What is the cause of uremia. Uremia is a patient's body would cause great
harm to the disease, most patients can return to health after a kidney
transplant, cut the kidney to save the mother before the child is with their
kidneys to help extend the life of the mother, although treatment It is the most
important, but what is the cause of uremia can not be ignored!
1, all kinds of kidney diseases: such as slow glomerulonephritis,
interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis, lupus nephritis, nephrotic syndrome,
polycystic kidney disease, etc., comprising a slow glomerulonephritis account
for a large share about 55.7%. Kidney disease is the most common cause of
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Is It Possible To Get Kidney Infection While On Dialysis
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Whether Salt Has to be Restricted in IgA Nephropathy
Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
PKD, Creatinine 4.8, urine output 2500, back pain and liver cyst
Stage 4 Kidney Failure, Creatinine 3.6, GFR 23, BUN 55, Diabetic Nephropathy
Just Diagnosed as PKD, GFR82, is Proteinuria a Symptom of Kidney Failure
The Tests for Diagnosing Hyperuricemia Nephropathy
Diet to Reduce Cyst Growth
2, metabolic diseases: such as renal arteriosclerosis due to advanced
diabetic nephropathy, glomerular basement membrane thickening, glomerular
filtration function impairment. Gouty stage renal disease can also cause
3. Hypertension: high blood pressure is also a cause of uremia. Prolonged
hypertension, impaired glomerular sclerosis, renal harm, after all, resulting in
kidney failure. According to statistics, about 15% of the blood pressure of the
pressure will go directly to uremia.
4, long slow urinary tract obstruction: such as benign prostatic hyperplasia
can not be excreted in urine normal hyperplasia, resulting in renal water,
assuming no timely treatment, after all, will cause uremic kidney damage.
5, urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection: According to
statistics, men 0.23%, women in China was 2.37 percent of urinary tract
infection. Man, woman and a child can come, especially in the reproductive age
woman. In China, the slow pyelonephritis uremia second element, accounting for
Above is Xiaobian to introduce you to the cause of uremia have full content
of what, I hope to actively help to you also want no sick friends can timely
look sick reason, the only way to more Good help patients with disease