
This 14 Years Old Uremia Patient Get Great Improvement In Our Hospital

For 14 years old boy with uremia, the life is cruel for him. He can live a much better life like other boys, so we will try our best to save his life. With our characteristic Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital, he gets a great improvement. The following is his treatment experience.

Patient Information:

YUSUF, a 14 years uremia patient from Saudi Arabia comes to our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for treatment. Here after 14 days of treatment, he gets a great improvement.

Before the treatment

Hemoglobin 108g/L, Urea nitrogen 32.1mmol/L, Creatinine 1012umol/L, Uric acid 418umol/L, Total carbox oxidate 18.2mmol/L. He was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis, uremia stage, renal anemia, renal hypertension, and metabolic acidosis.

Treatment Process:

The treatment in our hospital is a combined therapy including western medicines and Chinese medicines. We all know western medicines are for symptoms while Chinese medicines treat the disease from the root. As for this patient’s condition, our doctors first give him medicines to control his blood pressure and correct his acidosis and regulate calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Apart from controlling his condition, the key point in uremia treatment is to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. Here we apply Hot Compress Therapy, oral Chinese medicine soup, Medicated Foot Bath, Enema Therapy and Circle Therapy to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, draw out toxins and protect renal function. Besides, Mai Kang Mixture 120ml twice a day is used to replenish qi and blood.

After the treatment

5 days of hospitalization life, there is less bubbles in his urine and you can see flocs in his urine. And urine color also becomes darken. After 7 days of treatment, his fatigue is relieved and he sweats more.14 days of treatment later, his urea nitrogen is reduced to 22.7mmol/L. High creatinine level is reduced to 710umol/L and uric acid is reduced to 311umol/L.

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