
White collar regular exercise to protect their kidneys

protect their kidneys

White-collar is now a high-risk population, capable of white-collar work is the dream of many people, the imagination is so cool, every seat to sit in a day, no wind could not exposed to the sun, winter heating, summer air conditioning, but health problems also in a pressing step by step, looking at increasing every day in the waist, are you anxious? With the increase of length of service, whether all white-collar disease also to look for you?

White collar office workers lack of exercise, will become a huge risk of harm to health, a lot of people, especially white-collar women refused to exercise, largely because the campaign will increase the amount of food intake. But in fact, this view is wrong, according to research shows that after sixty minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise, can make you have no appetite for one to two hours.

Exercise can reduce the level of auxin, and increase the number of hormones that suppress appetite in the body. In order to maximize the effect of appetite suppression, you can increase the intensity of the exercise, for example, will become a separate movement. Increase the short bursts and sprint in the exercise, which can consume more energy. Exercise, daily exercise, preferably more than thirty minutes or three for ten consecutive minutes, plus the choice of interest in sports is easy to adhere to!

How to start a movement must make exercise a habit; motion as a task, seven days a week, every day do not leak; from a 20 minute walk every day start, two weeks later increased to forty minutes. Two weeks later increased to 60 minutes.

White collar regular exercise to protect their kidneys? How to judge a person's exercise is appropriate. The appropriate amount of exercise performance is had a little bit of sweat, but feel very relaxed and happy, body slightly feeling tired, rest is good, the next day energy and stamina are very abundant. If excessive movement: movement after a lot of sweat, chest tightness, shortness of breath, very tired, rest for 15 minutes after the pulse is not complex normal beat, on the second day of the body is still not the spirit. If the amount of exercise is not enough: no sweat after exercise, no fever, no change in heart rate or recovery in two minutes rest. Therefore, every day to go to work, the friends of attention, be sure to do a good job, to protect their kidneys.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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