
Foot Bath Therapy Can Help Kidney Failure Patients Improve Kidney Function

Can Foot Bath Therapy help Kidney Failure patients Improve Kidney Function? If you want to know more about this kind of treatment for kidney failure patients to improve kidney function, you should about the principles of treatment about it.

In Foot Bath Therapy, the warm water can promote our blood circulation, and the blood flow after foot bath can be increased to 10~18 times than normal, which can improve patient’s metabolism and Qi-blood circulation. Besides, Foot Bath Therapy can improve the skin functions of mucosa absorption and skin penetration, which can promote the medicine ingredients to be absorbed into patient’s blood. Foot Bath Therapy can make the ions of Chinese medicines permeate through foot skin, and they will be transported to patient’s organs through blood circulation. Then, the medicine ingredients can reach the effect of treating disease.Stimulate original qi in kidney meridian and eliminate toxic pathogenic factors in kidney meridian by immersing feet into the medicinal decoction, which can act on Yongquan acupoint (KI 1) and Taixi acupoint (KI 3). This treatment of foot bath can make original qi in kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin sufficient and flow smoothly to enter into kidney and then the original qi in kidney can be restored.

This kind of treatment is commonly used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which is one of the core treatments over there and have treated well so many patients with kidney disease. Of course, only relay on this kind of treatment can not work very well for patients. So that it can be matched with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy for kidney failure. Both of them work together can repair the damage on kidneys, rebuild the kidney tissues and restore kidney function. And we know about that the reason for kidney failure can not be cured is due to there have too much toxins in blood and body which can not discharged out of body by kidneys due to kidney damage, so that Micro-Chinese Medicine and Foot Bath Therapy can clean toxins in blood from root. That’ s why patients with kidney failure can be treated well over here.

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