
Can Patient with Lupus Nephritis Get Rid Of Dialysis Treatment Successfully

ANWAR is a male 25-year-old from Egypt, due to repeated facial rash and joint pain that came to our hospital on 26 February 2015. Before coming here, he had dialysis for one month.

After he admitted to our hospital, the doctor made a careful check. Seen from their appearance than their lower limbs were swollen. The blood routine examination shows that the hemoglobin was 84g / L, red blood cells are counted 2.75 × 1012 / L. The test of renal function showed that his serum creatinine was 578umol / L, BUN 46.7mmol / L, UA 620umol / L.

According to your illness condition, our doctor made a plan of treatment that consists of Top Seven TCM therapies.

After 25 days of treatment, his illness turned to the good side and you can see that the fans in his legs disappeared. The blood routine examination shows that the hemoglobin was 112 g / L, red blood cells are counted 3.60 × 1012 / L. The test of renal function is shown that the serum creatinine level was 517umol / L, BUN 30.8mmol / L, UA 30.8mmol / L.

After discharge from our hospital, our doctor prescribed some Chinese medicines to consolidate the curative effect. A month later after returning home its low levels of serum creatinine 270umol / L, then he has to take dialysis once a week. Two months later, after he back home their low levels of serum creatinine 160umol / L, then he decided to stop dialysis.

Seen from its history, we know that with the help of Chinese medicine, the patient of kidney failure may have the opportunity to stop dialysis, at least they can reduce dialysis time.

If you are a patient with renal failure and want to get rid of dialysis or want to know more details about our Top Seven TCM therapies can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com, and we will help you with everything.

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