
GFR 24: What Is The Systematic Chinese Herbal Treatment

GFR 24 means your kidney disease has been in stage 4 (GFR ranges from 15ml/min to 30ml/min). In this stage, kidneys have been damaged severely and timely treatment is required. What is the systematic Chinese herbal treatment for GFR 24?

External herbal applications

There are several commonly used herbal therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Acupuncture with moxibustion, Chinese herbal enema and hot compress therapy. I would like to introduce you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

It is used on bilateral kidney areas (Shenshu acupoints). Chinese herbs are super-finely shattered. With penetrant liquids and osmosis device, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. They can expand blood vessels, reduce inflammations and degrade extracellular matrixes, thus increasing whole blood circulation. Therefore, kidney cells can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function well.

Which therapy is suitable for patients is decided by our doctors after patients take complete tests and our nephrologists’ discussion.

Stem Cell Therapy

It is an advance treatment for kidney disease patients. Stem cells are called “universal cells” that can differentiate into many other functioning cells. So Stem Cell Therapy can help regenerate new renal cells and repair damaged renal tissues. However, not everyone can use this therapy. And the regeneration needs a good kidney environment. Otherwise, new stem cells will be affected by inflammatory factors. That’s why I recommend patients take Traditional Chinese Medicine to purify the blood first.

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