
What Is The Harm Of Polycystic Kidney Disease to Your Body

What is the harm of polycystic kidney disease to your body? Polycystic kidney harm not only the clinical manifestation of the disease itself, the damage caused, but also bring more serious complications, greater harm to patients. That common hazards of polycystic kidney disease, what do? Here we will talk about common hazards of polycystic kidney disease.

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In general, common hazards of polycystic kidney disease are:

1. renal failure

With the development of polycystic kidney disease patients, cystic lesions increases kidney function may occur during cell injury, polycystic kidney disease also will produce harm, namely polycystic kidney disease leading to chronic end-stage renal failure occurs uremia ʱ?

2. uremia

Many polycystic kidney disease patients early in the disease are often not aware of the hazards of the disease, and not enough attention, there is no positive correlation of treatment, resulting in progression to renal failure, especially with end-stage renal failure uremia After polycystic businessman toxins from the body can not properly, toxins long-term retention in the body can cause a range of symptoms, some patients have hemodialysis in order to reduce hazards. It is common for polycystic kidney disease hazards.

3. resulting in more complications

This is more common in polycystic kidney harm one. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal insufficiency after the event, patients tend to have appeared in varying degrees of complications, such as high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and discomfort.

Polycystic kidney disease is more common hazards explain, we want to be vigilant. In order to reduce the damage caused by polycystic kidney disease must actively receiving treatment, so as not to delay the disease severe, the patient is very unfavorable.

If you want to know more about the "polycystic kidney disease to endanger the physical life?" And other aspects of the problem, the following dialog with experts online communication, experts will be based on your specific condition, to give targeted guidance and advice. The country's best kidney hospital: I wish you health!

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