
Can Patients With CKD Eat Alma

Can patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) eat alma? Alma, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a popular fruit rich in nutritions. It benefits for kidney disease patients in some aspects.

1. Protect the cardiovascular system

With the development of CKD, patients can get the complications in cardiovascular system. Eating amla can help protect the cardiovascular system, so it will be good for CKD patients.

2. Improve the immune system

Amla is high in vitamin C, so it can help improve the immune system and prevent infections and inflammations in kidneys. Then it can help protect the kidneys.

3. Discharge small kidney stone

Alma can help improve the function of urinary system. It is a natural diuretic increasing urine output, which can help discharge the small stone.

4. Reduce blood sugar

It is reported that excessive sugar in blood can increase the risk of kidney stone and kidney disease. Alma is just the fruit that can reduce blood sugar and lower the risk of kidney stone and kidney disease.

Indian gooseberry does not appear to have any negative effects on kidney function, and it might even have some benefits. Consult a qualified health care provider before consuming Indian gooseberry supplements. Any question, you can leave us a message below or consult our online doctor directly.

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