
Kidney stone season" when how to eat?

Refers to the development of the junction of the kidney, pelvis and pelvis and ureter. Most located in the renal pelvis, renal

parenchymal stones rare. Plain radiographs showed renal area single or multiple round, oval or triangular dense blunt impact, high

density and uniformity. The edge is smooth, but there is not a glossy mulberry. Urinary stone formation in the kidney is the main

part and any other parts of the stones can be primary in the kidney, ureteral calculi are almost from the kidney and kidney stones

than in any other part of calculus more easily direct injury to the kidney, so early diagnosis and treatment is very important. This

year, with the improvement of the level of material life, the incidence of the disease showed an upward trend.

Kidney stones form more in hot summer. Summer is known as the kidney stones season, the disease diagnosis rate of two times in

winter. There are two reasons for the increase in vitamin D. Because the summer a lot of sweat, and even in the body dehydration, so

that less urination, coupled with the summer exposure to the sun for a long time, ultraviolet exposure to the skin, help in vivo

vitamin D and vitamin A synthesis increased. Vitamin A and vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium ions in the small

intestine, urinary excretion of calcium increased, urinary stones material is easy to produce crystalline nuclei, thereby forming

stones. Experts said that the situation of water shortage in the urine concentration increased, the crystal is more likely to form,

resulting in kidney stones, and therefore more should drink plenty of water in summer. In winter, the weather is cold, the increase

in the amount of urine, has formed a small stone was washed away by urine, moving down, this time causing renal colic symptoms.

Therefore, kidney stones are usually formed in winter.

The formation of kidney stones, the main reason is the diet. It is caused by the excessive absorption of the ingredients in the diet

to form stones. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of kidney stone disease, it is necessary to change only a single seeking a

nutrition and the pursuit of the concept of nutrition. That is to say, in the human diet, can not eat good food, high nutritional

value, just to eat. Must pay attention to the food mix, all kinds of food are appropriate to eat. So people should pay attention to

the following aspects in daily life:

1, kidney stone patients should not drink milk before bedtime

In the evening, a lot of people drink milk, because milk contains tryptophan, help sleep. This is no doubt appropriate for a healthy

person, but for patients with kidney stones or for the cured, it is different. Because people in sleep, the amount of urine is

reduced, the visible matter in the urine increases, can make the urine become thick. As more calcium in milk, the majority of kidney

stones contain calcium salt. The most dangerous factor of stone formation is the sudden increase in the concentration of calcium in

the urine. Drink milk 2 to 3 hours, it is the peak of calcium through the kidneys, so that when the state of sleep, urine

concentration, calcium more through the kidneys, it is easy to form stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones do not drink milk

before bedtime. To avoid this danger, but at night to sleep 4 hours before drinking.

2, excessive accumulation of oxalic acid

Large accumulation of oxalic acid in vivo, is one of the factors leading to renal urinary calculi. Such as spinach, beans, grapes,

cocoa, tea, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots and other things that people generally love to eat, it is a higher food

containing oxalic acid.

3, purine metabolism disorders

Animal offal, seafood, beans, peanuts, spinach, contain more purine components. Metabolism in the body, the metabolism of uric acid.

Can make the urine uric acid oxalate precipitation. Urinary stones were formed in the urine. In addition, purine whole grains also

contain more edible, should be limited, and will not have this kind of problem and.

4, fat intake too much

Animal's meat, especially fat pork, is a fat - fat food. Eat more body fat increases certainly, will reduce the intestinal calcium,

oxalate absorption increased, once the excretory function failure, such as sweating, less water, less urine, renal calculi is likely

to form in this case. So in order to prevent gallstone disease, hot days to drink more, multiple oil and water to eat the food, drink

plenty of water, promoting urination, reduce stone terrible danger.

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