
Is Dialysis the Only Treatment Option to Diabetic Nephropathy

Is Dialysis the Only Treatment Option to Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is a serious complication of persistent high blood sugar. Without early and effective treatments, it will progress into Kidney Failure at last. Some patients are worried about dialysis is the only option for them. Well then, what on earth is the answer?

Why some diabetic nephropathy patients are suggested to do the dialysis?

When people are diagnosed with kidney disease, they may think of the dialysis first. Because the dialysis is a treatment, which has the function of removing toxins and extra fluid form the blood. As we all know, once the kidney was damaged, they will fail to discharge harmful waste and absorb useful substance. So they think the dialysis is so necessary. However, it cannot repair kidney damage at all. Therefore, the treatments also should focus on improving renal function from the root.

In order to achieve the goal, we suggest the following treatments which are widely used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

In our hospital, we mainly use the Chinese medical treatments to deal with diabetic nephropathy instead of the dialysis. One of excellent one is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which can treat the kidney disease form the root. The main composition of this therapy is various kinds of the Chinese medical powders, which are made into medical herbs. These herbs are grow in the nature for a long time, so they have a strong effects to deal with the diabetic nephropathy. With the help of advanced equipment, the micro Chinese medical powders can be sent to the damaged kidney part, so the injured kidney tissues will be controlled and the blocked kidney vessels will be expanded. At last, you can reach the goal of improving the kidney function.

Blood Pollution Therapy

This is a very different treatment method, because it treats kidney failure by firstly cleaning polluted blood and then rebuilding damaged kidney structure. This treatment contains three steps: combined therapy of blood purification, element supplementation and rebuilding of kidney function. This special therapy is especially effective for patients who have large amounts of toxins in blood.

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