
Kidney Cysts Can Be Controlled Well By Chinese Medicine Treatment

Are you still using hormone or opertation for your renal cysts treatment now? Do they work well for your disease? Maybe at first, they were work well, while in the later period, they will have no more function for the treatment.

Seven years ago, Eileen was diagnosed with cysts on both kidneys. At first, she received treatment in her local hospital, but due to severe infection, she has to seek help abroad. The following are some details about her, let us have a look.
Seven years ago, she got severe back pain, then she went to the local hospital. The ultrasound shown the biggest cyst is 3cm. Though her kidney cysts were not very big, they make Eileen felt extremely pain. Therefore, doctors prescribed painkiller to alleviate her pain. And when she could not bear the pain, surgery was done to pull fluid out of the cysts so as to shrink the cysts.

During the last 7 years, Eileen did 14 paracentesis. After the last paracentesis, her right kidney was severely infected so that her doctor removed it. Even though, she still felt back pain. Because of massive painkiller intake, her immunity was weakened, making her to have herpes zoster. After that, she began to seek some effective treatments to prevent her disease goes to worse. Then, she heard of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help her, so she went to our hospital for further treatment.

After two weeks’ of treatment, those symptoms of protein urine and blood urine disappeared. And her back pain was totally relieved so that she need not to take painkiller any more.

Finally, with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, her kidney cysts got controlled totally. Now she has back to normal life and need not to worry about the recurrence or infection.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has two goals: one is to shrink kidney cysts and the other is to improve kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is created on the basis of TCM and it has overcome its disadvantages through the combination of advanced western medicine and traditional herbal medicine. This treatment, compared with oral herbal medicine, is externally applied on lower back skin so the pesticide effects can reach to the kidney lesion directly.

Shrinking kidney cysts are achieved through prompting the reabsorption of primary sac fluid and blocking the source of sac fluid supply, while improving kidney function can be achieved by increasing the blood flow on the kidney, enhancing patients’ necrotic ability and nourishing the damaged kidney cells. After a period of treatment, many patients fund their medical condition is improved largely.

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