", through the interpretation of the believe that friends know a lot about had high blood pressure in patients with kidney diet attention to the problem of what some of the details.Small make up feel to know what to eat blood pressure high blood pressure, kidney disease patients is very important, but the kidney disease is more important is good therapy, when paired with a diet recuperation, soon, our body will be healthy.

Treatment of chronic kidney disease in the elderly is very important dietary control

 Core tip: a reasonable diet is essential for patients with chronic kidney disease. If the patient is indifferent to the daily diet can lead to the effective treatment of kidney disease has been seriously hampered. Experts suggest that, in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) should pay attention to adjust the diet, to control the protein intake, low salt, low-fat, limit phosphorus to calcium. 

"Different causes of chronic kidney disease, treatment will not be the same." Experts said that if it is caused by hypertension, antihypertensive drug therapy; caused by diabetes, the use of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin; if glomerulonephritis or autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus) induced renal injuries as a result of kidney disease, it can use of glucocorticoids or immunosuppressive treatment.

Experts stressed that hormone therapy for elderly patients with chronic kidney disease is a double-edged sword, both therapeutic effect and at the same time, there are side effects. Side effects include infection increased resulting in a lowering of the patient's resistance, caused by osteoporosis, induce or aggravate the peptic ulcer (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, causing increased blood pressure, blood glucose, and others will cause steroid diabetes. Therefore, in the process of hormone therapy should pay attention to the evaluation of efficacy, adjust the dosage and treatment of drugs, to avoid risk.

 In drug treatment, experts said, to careful use of drugs in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, if treatment is not proper likely will aggravate the damage of renal function, like antibiotics (amino glycoside, sulfonamides, vancomycin and amphotericin B) will kidney damage; also contains the component of aristolochic acid in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Caulis Aristolochiae manshuriensis water plantain rhizome, henbane seed, Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi and Aristolochia Chinese medicine, short-term use will caused by acute kidney injury, long-term use can cause chronic renal injury.

 Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease can be treated by hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation. Most patients by hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis to remove the in vivo metabolic toxins or water and electrolyte abnormalities and renal transplantation is the treatment of kidney function is not the best solution, clinical is mainly by allograft renal transplantation, but kidney has a limited capacity, only a minority of patients can be a kidney transplant. Elderly patients may also have a kidney transplant, but it is a comprehensive assessment of the life expectancy of the elderly and the risks that may be brought about after kidney transplantation.

 Patients with chronic kidney disease should pay attention to diet control 

 Experts said that most patients with chronic kidney disease to control diet, first do not excessive intake of high protein substances, otherwise it will cause high pressure, high perfusion, high filtration and thus accelerate glomerular filtration. I~IV phase of chronic kidney disease patients daily protein intake of 0.6~0.8g/kg, while the V phase of chronic kidney disease patients daily protein intake was 0.6g/kg. Patients can control the food protein content of the table to eat. Also stressed that, in the protein intake should be high quality protein based, such as animal protein (fish, shrimp, meat, etc.). 

 In addition, patients with chronic kidney disease, but also to add heat, mainly to sugar. Also note that low salt to reduce the incidence of hypertension, and we should pay attention to low fat to prevent atherosclerosis and limit phosphorus calcium. For every day in chronic kidney disease patients should drink much water, Shu Lu Zhou director said that a patient's body water is best not too much, plus the amount of the first day of urine 500ml (including moisture food) is equal to the second day of the amount of drinking water.

 Finally, the experts said that the theme of this year's World Kidney Day - prevention and treatment of senile chronic kidney disease, so I hope old friends to pay attention to their own health, can through reasonable adjustment of diet and reasonable exercise to enhance physical fitness; at the same time, we should pay attention to the prevention of the occurrence of hypertension and diabetes. Of course, regular physical examination, if found to have signs of chronic kidney disease should be early and timely treatment, the disease is killed in the embryonic stage.


【 Popular science figure 】 nephrotic syndrome can be cured? 7 points to teach you to control symptoms

Nephrotic syndrome can be cured, but absolutely do not have what specific, also have no what folk prescription, ancestral secret recipe folk remedies are lying, because this disease can cure good, your own factors, half of which is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle.

1. Nephrotic syndrome can be cured, but absolutely do not have what specific, also have no what folk prescription, ancestral secret recipe folk remedies are lying, because this disease can cure good, your own factors, half of which is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle, don't want disorderly eat, live regularly, if you don't pay attention to the half, so always treat bad, and will turn to uremia. So if anyone regardless of diet and lifestyle to sell STH what specific, that is a liar, you caution point, not against yourself.

2.Western medicine generally use hormone, immune preparation, tripterygium wilfordii, cyclophosphamide and other western medicine. Hormones, immune preparation, tripterygium wilfordii, cyclophosphamide and other western medicine has some side effects, such as in remission for drugs, reducing to trace discontinuation, the benefits of western medicine treatment is to control the disease quickly, but the late by drugs easy to relapse, torture, but as long as pay attention to diet and lifestyle, generally by drugs or will be very successful, and finally can be completely cured.But is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle, and regularly, reducing using cannot stop drug casually, also cannot reduce drug casually, needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor. 

3. Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine treatment has the advantage of small side effects, the late withdrawal is not easy, but if you can't find good condition of traditional Chinese medicine can not be very good control, some still increase, but if find a good Chinese medicine disease to also won't weak in western medicine, but the best is the traditional Chinese medicine combined with TCM diet, diet is the diet, the life also regularly. 

4. Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment with western medicine very good control illness symptoms, Chinese traditional medicine to consolidate cure treatment, benefit is the reduction of western medicine is not easy, finally stopped completely replace with Chinese traditional medicine western medicine, western medicine slowly stop Chinese traditional medicine, it is easy to cure, side effects are much smaller than pure western medicine treatment. 

5. During the treatment including good after all should pay attention to diet and lifestyle, do not pay attention to the disease does not cure.Must remember that all treatment is on the basis of pay attention to diet and lifestyle, without this, how to treatment is invalid, even a bit effect is only temporary.
6. If you are using the hormone, so suggest you combine traditional Chinese and western medicine therapy, Chinese medicine for high blood fat, high blood pressure, urine protein is high, the curative effect of plasma protein is low or very good, including your physical body fatigue, insomnia, dream how can Chinese traditional medicine slowly organized to come over.
7. Looking for a regular doctor, renal toxicity medicine don't eat, don't know the food and drug have renal toxicity, so what do you search in baidu. Keep in mind that this renal toxicity and food can accelerate the kidney damage which can lead to kidney disease is aggravating, even uremia.



What are the effects of kidney disease

Different kidney patients, the clinical manifestation is different, some patients have edema (eyelid, calf), lumbar acid, weak, with macroscopic haematuria, etc., there are also many patients with kidney disease, and no obvious clinical manifestations, such condition, is not easy to find.
Symptoms of kidney disease

traditional therapy can only from the surface, but the real help patients to recover the need, from the perspective of the repair the damaged kidneys.Now there is a mature therapy, can repair the damaged kidney cells, fundamentally so as to improve the quality of life in patients with kidney disease, get rid of dialysis, kidney transplant, and reduce the cost of treatment to the greatest extent.

According to the status of the patients may be got nephritis nephritis will have the characteristics of edema nephritis edema in patients with early symptoms usually begin with facial and then spread to the lower limbs, hands and feet are swollen eyelids feeling sometimes and oliguria and edema sometimes appear at the same time some will be nephritis hematuria serious will have high blood pressure
Signs of the early symptoms of kidney disease in the urine bubble increased and disappeared for a long time not show the protein in the urine more nocturia increased if young people appeared nocturia will cause attention edema, especially in the morning will see eye Shade or facial edema or are you in the afternoon, but was again in the evening to reduce blood pressure, this is because the body waste long time cannot eduction body outside the kidney can produce some material to make blood pressure in nude color of urine turbid urine color Or with meat in wash water samples, and the water that clean out rice to medical examination in a timely manner.

Chronic kidney disease can live how long

Glomerulonephritis, referred to as chronic glomerulonephritis proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema of the basic clinical manifestations.Had a different degree of kidney function decline, will eventually develop into a set of glomerular disease in chronic renal failure.
Kidney Disease

Active treatment, control the condition is the right treatment in the face of nephrotic syndrome.For now, a lot of the hospital, especially general hospital, in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome compared to hormones, look from the latest pathology, nephrotic syndrome is a group of the inflammatory response under the action of renal inherent cells damaged lead to a series of clinical syndrome, conventional hormone for the treatment of the disease can only have the effect of anti-inflammation, control the inflammatory response in a short time to live, to prevent renal inherent cells continue to damage, patients with hormone sensitive implementation in several days or a month of urine protein.But this state of good once the hormone use up, will be destroyed, or when the susceptible factors, under the condition of illness and repeatedly, is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure method.

Glomerulonephritis timely to choose the right way so as not to delay the disease treatment, can choose the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of glomerulonephritis, Chinese medicine treatment recommended "Chen nephritis party" USES the pure natural precious medicinal materials better accomplish tomifying qi and blood, removing the effect of liver and kidney, water dry wet, can effectively eliminate edema, reduce blood pressure, promote normal urine, and can restore kidney function, improve the body's immune ability, to treat chronic glomerulonephritis. 

The nursing of glomerulonephritis 1. Mix In daily work, whether it's physical and mental work, don't fatigue, nephritis patients should be strengthened to rest, otherwise you will increase metabolism is abnormal, will also increase the burden of kidney function, so that damage to the kidneys.2. Pay attention to the emotion regulation of chronic nephritis patients must develop the confidence to fight disease, for chronic nephritis was slowly stretch, so keep treatment of determination and confidence;Grumpy, nervous can cause liver damage, affect the secretion system disorder, chaos and direct damage to kidney function. 

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When the patients are diagnosed with , the kidneys of them must be damaged seriously, so that the kidneys are no longer able to remove wastes and excess fluid from your bloodstream efficiently. At this time, most of the  patients are panic to do the dialysis, even it is so painful. While, some CKD patients told me that, they never give up to seek the replaced therapies to avoid the dialysis. A good news to you, 99% CKD patients can avoid the dialysis with our natural therapies. To contact our  and to know more information about our natural therapies.

A Systematic Therapy to Control and Relieve Kidney Failure

  is a so intractable disease that there are no specific treatments to solve patients problems. In the world,symptomatic treatments are more commonly to be used to control and relieve patients disease condition. Here the article aims at offering a systematic therapy that can help patents more to treat their renal damage. More details please contact free  directly and quickly for free.

Compared with western medicines, TCM is good at regulating inner body system and treating chronic disease as well as kidney failure. As introduced by doctors of TCM, an important energy, called Qi, in our body is responsible for maintaining our overall health, while Yin and Yang regulates the balance of inner body system. Also, TCM is able to help increase the body s self-healing system. With correct medicines, kidney failure patients can get improvements gradually. However, it may needs relatively longer time, so people with kidney failure need more patience.

Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please Email to  or leave message on below, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.



What Is The Treatment For High Creatinine Level In Lupus Nephritis

Kidney disease is a common long-term complication of lupus. As kidneys become involved, renal function will keep deteriorating if no promote treatment is applied. High creatinine level is a common complication from Lupus Nephritis. So is there any treatment for high creatinine level in Lupus Nephritis?

High creatinine in lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, in which immune system attacks different body parts like joints, skin, kidneys, lungs, blood, or brain. Kidney involvement can occur among 60% of people with lupus. Lupus Nephritis most often develops within the first five years after the symptoms of lupus start.

In lupus, as immune system attacks kidneys, it will cause inflammation of nephrons, the structures within the kidneys that filter the blood. Each kidney is composed of around one million nephrons. If no promote and effective treatment is applied, the inflammation will cause impairment and necrosis of nephrons. When kidney structure is impaired, the kidneys can not filter blood adequately, thus leading to high creatinine in lupus.

Chinese medical treatments treat lupus nephritis with creatinine 2.6

China is famous for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and there are a lot of Chinese medical treatments which can be used to deal with kidney disease include of lupus nephritis. There is oral Chinese medicine which can invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis, and it also has the function of detoxification. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special therapy among our hospital, which can treat kidney disease from root. Some of damaged kidney cells will be repaired in this therapapy. If you can insist our therapy, the lupus nephritis will be treated well.

The combination of immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to lupus patients with high creatinine.

Immunotherapy can correct the immune dysfunction and retrieve a normal immune system. If so, the root cause of kidney inflammation will be controlled fundamentally.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can activate the self-healing system of the body and the releasing of growth factors. If the impaired nephrons can be reversed, it will bring about renal function improvement. If the kidneys can function better, high creatinine in lupus will be controlled fundamentally.

Can Kidney Cyst Be Shrunk Naturally

Can Natural Treatments help patients with Renal Cysts Avoid Removing Surgery? Renal Cysts is not strange disease in kidney disease. It is really common in nowadays. While so many patients with it think that removing surgery is the only choice to treat for it. As a matter of fact, that is not true. Call forONLINE DOCTOR.

Is that a necessary for patients with cysts to take surgery?

To be honest, surgery is not the only choice for patients to shrink cysts. Of course, the most common way for patients to treat for cysts is medicine or surgery. While consider about the side effects about surgery and its risk, most patients do not want to use this kind of method.

There is no doubt that kidney will have some damage due to surgery and it can not find out the real root cause about cysts, so that surgery can be replaced by other effective treatment.

Is there any treatment that can shrink kidney cysts naturally?

To be honest, there do really have some treatments can help patients deal with this problem. We called it as Natural Treatment, which is much better than dialysis and surgery due to that this kind of treatment do not have any side effects and prevent cyst recurrence.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of natural treatments which uses pure Chinese medicine as the mainly factor to treat for renal cysts form the root reason. Thus will stop the relapse of renal cysts and keep the kidney more healthy than before.

Micro- Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to find out the root reason for kidney cysts to treat it form inside. It has the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, dilation of blood vessels. That is to say it can eliminate inflammation which due to cysts and repair kidney damage. Thus will restore kidney function in huge degree.

All medicines in this treatment are form the natural-- Chinese herbal medicine, so that this belongs to natural treatment completely.

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