
Dialysis Is Not Your Best Treatment For Kidney Failure Patients

Dialysis Is Not Your Best Treatment For Kidney Failure Patients
When chronic nephritis progresses into ESRD,dialysis and kidney transplant will be their treatment options.They can render the patients have a longer life expectancy,but they may still bring some side effects. Is dialysis or kidney transplant a good option for nephritis patient?

Of course not. Dialysis is not your best treatment option.

Kidney disease, in other word, is the blood toxin disease, for the kidney treatment, we should remove the toxin and to promote the blood circulation in body to improve the kidney function. You know the basic cause of the kidney disease is the lack of the blood and oxygen. So if he can get the proper treatment in time, he can get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

Is it really that some patients can avoid dialysis?

His both kidney size are normal, which means his kidney unites are not damaged seriously. There are more than 1 million glamorous in one kidney. The glamorous in his kidneys can be divided to 3 parts. One part of glamorous are healthy, they are maintaining the rest of his renal function. there is urine 750ml, as the kidney failure patient,urine output, which means the blood and oxygen still can through his kidney cells, which means the damaged kidney cells have the potential to improve.

Compared with maintenance dialysis,kidney transplant is a preferred option for nephritis patients with ESRD.It is a major surgery, in which the diseased kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a living donor or cadaver.If Kidney Transplantis performed successfully,the patients can return to normal life.However,the source of a compatible kidney is limited.It is pretty difficult to get a matched donor.Furthermore,the recurrence rate of nephritis is very high after kidney transplant.There are still a part of patients can enjoy a long life span.

Is there alternative treatment to dialysis and kidney transplant for nephritis with ESRD?In advanced stage of nephritis,a large part of kidney tissues are scarred and even necrotic.To help the patients avoid dialysis and kidney transplant,the ultimate goal of treatment is to restore the impaired kidney tissues and improve renal function.However,there is no such a solution in traditional western medicine.After years’ experiment,a new treatment is created based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine. This new treatment is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The effective medicine ingredients can activate the self-regeneration of impaired kidney tissues to bring an renal function improvement. If so, the patients will avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

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