
How to prevent glomerular nephritis

In kidney disease, there is a kind of called, the expert points out that the kidney, glomerulonephritis is simple, it is nephritis,

now suffering from the disease more people, especially the living conditions and physical condition is not particularly good

teenagers. Renal glomerular

Inflammation is a pathological stage after the decline of renal function,. A lot of people should be very want to know the

prevention of glomerular nephritis, the following small series to simply say.

First, strengthen exercise, enhance the body immunity. Insist on physical exercise, can enhance the body resistance, thus reducing,

pharyngitis and tonsillitis disease etc.. When there is a respiratory infectious disease, should actively do

Good preventive work, when necessary to take isolation measures. Once the infection of Streptococcus pharyngitis, epidemic cold,

impetigo skin diseases, should be timely treatment, under the guidance of a doctor can choose early use of penicillin. Can not make

With penicillin, can be used to control the infection and the observation of the disease, to reduce the incidence of nephritis has a

greater role.

Second, the high risk groups should be regularly checked. With the improvement of living standards and the arrival of the aging

society, and the patient is increasing year by year, the disease is easy to complicated with glomerulonephritis, and easily lead to

uremia, and therefore become a

The high risk population of glomerular nephritis.

Finally, usually to develop good living habits. To get rid of bad habits like drinking and smoking, regular physical health

examination, early detection of diabetes and hypertension, and effective control of blood sugar and blood pressure.

Read the contents of the above introduction, you on glomerulonephritis prevention should be clear, Xiaobian found, the prevention

methods of the disease is nothing more than exercise, regularly to the hospital to do the relevant checks, and develop good habits.

Visible, as long as the above three aspects, a lot of times, many diseases can be avoided.

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