
How to judge the early symptoms of Iga nephropathy

What are the early symptoms of Iga, patients understand it, and even a lot of people have not heard of this kind of kidney disease.

And experts say, for the early symptoms of IgA nephropathy is very difficult to find, the general patients in the early will not appear any feeling, even if there is a little symptoms, the patient will not be aware of. Therefore, it is very helpful to know thesymptoms of IgA nephritis.

So what are the early symptoms of IgA nephropathy? Let's look at the following details.

First of all for early in patients with IgA nephropathy will generally appear foam urine, long do not fade away, elucidation ofprotein excretion in the urine more. The general performance for discoloration of urine, urine was brown thick, wash water meat, soysauce color or opacity, such as rice water, see a doctor immediately.

Patients with abnormal urine volume, some patients will increase the amount of urine, and some patients will reduce the amount ofurine, for normal people speaking, one day about 1500 ml or so, 4-8 times a day. If the patient appears in all normal circumstances,abnormal urine volume, should go to the hospital to do the examination of the relevant IgA nephropathy.

Among them, the patients with IgA nephropathy will appear at night of nocturia phenomenon, in terms of the normal, general undernormal circumstances, nocturia 1, 2 times normal, and when patients with nocturia should cause patients to cautious, to the hospitalfor treatment.

For the majority of patients with kidney disease will be the phenomenon of edema. General on the early IgA nephropathy patients getup early in the morning after the eyelids or facial edema, the afternoon decline, fatigue after the increase, the rest of the relief,severe edema will be presented in the inner side of the double ankle, double lower limbs, waist and other parts.Visible in a timely manner is the IgA glomerulonephritis is the most renal symptoms, such as the change of urine volume, edema, and

so on, these are can be used as the basis for the diagnosis of IgA nephritis, so experts advise patients: must be in the IgAnephritis grand mal in time before the treatment.

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