
Any Solution For High Creatinine Level Without Dialysis

Idialysis the only treatment for high creatinine level? Of course not. Aside from dialysis, in our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, there are a series of Chinese medicines for elevated creatinine level other than dialysis.

We know dialysis reduce creatinine level only eliminate some parts of toxins in blood but can not find out the root reason. With more and more people know about kidney disease, most of us should know about that high creatinine level is caused by kidney damage, which make the kidney function can not work well-- toxins can not discharged from body. Till now, you should understand, if you want to lower high creatinine level, you need to repair kidney damage at first and then restore kidney function. Of course, dialysis does not have those kind of functions.

We know about that the mainly function of Western medicine is control symptoms from surface, while the mainly function of Chinese medicine is treat disease from root. Which means if you want to repair kidney damage and restore kidney function you can have a try on Chinese medicine.

To be honest, only relay oral Chinese medicine can not receive very good curative effect, so that we adopted Chinese medicine into Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This kind of treatment will not bring pain for patients, it is externally.

Micro-Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath, Mai Kang and decoction. They can purify the blood to reduce the damage to kidneys. They can also dilate blood vessels, remove stasis and speed up blood circulation to increase blood flow into the kidneys, which can improve ischemia and anoxia in the kidneys. This can help kidney self-healing. Besides, they can degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis. Moreover, they can eliminate inflammatory factors from the blood to suppress kidney inflammation. Stem Cell Therapy can help you rebuild the kidneys and enhance kidney function. In this way, creatinine level comes down.

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