
How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease

How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease

How To Increase Urine Output In End Stage Renal Disease?Urine is a kind of liquid which is produced by kidney, in fact it is a waste that the body don’t needed. One normal person can produce 1000—2000ml urine everyday. While it is so different for End Stage Renal Disease patients. Why? If you want to know the reason, you are supposed to contact our ONLINE DOCTOR, and I would like to share some information with you.

How important is urine volume to a kidney disease patient?

The amount of urine has a close relationship with the kidney function of end stage renal disease patients. Once the kidney was damaged, it will lose its kidney function, and the end stage renal disease is the most serious kidney disease, which means there only remain little kidney function. At which stage, the ability of kidney producing urine decline o lot. So as a result, more and more waste will keep in the body and cause other disaster. So it is necessary for end stage renal disease patients to improve the urine.

How to increase urine output in kidney disease patients?

In China, we use Chinese herbal to help may patients to relieve various symptoms successfully. Our experts combines various kinds of Chinese herbal according to inpidual illness situation. We call it “Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy” that the molecules of Chinese medicines can be decomposed into micro molecules which can be absorbed sufficiently and quickly. The advantage of our therapy is the medicine can be penetrated into cells of kidney by professional machine so as to treat the disease from root. Many foreign patients come to China to experience the specific therapy and they are satisfied with our treatments and services.
Besides treating kidney failure and the underlying causes, some natural herbs and foods are natural diuretics to help gradually increase urine output and recover normal urinary flow.

There are many foods in our daily life that can help increase urine flow-parsley, celery, melon, beets, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, onion, cranberry juice, lemon juice, etc.

Many Chinese medicine have natural diuretic properties such as dandelion, cornsilk, celery seed and uva ursi, ginger, juniper can help reduce water retention and increase urine output.

Of cause, the most simplest way is to drink more water if patients do not have serious swelling or high blood pressure.

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