
Can you have a child with glomerulonephritis?

Got to be able to give birth to a child? This problem has been the concern of many people. Glomerulonephritis is very common in young and middle-aged, the age of women who have glomerular nephritis can be pregnant with children is placed in front of them the most concerned about the problem. Well, can you get a child with glomerulonephritis? Experts said, if the patient can give birth to the child, to consider various aspects, the following to understand.

Had glomerulonephritis can give birth to a child?? whether female patients with nephritis can be pregnant, should focus on in the renal function is normal or not, first of all in the pregnancy is not, certainly can fit the conditions of pregnancy, pregnancy after basis kidney status discrimination can continue with the pregnancy, should enhance monitoring and fully assess the bad results caused by pregnancy.

Women have nephritis want to breed children, they are most worried about is the child will inherit the disease, and the other is during pregnancy will increase the condition. Medical technology continues to develop, they must have certain conditions, careful to make the right decision, to be in stable condition and protein in the urine trace, no clinical symptoms, blood pressure normal, normal renal function, pathological type lighter, no renal tubular and interstitial injury, or can conceive a child.

Got to be able to give birth to a child after the pregnancy, should pay more attention to life conditioning, Bao Wang enough rest and sleep. To a reasonable diet, to ensure that nutrition, adequate vitamin supplement to enhance physical fitness, reduce the chance of infection. Pay attention to warm cold, pay attention to prevention, perineal cleaning to prevent sexual life, reduce the time.

Should also pay attention to skin cleansing and early treatment of dental caries. If there is edema, high blood pressure, should be severely restricted salt intake, to ensure rest, to supplement the protein and the human body essential amino acids, to correct the low serum protein. Women nephritis patients want to be pregnant, be sure to do a detailed examination, in the doctor's guidance to decide whether to give birth to life.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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