
What are kidney disease treatment

Life is one of the most common disease, there are more and more will be the kidney disease patients, patients after the disease will appear the waist is blunt the emergence of symptoms such as pain, renal colic, then sending more, make it to the great damage to the body of a patient.So, what are the treatment for kidney disease?

Main treatment for kidney stones

New Jin Rong inside the stone by a chicken's gizzard-membrane, plantain seed, grass, alisma toad medicine composition and so on, make the body better able to absorb, to pain, the purpose of dissolved stone row of stone.

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, is to use the break stones in the body, after extracorporeal shock wave focusing in urine in vitro.Advantage is, don't need surgery without anesthesia, need not be in hospital, can be treated in the clinic.Defect is for larger, more complex calculi, and many times after treatment with renal injury.
Conservative treatmentWith plenty of fluids, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) row of stone, moderate exercise methods help stones out on its own.Those with colic pain, etc.Merge infection and anti-infection treatment.Due to kidney stones must pass the ureter to pass spontaneously, so the possibility of its own eduction with ureteral calculi.

The surgical treatment

There are many ways to surgical treatment for kidney stones and percutaneous nephroscope technique is just one of them: for kidney

stones is more than 75 px, shock wave lithotripsy failure, can be treated with percutaneous nephroscope.Renal mirror under the guide of thread, percutaneous puncture to the kidney, under the look with a laser or air pressure ballistic stone smash back out.

Matters needing attention
1. Attaches great importance to the dietary fiber intake:Studies have shown that dietary fiber intake and negatively correlated with urinary calculi incidence, increase the intake of dietary fiber can reduce calcium oxalate and uric acid in the urine.Grains, potato and fresh vegetables are rich in fiber, do the thickness is tie-in, eat more fresh vegetables can increase the beneficial effects of dietary fiber.

2. Add calcium food intake:
Low calcium can make the bone dissolve than bone formation, increased blood and urinary calcium, also increase the absorption and transurethral excretion of oxalic acid, oxalic acid and calcium deposition occurs so that promote the formation of urinary calculi.Therefore, diet should increase calcium intake of food, such as milk, fish and shrimp, kelp, etc.Be careful not to take calcium supplements to prevent urinary calculi, instead of taking too much calcium supplements have increased risk of urinary calculi incidence.

3. Eat food containing vitamin rich:
Can decrease the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in vitamin B6, vitamin K can reduce the oxalic acid content, resulting in the diet should be increased both vitamin intake.Green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and oranges are rich in two kinds of vitamin, appropriate to eat some help to reduce the incidence of urinary calculi
Introduce how to prevent kidney stones White-collar workers how to prevent kidney stones A, do not eat breakfast OL did not eat breakfast is not a few, sometimes to catch up on work in the morning, no time to eat, have a plenty of in order to lose weight, don't want to eat.This seemingly unusual habits and customs is the important cause leading to the lithiasis.According to health care professionals, do not eat breakfast induce considerable risk of lithiasis.This is because the human body after a long sleep at night, need to eat food to supplement energy in the morning, bile as part of the digestive system, the secretion of bile in the morning, ready to digest the food.If people don't eat breakfast, bravery, there is no food to digest, long stay in the gallbladder bile, in the long run, the bile will fill in the gall bladder or bowel, cholesterol from precipitation in bile stone formation.The second people's hospital uropoiesis surgical department Liu Jiuhua lianyungang city

Don't give yourself any excuse not to eat breakfast.Breakfast is not too much time delay, also won't make you fat.Even a simple drink milk, eat bread, also can have preventive effect.
Second, do not love to drink water
Because many OL working rhythm is fast, less time to drink water, and the number of people even have time to drink water, also is not big enough, and that is another important reason for inducing lithiasis.Urine, experts say, drink less, reduce the human body, and can make excessive urine concentration, the concentration of the salts in urine increased, precipitation increased, easily forming kidney stones or urinary stones.
Drinking more water can increase urine output, dilute urine, reduce crystals in the urine concentration, flush the urinary tract, to prevent stone formation and prompted calculous eduction, so even if not thirsty, individuals also should drink water more than 2000 ml every day, and had better choose water.
Love to drink water, equal to fall in love with health!From the morning to the office, the process of the compact time is always special, mood more tense, also the body virtually will appear the phenomenon, so in the office, don't hurry to make coffee, give yourself a cup of white water at least 250 cc!

Third, don't like sports
Exercise can also lead to less of concretion.And OL nature of work determines the time is very long, sit exercise less chance of, a lot of people didn't love sports after work.Expert points out, who rarely movement, on the one hand, is not conducive to calcium absorption, can increase the calcium salt composition in urine, kidney stones or urinary stones.On the other hand the body the abdominal wall is flabby, cause splanchnic prolapse, oppression make bile drainage not free and sedimentation, bile duct and thus the formation of gallstones.
Through the above details, I believe that now you must have a deeper understanding.For some friends suffering from kidney stones, the possible psychological and physiological have some serious stress.So in early detection is very important at ordinary times, usually in the early days is can pass some conventional treatment to recover.We should timely discovery is very important.

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