
How Does Hot Compress Therapy Treat Nausea After Dialysis

It is common to see that so many people have doubt about if Hot compress therapy can really alleviate the side effects of dialysis. That is because people have no idea about this kind of therapy at present.

Why does kidney failure patients have nausea?

The cause of nausea may be acid-base imbalance. Normally our kidneys work to keep acid-base balance and remove wastes and toxins from the body. Once damaged, too many wastes and toxins will accumulate in our kidneys. Meantime, the damaged kidneys pass less urine, and too many things in our body make us feel sick. The main treatment of this condition is to recover the function of kidney. Only when kidneys get better, can these symptoms be alleviated.

The most possible cause may be dialysis imbalance syndrome. Dialysis imbalance syndrome is one side effect of dialysis. When doing dialysis, the toxin in CKD patients’ blood is removed quickly, but the toxins in other parts of body haven’t been removed yet. The different amount of toxins in body will lead to nausea and vomiting. In this case, the speed of ultrafiltration dehydration should be reduced, and patients had better stay in bed and stay calm.

How does Hot Compress Therapy function?

Act on bladder meridian of foot-taiyang with hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23), use internal and external functions of bladder meridian of foot-taiyang and kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin, enter kidney along meridians, eliminate toxic pathogenic factors in kidney.

Shenshu acupoint (BL23) is the acupoint on which damp-heat and cold-dampness qi enter into bladder meridian and discharge externally. Therefore, hot compress is performed on this acupoint.

Hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) is to micro-process medicinals that eliminate toxins and recover original qi, and apply them on Shenshu acupoints (BL23) externally. In such a way, the aim of cleansing toxin can be attained, and original qi can be restored.

The different between Hot Compress Therapy and Dialysis is that Hot Compress Therapy will not make the situation worse anymore, but only will make the condition much better. It uses the effective part of Chinese medicine to swallow the toxins and eliminate waste, promote blood circulation and blood stasis, repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. Once the damage repaired, kidney function improved, the side effects and complications will disappear.

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