
The Available Approach to Nausea in IgA nephropathy

Nausea is very common symptom in all kidney disease, IgA nephropathy is one of ellas.Náuseas and is seriously affecting the lives of patients and social.Qué relationship can patients do to get rid of nausea?
The causes of nausea in IgA nephropathy?
It IgA nephropathy is characterized by the deposition of IgA in patents riñones.Se occurs when cooled or infections. Antigen and antibody in the human body can produce antigen-anticuerpo.Conforme immune complex over time, immune complexes accumulate in the kidneys and harm inherent cells, if left untreated, cells do not function well, leading to many waste products and excess fluid accumulates in the kidneys, which the urea will get into the gastrointestinal tract with the flow of blood, and then the urea reach the intestinal tract, it decomposes into ammonia by ureasa.La stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucosal membrane, leading to nausea result.
Does the approach available for nausea of IgA nephropathy?
Dialysis is commonly used to remove waste products, extra fluid from cuerpo.Pero, can not cope with this fundamental problem, once patients stop having dialysis, waste products accumulate in the kidneys again .
Kidney transplantation has effects to end the symptoms, but you need to know that kidney transplantation is not a cure for kidney disease, ie IgA nephropathy is not a problem of kidney disease, but a problem inmunológico.Náuseas fall even if they have kidney transplant.

In fact, drug treatment can make a great favor to the pacientes.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is focused on promoting blood circulation, blood vessels spending, eliminating toxic substances completely, preventing kidney tissues run in fibrosis, as well as the renewal of the sick and nausea células.Las gene can be avoided with improved renal function.

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