
Can I Stay at Stage 3B Kidney Disease for A Long Time

Question: My kidney function is 35%, and my doctor tells me that my kidney disease has progressed from stage 3A to stage 3B. If aggravates continuously, my kidney disease will develop to end stage. Can I stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time?

Answer: According to GFR or kidney function level, chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages. Among them, stage 3 kidney disease is also divided into stage 3A and stage 3B. In stage 3A kidney disease, kidneys are functioning at 45%~59%, while kidneys in stage 3B are functioning at 30%~44%. From this point, stage 3B kidney disease is more serious than stage 3A.

If left alone, you may need to consider dialysis or kidney transplant in the near future. Of course, it doesn’t mean stage 3B kidney disease will progress to stage 4 or stage 5 immediately, and it is still possible for you to stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time. The key is to receive effective and correct medical treatment and develop a healthy diet plan and lifestyle.

To reverse stage 3B kidney disease,we would like to recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy. With osmotic devices, prescribed medicines are shattered fully, put into devices and placed in patients’ Shenshu acupoint. Then, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesion directly that can help repair damaged kidney cells and reverse kidney damage. With stable kidney function level, you can stay at stage 3B kidney disease for a long time.

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