
Immunotherapy Is A Radical Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

Immunotherapy is the fundamental treatment for IgA Nephropathy at present. We should know what IgA Nephropathy is.Before knowing the function of this therapy, I would like to introduce something about IgA nephropathy. This disease can lead to kidney function decline. Once kidney function declines, many symptoms will occur, such as proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, swelling and so on. In many countries, doctors will prescribe some medications to eliminate symptoms. These medications do have a certain effect for the time being. However, once patients reduce the dosage or stop taking medications, the illness condition is easy to relapse. Fortunately, Immunotherapy is created by our our experts and it has an obvious effect on removing harmful and toxic substances and improving renal function.

Immunotherapy is one of the characteristic treatments of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which mainly has six steps, including immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. And immunotherapy is aiming to remove immune complexes, restore kidney function and adjust immune system. We generally combine western medicine and Chinese Medicine to treat IgA Nephropathy.

Common western medicines are applied to control symptoms such as high blood pressure, hematuria and proteinuria, etc. However, western medicines just treat the disease superficially. In this condition, Chinese Herbal Medicines play an important role in immunotherapy. With degradation and promoting blood circulation, immune complexes can be removed; with anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and removing blood stasis and providing nutrients for kidneys, kidney function can be improved gradually. Besides, some ingredients in the Chinese Herbal Medicine can adjust immune system. As long as your immune system is improved, the occurrence rate of IgA Nephropathy will be reduced.

If Immunotherapy is beneficial to you or you are interested in it, we are here to help you learn more about the treatment to fight against kidney disease.

All in all, Immunotherapy differs from conventional treatment because of its combination with Western medicine and Chinese medicine. This therapy can improve kidney function from the root which is vital for IgA nephropathy patients.

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