
What Is The Treatment for 7.1cm Kidney Cyst

For people with 7.1 cm kidney cyst in kidney, they should take actions immediately, because it is big enough to make damage to the kidney. Well then, what is the treatment for 7.1cm kidney cyst?

A kidney cyst is a renal tubular proliferation. The causes of kidney cyst are still uncleared. By far, there is no treatment for kidney cyst in the world. Even surgery cannot treatment kidney cyst.

In addition, in most cases, a kidney cyst will be filled again after surgery in about 6 months to 2 years.

Operation is not the only way to treat kidney cyst.

For the treatment of kidney cyst, in recent years, there has been a change towards conservation in the management of the simple cyst. Chinese herbalists treat this disease by the method of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can quickly remove the toxins in the kidney, improve the environment in the kidney tissues, repair the damaged kidney tissues and revive the disordered cell membrane.

Besides, it can eliminate the accumulation of glomerular matrix, and recover glomerular filtration function and finally restrain the enlargement of the cyst.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is doing the treatment according to the Chinese Traditional Medicine theory of using the method of treating the internal disease externally. This means apply the traditional medicine powder at the local part of bilateral kidney regions, the medicine is osmosed into the human body through outside of the skin, by superficial venues and blood vessel to acupoint then play it function to the kidney lesions.

It is an external application used on bilateral Shenshu acupoints. With osmotic device, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. This therapy can increase blood circulation by expanding blood vessels, reducing inflammation and degrading extracellular matrixes. Then, kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to repair damaged renal tissues.

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