
Is there Any Chance to Control Kidney Failure with Creatinine 4.8

I am a kidney failure patient and my serum creatinine level is 4.8 now, the doctor told me that dialysis should be my choice, but i don’t want to take it. I want to know is there any chance for me to control my disease? Is dialysis a good choice for me?

After many years study, and lengthy clinical trials, creatinine was found to be the best indicator of kidney function. Why? Well, there are a few reasons for this, and they are as follows:

1. Creatinine is produced in a relatively constant rate – (expect during strenuous exercise where it increases*)
2. Creatinine is mainly eliminated from the body via the kidneys
3. Creatinine has virtually no reabsorption within the kidneys – meaning there no recycling of creatinine back into the blood stream. Reabsorption would cause a skew in the results, making this molecule a poorer choice for assessing kidney function.

Is dialysis a good choice for kidney failure patient with creatinine 4.8?

Dialysis as one of the common treatment of kidney failure it can relieve some of the symptoms in a short while but it cannot repair the damaged kidneys nor protecting the remaining ones, so as a kidney disease doctor we do not recommend the patient with creatinine 4.8 to take it right now.

What treatment is better than dialysis for kidney disease patient with creatinine 4.8?

The functions that this therapy can serve are as following:

1, expending blood vessels

For patients with kidney disease, since there is inflammatory and different oxidative stress reactions in blood, some injuries happens easily in all levels of vascular tissues. This causes poor blood circulation, relive the state of hypoxia and ischemia.

2, promting blood circulation

it is essential for patients to relive lots of inflammatory substances in blood circulation. Micro-Chinese Medicine takes highly effects to relive inflammatory responses with the promotion of blood circulation as well as expending blood vessels.

3, anti-inflammatory and coagulating

This treatment focuses on increasing activity in blood platelet. It mainly aims at repairing the diseased cells and tissues, so as to prevent the inflammatory and coagulating responses.

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