
Calcium can prevent kidney stones

Eat more calcium rich foods than women who eat calcium food, less prone to kidney stones. Because most of them contain calcium salt, so many people thought, with must pay attention to avoid the intake of calcium, even some people think, appear kidney stones is calcium caused by too much. Experts tell us, although excessive calcium is the danger of suffering from kidney stones, but if the amount of intake, in fact, for kidney stones and the role of prevention, so completely without excessive taboo.

The study found that calcium intake can prevent kidney stones

In fact as early as 1993, research suggests that a diet high in calcium actually have to prevent the formation of kidney stones, and this, of Harvard Medical School in the United States after 12 years of follow-up to the risk of kidney stone patients in the diet calcium and renal calculi occur study also found the same results.

The researchers pointed out that eating more calcium rich foods than women who eat calcium food, less prone to kidney stones. The nearly 10 million women study also showed that these women every day mainly from dairy calcium intake, daily intake of 1098 mg of calcium than the daily intake lower than 488 mg women, the risk of kidney stones less than 35%.

In addition, the Japanese scholars put forward the theory of acid-base balance, that blood and tissues in the pH 7 was alkaline, stones easily inhibited, while the pH 7 was acidic stones easily formed. Calcium deficiency of blood acidic, reasonable calcium, blood alkaline, but not conducive to the formation of such stones. Therefore, experts suggest that we usually should pay attention to calcium supplement, but can not be excessive.

Reasonable calcium: tonic in medicine

How to calcium problem, experts suggest that you do not eat calcium drugs, calcium, the best tonic.

The best source of calcium is milk, it is best to drink 250 grams of milk a day to add a cup of yogurt, less part of the calcium supplement. Some experts, the amount of calcium needed for a day, sub sub service is a high absorption rate; calcium carbonate and other easy to be absorbed in the acidic environment, after a meal is the peak of gastric acid secretion, it is best to take after meals.

It is worth mentioning that, for patients with kidney stones or have been cured, it is best not to drink milk before going to bed. The reason is: people in sleep, urine, urine, a variety of physical substances increased, can make the urine become thick. As more calcium in milk, the majority of kidney stones contain calcium salt. The most dangerous factor of stone formation is the sudden increase in the concentration of calcium in the urine. Drink milk 2 to 3 hours, it is the peak of calcium through the kidneys, so that when the state of sleep, urine concentration, calcium more through the kidneys, it is easy to form stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones do not drink milk before bedtime. To avoid this danger, but at night to sleep 4 hours before drinking.

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