
How to Lower Creatinine 3.4 and Prevent Kidney Failure

what is the treatment for high creatinine level 3.4 and kidney failure ? Creatinine is a chemical waste product in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be filtered and eliminated in urine. The chemical waste is a by-product of normal muscle function. The more muscle a person has, the more creatinine they produce. Levels of creatinine in the blood reflect both the amount of muscle a person has and their amount of kidney function.

High creatinine and kidney failure

When there is kidney damage or kidney disease, and the kidneys are not able to filter waste efficiently, there will likely be a rise in creatinine levels in the blood. Dialysis is needed whenever kidney function is too low to maintain health. However, creatinine is just one of many factors considered when deciding whether or not to recommend dialysis treatment.

Is there any effective way to reduce creatinine 3.4 and prevent kidney failure?

There are a lot of natural herbs that can benefit the kidneys so as to lower high creatinine. Some herbs such as dandelion root, cornsilk are natural diuretics which can help increase urine output and at the same time clear more creatinine and other wasteful substances with urination. Some herbs have natural anti-inflammatory functions which can help cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract. And some herbs have direct effects on lowering creatinine level such as cinnamon, stinging nettle, salvia and Siberian Ginseng, etc.

Those medicine can be adopted in Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy for kidney disease patients to reduce creatinine throuth clean toxins in blood. At the same time, it can also repair the damage on kidneys and restore kidney function for patients to prevent the increase of illness condition. Thus will prevent kidney failure happen effectively.

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