
How To Treat Kidney Failure Caused By Long Time Of Diabetes

How To Treat Kidney Failure Caused By Long Time Of Diabetes

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Apart from dialysis and kidney transplant, is there any other therapy to treat kidney failure?

In fact, for the treatment of this disease controlling of the blood sugar level plays an important role. However, the key point should be repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect them from further damage. Only in this way, this disease can be controlled well.

What treatment is helpful for treating kidney failure caused by diabetes ?
You know, kidney failure is hard to be cured, however it can be controlled well with timely and properly treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective replacement therapies, it can help Diabetic Nephropathypatient live better without dialysis or taking the operation. It is a kind of external application therapies based on traditional Chinese herb medicine, which aims at solve the kidney problems without make further damage to the kidneys. So for Diabetic Nephropathy patient, as long as they can control blood sugar level well, they can have a chance live like a normal person with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

The four significant processes are outspreading blood vessel, antiinflammatory, anticoagulation and degradability, which can gradually well control blood pressure, improve microcirculation, increase blood and oxygen supply, reduce inflammatory response, dissolve thrombus, promote renal effective perfusion, thus providing a better platform for nephron renewal and function rebuilding so as to improve kidney function in Diabetic Nephropathy.

-Medicated Full Bath and Medicated Foot Bath. They can make you sweat. They can also stimulate you to urinate so as to reduce fluid retention in body.

-Enema Therapy. This therapy can improve the function of intestinal tract and lung. When your lung works normally, your kidneys will improve their function to discharge urine.

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