
Four One Traditional Chinese Medicine For Nephrotic Syndrome To Avoid Dialysis

Four One Traditional Chinese Medicine For Nephrotic Syndrome To Avoid Dialysis

Do you have heard of the “four one” Chinese medical treatments, which is a basic treatment to deal with kidney disease. There are four steps of this therapy. This therapy can help you avoid dialysis naturally.

One kettle of oral Chinese medicine

a kettle of oral Chinese medicine is boiled by some traditional Chinese medical herbs. The main function of this step is detoxification and it also can invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis.

A dose of micro-Chinese medicine

a dose of micro Chinese medicine is a special form of our Chinese medical herbs. In order to improve the medical effects, we make some Chinese herbs into micro powders, and sent them to the surface of the kidney. Then some impaired kidney cells and tissues will be repaired. At lat, the kidney function will be improved a lot.

A bottle of Maikang composition

A bottle of Maikang composition is the combination of Chinese medical herbs and some nutrient vegetables. It taste a little bit, but it has the function of anti-thrombosis and anti-aging.

a basin of Chinese medical foot bath

a basin of Chinese medical foot bath is so enjoyable to the Nephrotic syndrome patients. Through soaking feet in the hot medical foot bath, the whole blood circulation will be improved and the patients also can gain a good sleep at night.

The advantages of this four “one” is that the active ingredients in them can achieve the lesions directly, by discharging toxins from skin, they can help to cure Kidney Disease without make further damage to the kidneys. Compared with Western Medicine, they can cure the disease from the underlying reason and more natural.

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