
Chronic kidney failure patients how to properly diet

renal failure patients diet
The highly anticipated a disease, because the disease can damage the kidneys, but also lead to abnormal work, serious word will also spread to our life, so many friends to kidney failure in this disease is of special concern, then Xiaobian is give you introduced a renal failure patients how to diet.

The protein in the diet was used by the body, the rest can not be used for urea and uric acid nitrogen waste, too much body plus sodium, potassium and phosphorus must be excreted through the kidneys, the kidneys excrete waste function below 30% is called "the blood containing nitrogen such as waste urea and uric acid began to accumulate, but the quantity of urine is normal; if the renal function continued to deteriorate, the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values increased moderately, nocturia, metabolic acidosis, low blood calcium, blood phosphorus is too high, known as" kidney failure "; when the renal function falls below 10%, said" ", nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, serious hydronephrosis due to pulmonary or heart failure caused by breathing difficulties, urination could reduce the amount of.

When found renal function gradually decline, except, doctors usually recommend disease suffer from reduced protein intake, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, delay into the end of the time; in addition to protein restriction, doctor will according to different condition, sodium restriction or phosphorus and the moisture content of the diet selection, detailed the are as follows:

First, how to limit protein

Is usually recommended protein intake is 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight, such as body weight of 50 kilograms, daily protein intake should control for 30 grams. Our daily food, more or less contain protein, including meat, eggs, milk protein quality is good, the body utilization rate is high, can be used to repair or maintain muscle, such as beans (mung bean, red bean, broad bean, pea seed etc.), drupe (peanuts, cashew), protein quality is poor five grain Cereals, gluten products, flour products, sweet potato, taro, potato, vegetables, fruits contain, will create more waste; soy and soy products belong to vegetable protein, but its quality is not less than the meat, therefore, the experts also suggested that dietary protein restriction should not be fasting in Soybean and its products range. In the strict restriction of protein intake, must choose the source of protein, in order to fully use the body, suggest at least acceptable daily volume of 2 / 3 by the supply of good quality protein.

Two, how to add heat

Under the principle of protein restriction, rice intake restricted easily lead to insufficient heat, so that the body protein consumption, increase in urea, physical wasting away poor resistance, so must eat more high calorie, low protein foods (such as sugar: sugar, rock sugar, honey, fruit and sugar; vegetable oil and protein powder, such as Elizabeth, corn flour, cornstarch, lotus root starch, powder in winter, Nishitani Mi, pink circle and so on). Daily calorie intake: 35-45 calories per kilogram of body weight.

Three, how to limit the sodium ion

Sodium in the body regulating the balance of water and muscle activity, when renal function not full-time, may not the body too much sodium discharge, causing, edema, and fluid in the lungs, increase the burden on the heart, a long period of time can lead to heart failure. Contains large amounts of sodium salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, vinegar, miso and other, processing and preserved canned sodium a lot, so daily life as far as possible to choose natural food, cooking can be more use of sugar, white vinegar, onion, ginger, garlic, spices, cinnamon, pepper, parsley, lemon, etc. the other flavor food, food more delicious.

Four, how to limit potassium ion

Potassium is widely found in meat, dark green vegetables, fruits, dried beans in the. Renal function is not HERSHEY'S, may not be able to effectively remove excess potassium, potassium is too high will lead to serious cardiac conduction and contraction abnormalities, and even death. When the diet need to limit potassium ion, should be less potassium ion content of the high concentration of vegetables and fruits. Such as mushroom, amaranth, broccoli, spinach, water spinach, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, mustard, guava, loquat, peaches, oranges, hard persimmon, oranges, Sakyamuni and and avoid eating raw vegetables; other such as coffee, tea, chicken, cow essence, ginseng essence, concentrated meat soup, thin salt, soy sauce, no salt, soy sauce, salt and a half, on behalf of the salt potassium content is also high. When cooking food, first with boiling water burns, remove the soup and then fried in oil, can reduce the intake of potassium.

Five, how to limit phosphorus ions

P's main function is to strengthen bones, almost all foods contain phosphorus, patients with renal failure due to the kidneys are unable to work properly, the excess phosphorus accumulation in the blood, causing high blood phosphorus can cause skin itching and skeletal lesions. Most physicians will open to hydrogen aluminum or calcium carbonate and phosphate binders are the two, with food in phosphorus, discharged from the feces. (please note: the phosphate binder must be mixed with the food before it is effective. ) in addition to the use of phosphate binders, for high phosphorus foods such as dairy products, soft drinks, cola, yeast (kin (sugar), visceral, dry beans, cereals category (brown rice, whole wheat bread, eggs, dried fish, etc. should also be careful to avoid more food, the food before cooking blanch, part of the phosphorus removal.

Understanding of the content, we clearly know the diet with chronic renal failure patients how to correctly, you must know that diet for patients with renal failure is very important, if there is improper diet, then it will give patients with especially serious harm, aggravating illness.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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