My mother is a patient of kidney failure and creatinine level is 4.1. Had
high blood pressure, but now contralado .And also the level of hemoglobin in the
blood that fell to 7,7.¿Quiero know how to help you live better, if possible, I
can help treat your illness?
To control the disease your mother first, she must have good diet, low salt
eating, not smoking and drinking without fat or spicy food, they do not stay up
late and stick to maintain the balance between descanso.También work and should
avoid cold or infection that is very easy to infected kidneys.
Meanwhile, in the case of your mother, now her kidney damage has been very
serious, simple diet control can not control their condition well, that's also
the reason that your hemoglobin level is so low ( 7.7). Because the kidneys can
produce enough EPO, while EPO is an important material for producing
hemoglobina.Pero today, due to severe damage to your kidneys cause insufficient
production of EPO, which is why your hemoglobin is so come down. You can give
Mom some EPO injection to relieve his severe anemia temprorily, however, if it
wants to solve this problem of anemia primarily renal.Además she must restore
its function, blood pressure used to be high and if your BP not be under
control, it will aggravate kidney damage from decreased function now renal.Right
her creatinine is not too high (4.1), so if She Could take systemic treatment
Timely, she can get completely recovery and no need to do dialysis.
Now her creatinine is not too high (4.1), so if she could take the
appropriate systemic treatment, it can fully achieve recovery and do not need