
Can Lupus Nephritis Patients Drink Milk

Lupus Nephritis is caused by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is an autoimmune disease. Diet has a significant effects on people, and Lupus Nephritis patients are no exceptions. Can Lupus Nephritis patients drink milk. It depends.

1.Do not drink too much cold milk. Cold milk and may affect gastrointestinal motor function, and cause mild diarrhea, the nutrients in milk can not be completely absorbed.

2.Lupus nephritis patients do not drink milk before or after taking medicines an hour, because milk can form into covering membrane in the surface layer of drugs, the minerals in milk will react with drug, affect drug absorption.

3.The milk should not be prolonged high temperature cooking. By the high temperature, the milk protein by the state of the sol into a gel state, resulting in the emergence of sediment, which reduces the nutritional value. If you like to drink hot milk can be taken to the insulation and heating, fresh bagged milk into the hot water 5 minutes.

4.When lupus nephritis patients drink milk, they should not drink juice and some other acid drinks, which will cause indigestion and diarrhea.

What are the restrictions of diet for patients with Lupus Nephritis?

1. Limited protein intake

Patients are always told by their doctors not to take large amount of proteins in their diet, because the products of protein metabolism will burden the kidneys. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), which is a indicator reflecting kidney function, is such a product of protein after breaking down. If patients take more protein than they actually needs, their kidneys will work overloaded to discharged wastes.
However, it does not mean patients with Lupus Nephritis cannot take protein at all. Protein is also one kind of nutritions needed by the body. At this time, it is better for patients to take foods that contain high-quality protein. Those foods can meet the body’s needs of energy, and will also produce less wastes. Milk, fish, lean meat, and egg white are all good choices. Yet, soy milk is not included in the diet list for patients with Lupus Nephritis. Soy milk is made from beans, which contain rich plant protein. This kind of protein is low-quality protein, so soy milk is not good for Lupus Nephritis if they already have kidney deficiency.

2. Eat less light-sensitive foods

For Lupus Nephritis patients are required to being exposed to the sun light for a long time because it will worsen their illness condition. Some light-sensitive foods can also aggravate the disease.

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