
Is Blood in Urine A Sign Of Kidney Cyst Burst

Kidney cyst is presented by fluid filled sacs located in the kidneys. The presence of cysts are harmful to kidney function because they can cause the kidneys to become enlarged. As the time goes on, cysts will enlarge to a certain degree and may burst. When they burst,many symptoms will happen. Does ruptured cysts cause blood in urine? Is blood in urine a sign of kidney cyst burst?
Blood in the urine, or hematuria, is the most commonly reported sign of ruptured cysts within the kidney. In mild cases, blood may be undetectable to the eye, only being detected by a urinalysis screen available through your physician. In more severe cases, the cysts may cause bleeding that is visible during urine excretion.
Ruptured kidney cysts, in severe cases, can lead to obstructed blood flow in certain parts of the kidney; resulting in damage. Therefore, it is essential to treat it immediately. Antibiotics are usually used for treating this condition. Simple kidney cyst is not considered as an emergency condition and sometimes, no treatment may be required. On the other hand, complex kidney stones can be treated with the help of long-term antibiotics courses or surgery. In extreme cases, if multiple cysts occur that are beyond treatment, removal of kidney may be recommended. One should note that it is possible to live a normal life with a single kidney.

Of course, there is also alternative therapy for kidney cysts. And this therapy is natural and has no side effects. The name of this therapy is Micro-Chinese Medicine which can inhibit the epithelial cells from secreting cystic fluid, expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cyst wall and improve permeability of cysts. Thus, the cystic fluid will be reabsorbed and drained out with blood circulation. In this condition, cysts will be shrunk and become smaller so as to lighten the pressure on kidneys. This helps reduce further kidney damage.

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