
Women can not be too tired, careful nephritis to find the door

Women are not too tired, careful nephritis to find a home, experts remind every day for work, worry about family bustle of women to

care more about the changes in their bodies, do not be too tired. At the same time, do not blindly diet, if the feeling of the body

have something wrong, the best time to go to the hospital, don't wait for the unbearable degree before going to a doctor, because

diseases such as acute nephritis in early is not obvious symptoms.

- fatigue will induce acute nephritis

According to experts, also known as acute acute nephritis, is a kind of common disease, often occurs after infection, especially

hemolytic streptococcal infection can also be found in other infections, glomerular damage produced a kind of inflammation.

Acute nephritis caused by many reasons, the regulation of onset and the nervous system, endocrine system disorders caused by immune

dysfunction, thus result in glomerular immune injury and fatigue is can induce acute nephritis. Because excessive fatigue can lead

to a significant decline in resistance, medicine, called the emergence of immune system dysfunction, can cause glomerular immune

system dysfunction and lead to acute glomerulonephritis. And excessive fatigue caused by the immune system function decline, will

make people loss of appetite, blood flow in the body, the body will have an impact on the body. And on the kidney, can cause renal

blood flow is insufficient, renal artery contraction, resulting in renal tubular necrosis, clinical manifestations of acute


- diuretics also cause acute nephritis

Cecilia Cheung take diuretics to reduce weight loss caused by acute nephritis, kidney experts said, this is a medical speaking.

Because taking diuretics to lose weight will cause loss of body water gut so that weight decreased significantly in a short period

of time, this will make the internal water electrolyte and acid-base balance disturbance of human body and kidney damage. At

present, there are many types of diuretics, and some of the acting point in the kidney tubules, and some of the acting point in the

glomerular. For patients, in under the guidance of a doctor taking, can reduce the burden on the heart, but if by taking diuretics

to lose weight will appear in dehydration, blood becomes sticky, resulting in reduced blood flow, causing the damage to the renal

tubules, will cause acute nephritis.

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