
High Creatinine in Diabetes: A Sign of Diabetic Nephropathy

If you have diabetes and also high creatinine level, you should be careful with your kidney function. Your kidneys may have been damaged. High creatinine level in diabetes is a sign of Diabetic Nephropathy. Timely treatment is important.
Creatinine level is an important index in assessing renal function. If high creatinine level occurs, it may reveal that your kidneys can not work as normally as before. If you have lived with diabetes for many years and find high creatinine occasionally, you should find out if it is associated with diabetic nephropathy.
High creatinine level implies that diabetic nephropathy has occurred. Managing diabetes alone has not been enough for you. The following tips can help you manage your high creatinine level.

* Controlling blood sugar level is crucial to reduce damage to kidneys and slow diabetic nephropathy progression.

* High blood pressure is a risk factor in deteriorating renal function. Medications and changing your diet may be prescribed to help control your blood pressure.

* As creatinine is the products of muscle, you should limit the consumption of meat to reduce strain on your kidneys.

* As high creatinine level results from inadequate function of your kidneys, the key to lower creatinine is to restore your renal function. If their secretory function is improved, the creatinine level will decline completely.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely applied into Diabetic Nephropathy treatment. In TCM, there are various therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Enema Therapy, Circle Therapy, Steam Therapy, Medicated Full Bath, Moxibustion, etc. They do not only aim at lowering your creatinine level, but also repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function to stabilize your creatinine level. For example, some of them draw toxins and expel wastes out of the body to reduce their accumulation in body; some can extend blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation. With good blood blow, active ingredients of medicine can reach nidus to take effect; some can decompose the deposited immune complexes to reduce kidney inflammation and degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis; some can help reduce blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and regulate blood sugar level. After a period of treatment, your kidney function will gradually improve and your high creatinine level will go down. Besides, your blood sugar level can be controlled very well.

How to treat Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level? You can choose the suitable one for yourself. If you are interested in our treatment, please feel free to contact online doctor or leave a message below. Our nephrologist will email you later to give you a personalized guidance on treatment.

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