
It is necessary for kidney disease patients with creatinine level 2.7 Take Treatment Now

I am a patient of kidney disease, the doctor said that my creatinine level increases to 2.7 and I recommend to take treatment now. But I have no noticeable symptoms, so I refused. I wonder Is it necessary for me to take treatment now?
To be frank, your doctor is right, you should take the treatment, although you do not have symptoms much.

Why kidney disease patients with creatinine level of 2.7 and no symptoms should therefore also take the treatment?

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At the clinic, the creatinine level 2.7 belongs to the stage 3 kidney disease, which is a vital stage renal disease. At this stage you may not have any symptoms of physical distress, while you may occasionally have pain, fatigue or weakness symptoms back. The progression of this disease is very slow in the initial stage, it will be meaningless, probably for a long time, but just likes a exsiting pump in your body that will explode at any time, because their kidneys have been damaged, once you get severe cold or infection, the disease will progress rapidly to renal failure (mean dialysis stage). You can take this case as a crack appeared in the wall, although it is still available, but if you do not repair the crunch, could collapse at any time. So better take timely treatment.

What treatment is best for the patient with kidney disease creatinine level 2.7?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a better option for patients with creatinine level of 2.7. This treatment as one of the innovations of traditional Chinese herb medicine, kidney disease can be treated safely and efficiently. With the help of this treatment, patients with creatinine level of 2.7 renal disease may have the opportunity to return to normal life, at least to live a quality life without dialysis or kidney transplantation.

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