
Why Renal Failure Patient is Easy To Get Swollen Feet and Poor Appetite

At the clinic, with the development of kidney disease, more and more symptoms of both poor appetite and swollen feet constantly appear, they are common to them.
Why the patient of kidney failure have a poor appetite?

You know, most kidney disease patients have high levels of creatinine, renal function then will be damaged more than 50%, so the kidneys can not work effectively, more toxins and wastes accumulate in the general sangre.En, we can say that the high level of creatinine means high toxin toxins in your sangre.Las not only destroys kidney cells, but is also bad for the stomach. Patients with kidney disease have a poor appetite.

Why the patients suffer from swollen feet?

Generally, the patient has great kidney disease protein leakage orina.Como protein is lost, the pressure is reduced, and water is diverted from the blood but enter the space between the tissue, causing inflammation.

How to relieve symptoms caused by kidney failure?

As we all know, not a good symptom control will cause more damage to riñones.Así a kidney disease patient must take action to prevent the disease is worse.
First, you must adjust the diet according to their own conditions. So you should find some treatments that can help clean the tank in the kidneys and control of protein in the urine and repair renal cell damage.

Micro - Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, can help prevent kidney disease from worsening disease paciente.Si the patient is lucky, can have the opportunity to enjoy a high quality of life without dialysis or transplant renal.Espero all patients with renal failure may be the lucky one.

If you want more information on Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy and need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can leave us a message below or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We are glad to help you.

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