Patients should understand the need for renal cysts timely treatment, with
the body of the cyst increases, will likely lead to kidney failure, uremia
happen, then, had renal cysts should be what kind of therapy do? Here are the
three most common methods of treatment of renal cysts in patients according to
their severity and symptoms, select the appropriate method of treatment of renal
Renal cyst is a general term of varying sizes that do not communicate with
the outside world appeared cystic mass in the kidney, renal cysts can be divided
into common adult polycystic kidney disease, simple renal cysts and acquired
renal cysts. Cyst infection, threatening abdominal tenderness. Huge cyst, there
may be mass at the waist and abdomen. Some patients may be due to the cyst
itself and intraluminal pressure increased, infections.
Surgical treatment of renal cysts cyst removal
Renal cyst puncture little effect, not only susceptible to infection, easy to
relapse, and was observed to not delay the occurrence of renal damage. Renal
cyst excision of the cyst is not an easy task, because the surface of the kidney
cyst can be cut, but cut deep buried in kidney cyst is quite difficult. And
there is a large tumor may be malignant, it can be surgical exploration, if
proved to be benign cysts, kidney wall surface can be cut, the edge of the renal
parenchyma with catgut and continuous suture, residual wall coated with iodine.
Side of the extensive destruction of renal parenchyma, normal contralateral
kidney, viable nephrectomy. If bilateral polycystic kidney disease, you need to
transplant a healthy kidney, then cut two polycystic kidney disease. Medicine
development so far, this may be the best way to treat severe polycystic kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for kidney cyst
This therapy develops from the traditional Chinese medicine. But it has make
some breakthroughs. It combines an osmosis device with the Chinese herbs. The
herbs will be permeated into kidneys by this osmosis device. The herbs are
selected according to your own condition and they are finely shattered to be
well permeated.
This therapy treat kidney disease by shrinking the cysts and preventing the
smaller one growing, which is the most effective way to treat kidney cysts. The
herbs can shrink the cysts by increasing the permeability of the cystic walls
and then the cystic fluids in the cysts will flow out. The herbs prevent the
cysts growing by prevent the cystic epithelial cells secreting cystic