
ESRD Treatment Without Dialysis

How to treat end stage renal disease(stage 5 CKD) without dialysis? Under normal circumstances, patients with end stage renal disease need to accept Dialysis to maintain their life. Then, is it possible for Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Diseasepatients without dialysis? Contact ONLINE DOCTOR to get more details quickly and directly for free.

For Stage 5 CKD patients,the toxic substances build up in our body thus leading to the occurrence of vomiting,fatigue,itchy feelings,stomach, the ammonia in the mouth,edema and anemia. Without effective treatment, Stage 5 CKD brings short life expectancy for patients.As we all know, Chinese medicine has the function of treating Stage 5 CKD from root perspective. The Chinese medicines need a long time to prepare and has a long course. Meanwhile Chinese herbals are precious. Therefore we need to make a elevation of our Traditional Chinese Medicines.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most advanced Chinese medicines treatment. Chinese herbals are made into pieces, which is needed to put into small bags. The two bags of the activated Chinese medicines work on kidney through special acupoints. The activated Chinese medicines infiltrate kidney thus repairing renal damage. Meanwhile, it also provides nutritions for kidney to improve kidney functions. Besides, this kind of therapy has the similar function with dialysis that they are both removing stasis.

In addition to medicines and reasonable diet, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option for high creatinine levels and high BUN levels. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. It reduces high creatinine and high BUN levels by repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function, as the Chinese herbal medicines can play some functions the western medicines are unable to achieve like extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-coagulation, degradation and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys.

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