
How Do Dialysis Patients Lower High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level is a common sign for Kidney Disease. in prolonging course, the patients find their creatinine rises faster after dialysis, and they will need to do dialysis more frequently.This problem has confused patients for a long time. Don’t worry, the following may give you some suggestions.

Can dialysis reduce high creatinine level?

Dialysis is indeed able to help reduce high creatinine level. Some patients find their creatinine level obviously drops after several times of dialysis. The reason is that dialysis removes the wastes including blood creatinine and extra water. A full and good dialysis can be more helpful. However, the creatinine level returns high if the patient stops dialysis.

Why does their high creatinine level relapse?

Because dialysis is only a method to filter the wastes but not repair the damaged kidney, creatinine will build up again without a normal kidney function and then high creatinine level relapses. To maintain the normal creatinine level longer, there are two treatments-kidney transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The former can give the patient a new life if the surgery is successful. With a new kidney, the creatinine level will become normal naturally, but the waiting list is so long that the patient may not have a chance to do a kidney transplant. The later aims at repairing a part of the kidney function. When the kidney can play their function normally, the high creatinine level will drop normally.

How do dialysis patients lower high creatinine level?

1.Chinese Herbal Medicine helps boost the blood circulation, which supplies the damaged kidney cells and tissues with more blood and oxygen, as well as improve their self-cure ability. The herbs for kidney disease differ from person to person.

2.Water.dialysis patients with high creatinine level should pay more attention to the water intake as well if there is no urine outflow or decreased urine. On this occasion, we advise you the fluid intake especially coconut water which helps in healing ailing kidneys by removing excessive wastes and toxins from the body can be increased in your daily life.

However, diet can only help you to slow down the progression of high creatinine level in dialysis patient and it can’t reduce creatinine level from the root. So patients must search for other natural therapies in reducing creatinine level effectively.Micro – Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a Safe therapy.

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