
Three aspects of kidney failure health care

Chronic Kidney Failure in life has be seen more common, kidney failure after the onset of the disease, will seriously threaten the health of patients, but also to the patients constitute a great harm. In real life, when the failure of renal failure, many people do not know how to take treatment, then, life, renal failure, health care methods is what »Here are related presentations.
(1) to establish confidence in the fight against the disease: a longer course of renal failure, easy to recurrent, patients should be encouraged to strengthen the fight against the disease with confidence, close cooperation with the treatment, to overcome the disease.

(2) diet: acute renal failure, edema or high blood pressure should limit the amount of salt intake, daily 2 ~ 4g is appropriate. A high degree of edema should be controlled in the daily 2g the following, salted fish, all kinds of pickles should be hanged, until the edema subsided sodium salt volume and then gradually increased. Drinking water should not be restricted except for significant edema. Low plasma protein without azotemia should be into the high-protein diet, the daily protein should be 60 ~ 80g or higher. The emergence of azotemia should limit the total protein intake, the daily 40g the following, the supply of essential amino acids rich in high quality protein, the total calories should be 0.146kJ / kg body weight, diet and nutritional supplements, vitamins, fruits and vegetables Not limited to.

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(3) rest and work: the patient once diagnosed with renal failure, in the initial stage, regardless of the severity of symptoms, should be based on active rest-based treatment, regular follow-up observation of changes in condition. Such as the condition improved, edema subsided, blood pressure returned to normal or near normal, urinary protein, red blood cells and a variety of tube-type trace, stable renal function, then 3 months after the start in light work, to avoid strong physical labor, prevention of respiratory and urinary Road infection occurs. Activity should be gradually increased gradually to promote physical recovery. Where there is hematuria, a large number of urine protein, edema or hypertension, or progressive renal dysfunction in patients, should be bed rest and active treatment.

The above is for the renal failure of health care methods introduced, these points for the rehabilitation of patients with renal failure help, in addition to the above description, we have to do the following points, first, patients with renal failure must establish a good Mentality, and do the daily diet, the only way to as soon as possible away from the hazards of renal failure.

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