
Causes and Treatment of Skin Itching In Stage 5 Kidney Failure

Skin itching is a common complication in stage 5 kidney failure. It affects your sleep quality and your mood. What is the cause and treatment for skin itching in stage 5 kidney failure?

The followings are causes and treatment of Uremic Pruritus:

High levels of phosphorus: Due to the fact that dialysis can only perform at 10% of the capacity of a well functioning kidney, it fails to effectively remove phosphorus from the blood. Dialysis can’t remove phosphorus effectively, so phosphorus accumulates in blood. A high level of phosphorus in the body causes itching. In this case, patients could take phosphorus binders and keep a low-phosphorus diet to help prevent or stop itching.

High levels of parathyroid hormone: The levels of the minerals calcium and phosphorus in the blood are unbalanced owing to the renal damage. Low levels of blood calcium trigger releasing of parathyroid hormone which is another cause of itching. Patients could take extra calcium and vitamin D under the instruction of doctor.

Dry skin: Dry skin can also cause itching and it’s a common condition for patients with end stage renal disease. Avoiding long, hot showers or baths and moisturizing soap could help you improve the condition.

Kidney repair treatment: Since low kidney function is the root cause, treatments that can repair damaged kidneys and improve kidney function are needed. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy and Blood Pollution Therapy can be selected according to your specific condition. As long as kidney function increases to more than 15% and maintains stable, you can get rid of dialysis successfully.

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