
How To Lower High Creatinine By Diet

Creatinine is a waste product and it is normally excreted by kidneys. So it is an important measurement of kidney function. Many patients with elevated creatinine level are worried about this very much. They want to find out a diet to lower creatinine level. Well then how to lower high creatinine level by diet?
Avoid Protein-Rich Food and Dairy Products
You must stay away from foods like red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, etc., because of their high protein content. Creatinine, being a type of amino acid, is found mainly in such high protein foods. If you are looking to lower creatinine levels, then foods like chocolate, almonds, peanuts, beer, egg whites, seaweed, spirulina, sesame seeds, and gelatin should also be avoided. Dairy products will only increase the creatinine level, so avoid cheese, milk, and other dairy-based products. When less amount is supplied, then production of creatinine will also be lowered automatically by the body.
Drink Plenty of Water
When our body gets dehydrated, the creatinine levels tend to increase.You can reduce the chances of any further elevation by consuming about 8 - 10 glasses of water per day. In the morning, start your day by drinking 2 - 3 glasses of water. This will increase the frequency of urination, and as a result, more creatinine will get eliminated from the body.
Herb intake
Intake herbs like dandelion, ginseng, salvia, and cinnamon, which are known to be useful in controlling creatinine levels.
Fresh fruit juice
Caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated beverages are bad for this condition, as they have a diuretic effect, and may cause dehydration. Replace them with fresh fruit juice or aloe vera juice, which will keep you hydrated and at the same time provide you with good nutrition.
Low sodium intake
Diseased kidneys cannot filter excess water from your body, thus causing water retention. In this condition, sodium tends to promote water retention. Therefore, it would be better if you can stay away from all such foods that supply extra sodium to the body. Salty foods, processed foods, packaged foods, etc. should be avoided in this condition.

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of lowering high creatinine level. Of course, the above diet does not suit for every individual kidney disease patients since different people have different medical condition. Therefore, if you want to get an individualized diet, you should consult me or leave me a message to xueling10100054@gmail.com. I will give you a proper diet according to your own condition.

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