
what is the Treatment kidney disease caused by diabetes

At the clinic, diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney disease because this disease control are connected to the health of many people.

Why diabetes can lead to kidney disease?

First, the glomeruli are the basic functional units in the kidneys. Under proper conditions, they can filter metabolic toxins and excess fluid from the body normally. Therefore, the level of GFR can maintain a stable and standard level. However, if the blood sugar is high, it will cause hypertransfusion and high pressure in the glomeruli. High voltage low will cause thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and extracellular matrix increased.

Secondly, diabetes can cause serious metabolic disorder, which leads to the products of glycosylation. Glycosylation products may cause a lot of inflammatory factors that are attracted in their kidneys. Meanwhile, the serum albumin is combined with glomerular basement mebrane. In short, it will cause cell proliferation and hyperplasia mesenchyme. As a result, the glomeruli become necrotic.

Once glomeruli deteriorate, the kidneys stop functioning properly. As a result, the high level of toxins accumulate in the body and protein in the urine leak.

How to treat kidney disease caused by diabetes?

You know the main cause of diabetic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease) is the high blood sugar level, because it must control the level of blood sugar first. Based on this point, you can choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, one of the most effective treatments for kidney disease. With the help of this disease, kidney damage due to diabetes can be repaired and protected from further damage, because the patient may have a high quality life.

To learn more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to monitor kidney disease caused by diabetes, so you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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