
How can we find the early stage of renal failure

Early renal failure
Many diseases are hard to find in the early stage, is caused by the late stage of a variety of diseases, the harm of renal failure is very large, the human body will cause great harm. And the early symptoms of renal failure is very obvious, then we should be how to discover the early stage of renal failure?.

First, the patient will appear in the early general phenomenon

In general a lot of patients will appear in the phenomenon of hematuria, in the occurrence of hematuria at the same time, generally without pain or other symptoms. Hematuria is often intermittent, occurs after a period of time will stop, but will repeatedly attack. So when the first hematuria, attention, early medical treatment, can get early diagnosis.

Second, most patients will appear the phenomenon of low back pain

About 50% of patients will be in low back pain phenomenon, this phenomenon is likely to be misdiagnosed patients, so the patient should be cautious. Low back pain is the result of increased tumor foci in the renal capsule or compression of peripheral nerve and muscle tissue. Much for the waist or upper abdominal pain. I have a blood clot down discharge severe angina, may be mistaken for kidney and ureter.

Third, there are a small part of the patient will appear waist bag

Lesions increased to a considerable extent from the waist or upper abdomen to touch (or see) the package block. About 30% to 20% of patients will have this symptom. Mass is easy to touch in the lateral decubitus position, sometimes also can see the package with the upper and lower respiratory movement. If the package is attached to the surrounding tissue, then the package is fixed and can not be pushed, then it is a late stage.

If the patient can find a friend for the first time, and take the corresponding remedial measures, can greatly reduce the damage to the human body. And in the first time of discovery, should go to the first hospital for diagnosis, and actively cooperate with the doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of renal failure.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/chronic-kidney-failure/

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