
Patient of Uremia expectancy has got rid of dialysis

Patient of Uremia expectancy has got rid of dialysis

13 October 2015 ERNEST KABU AKUAKU came to our hospital for further treatment, the following are some details about him and his treatment here.

Age: 35
Gender: male
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Ghana
Medical history:
Eight years ago, her blood pressure rose to 140 / 90mmHg, 2+ protein, occult blood 1+.

2 years ago, he caught a headache induced by cold and dizzy and that then their blood pressure rose to 190/100 mm Hg, 2+ protein, occult blood 2+, serum creatinine increased to 1980umol / L (22.4mg / dl) in order to extend his life, he has to take dialysis.

3 months, your urine output up to 200 ml / day.

Disease condition before treatment:

There are fans in their lower limbs, blood pressure of 210/120 mmHg, hemoglobin 87 g / L, BUN25.2mmol / l, serum creatinine 1433umol / L, UA 359umol / L, 6.56 mmol potassium / l, 7, 9 Total carbon mmol / L dioxide Phosphorus 1.43 mmol / L

Diagnosed as:

Uremia, renal hypertension, renal anemia


One four traditional Chinese medicinal treatment and Bath Therapy

Disease condition after treatment:

After 35 days of treatment, overall it becomes good. Swollen lower limbs disappeared, they decrease in blood pressure of 160/100 mmHg. The test shows hemoglobin 112g / L, BUN 14.3 mmol / L, serum creatinine 858umol / l, potassium 5.19mmol / L, Total Carbon Dioxide 25.5mmol / L, Phosphorus 1.28 mmol / L
Although not get rid of dialysis, but he is very satisfied with the healing effect. And he knows that time who insist on taking the systematic treatment that will get rid of dialysis soon.

To learn more details about your treatment or want to live a quality life, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you.

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